* /api/get ** Recieved Data All versions of the script send a comma seperated list of post numbers, =post_nrs= and a board =board=. Modern versions of bantflags also send a version number, =version=, which decides how the returned data will be formatted. Data looks like this: #+BEGIN_SRC http POST https://flags.plum.moe/api/get Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded post_nrs=12345,12346,14444&board=bant&version=1 #+END_SRC ** Sent Data *** GetPosts Returns an =IEnumerable>= of post numbers and their flags where the post numbers are contained in =post_nrs=. =board= limits the query to only the board we're currently on. *** GetPosts_V1 Minimum script version: 0 Flags are converted from an =IEnumerable>= to a =List>= by joining the values in the =DataRow= by "||", which are then split and converted into an array by the script. We're doing a needless conversion at both ends which slows the whole process down, but it's how extraflags is set up and we need to support it. Data looks like this: #+BEGIN_SRC javascript [ { {"post_nr": "123"}, {"regions": "flag1||flag2||flag3"} }, { {"post_nr": "456"}, {"regions": "flag4||flag3||flag3"} } ] #+END_SRC *** getPosts_V2 Minimum script version: 2 Flags are converted from an =IEnumerable>= to a =Dictionary>= which can then be parsed by the script without any conversion. This format is the same as returned from the database query, sans the extra information returned by a =DataRow= Data looks like this: #+BEGIN_SRC javascript [ 123: [ "flag1", "flag2", "flag3" ], 456: [ "flag4", "flag3", "flag3" ] ] #+END_SRC