// ==UserScript== // @name /bant/ Flags // @namespace BintFlegs // @description More flags for r/banter // @include http*://boards.4chan.org/bant/* // @include http*://archive.nyafuu.org/bant/* // @include http*://archived.moe/bant/* // @include http*://thebarchive.com/bant/* // @include http*://nineball.party/* // @exclude http*://boards.4chan.org/bant/catalog // @exclude http*://archive.nyafuu.org/bant/statistics/ // @exclude http*://archived.moe/bant/statistics/ // @exclude http*://thebarchive.com/bant/statistics/ // @version 2.0.0 // @grant GM_xmlhttpRequest // @grant GM_getValue // @grant GM_setValue // @grant GM.setValue // @grant GM.getValue // @grant GM.xmlHttpRequest // @run-at document-idle // @icon https://flags.plum.moe/flags/0077.png // @updateURL https://flags.plum.moe/bantflags.meta.js // @downloadURL https://flags.plum.moe/bantflags.user.js // ==/UserScript== // (C) Copyright 2019 C-xC-c // This file is part of /bant/ Flags. // /bant/ Flags is licensed under the GNU AGPL Version 3.0 or later. // see the LICENSE file or // Change this if you want verbose debuging information in the console. const debugMode = false; const isGM4 = typeof GM_setValue === 'undefined'; const setValue = isGM4 ? GM.setValue : GM_setValue; const getValue = isGM4 ? GM.getValue : GM_getValue; const xmlHttpRequest = isGM4 ? GM.xmlHttpRequest : GM_xmlhttpRequest; // // DO NOT EDIT ANYTHING IN THIS SCRIPT DIRECTLY - YOUR FLAGS SHOULD BE CONFIGURED USING THE FLAG SELECT // const version = encodeURIComponent(2); // Breaking changes. const back_end = 'https://flags.plum.moe/'; const api_flags = back_end + 'api/flags'; const flag_dir = back_end + 'flags/'; const api_get = back_end + 'api/get'; const api_post = back_end + 'api/post'; const namespace = 'BintFlegs'; // If you increase this the server will ignore your post. const max_flags = 30; let regions = []; // The flags we have selected. let postNrs = []; // all post numbers in the thread. let board_id = ""; // The board we get flags for. let flagsLoaded = false; // // DO NOT EDIT ANYTHING IN THIS SCRIPT DIRECTLY - YOUR FLAGS SHOULD BE CONFIGURED USING THE FLAG SELECT // const debug = text => { if (debugMode) console.log('[BantFlags] ' + text); } // Test unqiue CSS paths to figure out what board software we're using. const software = { yotsuba: window.location.host === 'boards.4chan.org', nodegucaDoushio: document.querySelector('b[id="sync"], span[id="sync"]') !== null, foolfuuka: document.querySelector('div[id="main"] article header .post_data') !== null }; const makeElement = (tag, options) => Object.assign(document.createElement(tag), options); const toggleFlagButton = state => document.getElementById('append_flag_button').disabled = state === 'off' ? true : false; const flagSource = flag => flag_dir + flag + ".png"; /** Add styles to the */ const addGlobalStyle = css => document.head.appendChild(makeElement('style', { innerHTML: css })); /** Wrapper around GM_xmlhttpRequest. * @param {string} method - The HTTP method (GET, POST). * @param {string} url - The URL of the request. * @param {string} data - text for the form body. * @param {Function} func - The function run when we recieve a response. Response data is sent directly to it. */ const makeRequest = ((method, url, data, func) => { xmlHttpRequest({ method: method, url: url, data: data, headers: { "Content-Type": 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' }, onload: func }); }); /** Itterate over selected flags are store them across browser sessions.*/ function saveFlags() { regions = []; const selectedFlags = document.querySelectorAll(".bantflags_flag"); for (var i = 0; i < selectedFlags.length; i++) { regions[i] = selectedFlags[i].title; } setValue(namespace, regions); } /** Add a flag to our selection. * @param {string} flag - The flag to add to our selection. Either passed from saved flags or the current value of flagSelect */ function setFlag(flag) { let UID = Math.random().toString(36).substring(7); let flagName = flag ? flag : document.querySelector('#flagSelect input').value; let flagContainer = document.getElementById('bantflags_container'); flagContainer.appendChild(makeElement('img', { title: flagName, src: flagSource(flagName), id: UID, className: 'bantflags_flag' })); if (flagContainer.children.length >= max_flags) toggleFlagButton('off'); document.getElementById(UID).addEventListener("click", e => { flagContainer.removeChild(e.target); toggleFlagButton('on'); saveFlags(); }); if (!flag) // We've added a new flag to our selection saveFlags(); } function init() { let flagsForm = makeElement('div', { className: 'flagsForm', innerHTML: '
    ' }); // Where do we append the flagsForm to? if (software.yotsuba) { document.getElementById('delform').appendChild(flagsForm); } else if (software.nodegucaDoushio) { document.querySelector('section').append(flagsForm); } // As posts are added the flagForm moves up the page. Could we append this after .section? for (let i = 0; i < regions.length; i++) { setFlag(regions[i]); } document.getElementById('append_flag_button').addEventListener('click', () => flagsLoaded ? setFlag() : alert('Load flags before adding them.')); document.getElementById('flagLoad').addEventListener('click', makeFlagSelect, { once: true }); } /** Get flag data from server and fill flags form. */ function makeFlagSelect() { makeRequest( "GET", api_flags, "", // We can't send data, it's a GET request. function (resp) { debug('Loading flags.'); if (resp.status !== 200) { console.log('Couldn\'t get flag list from server') return; } let flagSelect = document.getElementById('flagSelect'); let flagList = flagSelect.querySelector('ul'); let flagInput = flagSelect.querySelector('input'); let flags = resp.responseText.split('\n'); for (var i = 0; i < flags.length; i++) { let flag = flags[i]; flagList.appendChild(makeElement('li',{ innerHTML: `${flag}` })); } flagSelect.addEventListener('click', function (e) { // So it works if we click the flag image const node = e.target.nodeName === 'LI' ? e.target : e.target.parentNode; if (node.nodeName === 'LI') { flagInput.value = node.querySelector('span').innerHTML; } flagList.classList.toggle('hide'); }); document.getElementById('flagLoad').style.display = 'none'; document.querySelector('.flagsForm').style.marginRight = "200px"; // Element has position: absolute and is ~200px long. flagSelect.style.display = 'inline-block'; flagsLoaded = true; }); } /** add all of the post numbers on the page to postNrs. */ function getPosts(selector) { const posts = document.querySelectorAll(selector); for (let i = 0; i < posts.length; i++) { const postNumber = software.yotsuba ? posts[i].id.substr(2) // Fuck you 4chan. : posts[i].id; postNrs.push(postNumber); } debug(postNrs); } /** Get flags from the database using values in postNrs and pass the response on to onFlagsLoad */ function resolveFlags() { makeRequest( 'POST', api_get, 'post_nrs=' + encodeURIComponent(postNrs) + '&board=' + encodeURIComponent(board_id) + '&version=' + version, function (resp) { if (resp.status !== 200) { console.log('[bantflags] Couldn\'t load flags. Refresh the page.'); return; } const jsonData = JSON.parse(resp.responseText); debug(`JSON: ${resp.responseText}`); Object.keys(jsonData).forEach(post => { let flags = jsonData[post]; if (flags.length <= 0) return; debug(`Resolving flags for >>${post}`); let flagContainer; if (software.yotsuba) { flagContainer = document.querySelector(`[id="pc${post}"] .postInfo .nameBlock`); } else if (software.foolfuuka) { flagContainer = document.querySelector(`[id="${post}"] .post_data .post_type`); } else if (software.nodegucaDoushio) { flagContainer = document.querySelector(`[id="${post}"] header`); } for (let i = 0; i < flags.length; i++) { const flag = flags[i]; const newFlag = makeElement('a', { innerHTML: ``, className: 'bantFlag', target: '_blank', title: flag }); flagContainer.append(newFlag); debug(`\t -> ${flag}`); } }); postNrs = []; }); } function main() { // See Docs/styles.css addGlobalStyle('.bantFlag{padding: 0px 0px 0px 5px; display: inline-block; width: 16px; height: 11px; position: relative;} .bantflags_flag{padding: 1px;} [title^="Romania"]{ position: relative; animation: shakeAnim 0.1s linear infinite;} @keyframes shakeAnim{ 0% {left: 1px;} 25% {top: 2px;} 50% {left: 1px;} 75% {left: 0px;} 100% {left: 2px;}}.flagsForm{float: right; clear: right; margin: 20px 10px;} #flagSelect{display:none;} #flagSelect ul{list-style-type: none;padding: 0;margin-bottom: 0;cursor: pointer;bottom: 100%;height: 200px;overflow: auto;position: absolute;width:200px;background-color:#fff} #flagSelect ul li {display: block;} #flagSelect ul li:hover {background-color: #ddd;}#flagSelect {position: absolute;}#flagSelect input {width: 200px;} #flagSelect .hide {display: none;}#flagSelect img {margin-left: 2px;}') if (software.yotsuba) { getPosts('.postContainer'); addGlobalStyle('.flag{top: 0px;left: -1px}'); init(); } if (software.nodegucaDoushio) { getPosts('section[id], article[id]'); addGlobalStyle('.bantFlag {cursor: default} .bantFlag img {pointer-events: none;}'); init(); } if (software.foolfuuka) { getPosts('article[id]'); addGlobalStyle('.bantFlag{top: -2px !important;left: -1px !important}'); } board_id = window.location.pathname.split('/')[1]; debug(board_id); resolveFlags(); } if (isGM4) { // Fuck you GM4 (async () => { regions = await getValue(namespace); main(); })(); } else { regions = getValue(namespace); main(); } const postFlags = (post_nr, func = resp => debug(resp.responseText)) => makeRequest( 'POST', api_post, `post_nr=${encodeURIComponent(post_nr)}&board=${encodeURIComponent(board_id)}®ions=${encodeURIComponent(regions)}&version=${version}`, func); if (software.yotsuba) { const GetEvDetail = e => e.detail || e.wrappedJSObject.detail; // 4chanX and native extension respectively document.addEventListener('QRPostSuccessful', e => postFlags(e.detail.postID)); document.addEventListener('4chanQRPostSuccess', e => postFlags(GetEvDetail(e).postId)); // I need to look at these. document.addEventListener('ThreadUpdate', function (e) { var evDetail = GetEvDetail(e); var evDetailClone = typeof cloneInto === 'function' ? cloneInto(evDetail, unsafeWindow) : evDetail; //ignore if 404 event if (evDetail[404] === true) { return; } evDetailClone.newPosts.forEach(function (post_board_nr) { var post_nr = post_board_nr.split('.')[1]; postNrs.push(post_nr); }); resolveFlags(); }, false); document.addEventListener('4chanThreadUpdated', function (e) { var evDetail = GetEvDetail(e); let threadID = window.location.pathname.split('/')[3]; let postsContainer = Array.prototype.slice.call(document.getElementById('t' + threadID).childNodes); let lastPosts = postsContainer.slice(Math.max(postsContainer.length - evDetail.count, 1)); //get the last n elements (where n is evDetail.count) lastPosts.forEach(function (post_container) { var post_nr = post_container.id.replace('pc', ''); postNrs.push(post_nr); }); resolveFlags(); }, false); } if (software.nodegucaDoushio) { const postFunc = function() { postNrs.push(mutation.target.id); resolveFlags(); } const badNodes = ['HR', 'SECTION']; new MutationObserver(mutations => { mutations.forEach(mutation => { if (mutation.addedNodes.length <= 0) return; // We only care if something post was added var firstAddedNode = mutation.addedNodes[0].nodeName; // Enter a thread / change boards if (mutation.target.nodeName === 'THREADS') { if (badNodes.includes(firstAddedNode)) return; // We are in the index and a post was added, handled properly further down board_id = window.location.pathname.split('/')[1]; setTimeout(getPosts('section[id], article[id]'), 2000); resolveFlags(); init(); } // We post if (firstAddedNode === 'HEADER') { postFlags(mutation.target.id, postFunc) } // Someone else posts if (firstAddedNode === 'ARTICLE') { if (mutation.target.nodeName === 'BODY' || mutation.target.id === 'hover_overlay') return; // User is hovering over a post postNrs.push(mutation.addedNodes[0].id); setTimeout(resolveFlags, 1500); } }); }).observe(document.body, { childList: true, subtree: true }); }