You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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(defun init ()
(dotimes (_ (cconf 'poolsize))
(dbi:connect-cached :mysql
:database-name (car conn-str)
:username (nth 1 conn-str)
:password (nth 2 conn-str)))
(ping) ;; test db conn
(defvar +serb+ (make-instance 'hunchentoot:easy-acceptor
:port 4242
:document-root (cconf 'www-root)))
(hunchentoot:start +serb+))
(defun main ()
(handler-case (init)
(error (c)
(format t "Init fucked up, exiting ~a" c)
(return-from main)))
(loop (sleep 43200) (gc :full t)))
(defmethod hunchentoot:acceptor-status-message (acceptor (http-status-code (eql 404)) &key)
(format nil ""))
(defmacro handle (method uri params &body body)
`(hunchentoot:define-easy-handler ,uri ,params
(unless (eq ,method (hunchentoot:request-method*))
(setf (hunchentoot:return-code*) hunchentoot:+http-not-found+)
(handle :post (api-post :uri "/staging/post")
(post_nr regions board version)
(setf (hunchentoot:content-type*) "application/json")
(let ((separator (if (< 1 (get-version version)) "," "||")))
(multiple-value-bind (result msg) (post-valid-p post_nr regions board separator)
(insert-post post_nr board msg)
(format nil "{\"~a\": [~{\"~a\"~^,~}]}~%" post_nr msg))
(format nil "{\"Error\": \"~a\"}~%" msg))))))
(handle :post (api-get :uri "/staging/get")
(post_nrs board version)
(@json tbnl:*reply*)
(setf post_nrs (str:split "," post_nrs))
((and (loop for x in post_nrs always (post-number-p x))
(boardp board))
(format nil "~a~%" (get-posts post_nrs board)))
(t (format nil "~a~%" "bad"))))
(handle :get (api-flags :uri "/staging/flags")
(@plain tbnl:*reply*)
(format nil "~a~%" *flags-txt*))