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C-xC-c 89a6711895
5 years ago
BantFlags Move userscript to root of project. add documentation 5 years ago
Docs/api Move userscript to root of project. add documentation 5 years ago
.gitattributes Initial commit 5 years ago
.gitignore Move userscript to root of project. add documentation 5 years ago
BantFlags.sln Initial commit 5 years ago GPL v3 5 years ago Update 5 years ago
database.sql Initial commit 5 years ago


A user script and backend enabling user created flags on bant, originally based on extraflags.

Install bantflags


The userscript uses of GM_xmlhttpRequest to get and post flags with the backend . A user's flags are stored between pages using GM_setValue and GM_getValue.

Old versions of GreaseMonkey will be able to recieve updates to the script through use of the @updateURL and @downloadURL directives, though these were depricated sometime in GreaseMonkey 3.x and updates are only checked from the location the script was downloaded from so be careful where you upload links.

On self hosting, changing back_end to your domain should be all you need to do, but don't take this as fact.

The userscript has been designed specifically to target ECMAScript 2015 (ES6), making liberal use of arrow functions, and const/let declarations. Update your hecking browser.



  • .NET core 3.1
  • Mariadb / mysql

.NET dependancies

  • Nito.AsyncEX
  • Newtonsoft.Json
  • MySql.Data
  • Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.NewtonsoftJson
  • Microsoft.AspNetCore.StaticFiles
  • Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.SqlServer
  • Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Tools


  1. Install .NET
  2. Clone and build the BantFlags solution.
  3. Create the database using database.sql.

    • Change the password.
  4. configure BantFlags/appsettings.example.json with your connection string and webroot (the working directory / where you'll serve the flags from) and rename it to appsettings.json

    • The location of the BantFlags application and the served content are not necessarly the same. If you leave it empty, or provide a nonexistant path the application will look for the wwwroot folder inside the working directory.

      • For example, you may place BantFlags.dll and appsettings.json in /etc/bantflags/ and point webroot at /var/www/html and bantflags will server static content from that directory, or leave webroot empty and bantflags will look for static content in /etc/bantflags/wwwroot
    • This should be placed either in inside the working directory or the same directory as the program.
  5. Add flags to the backend (currently only possible by querying the database directly), and place image with the same name in {webroot}/flags/.
  6. Configure your webserver of choice to forward requests to kestral

  7. Run with dotnet BantFlags.dll or create a service to run it as a daemon.

  8. ???
  9. profit.


Tables look like this: posts

id post_nr board
1 12345 bant
2 56789 bant


id flag
1 patchouli
2 chen


id post_nr flag
1 1 1
2 1 2
2 2 2

where post_nr and flag in postflags are the id fields in their respective tables.


The backend exposes three endpoints used by the userscript to get and post flags, and a flags directory storing the images themselves.

route purpse
/api/get Get flags using post numbers in the thread
/api/post Add flags to the database
/api/flags List the flags we support
/flags/* The flag images

Backwards Compatibility

The API is 1:1 compatable with all previous versions of bantflags, but also encodes a new version variable when getting flags which allows for breaking changes in the script while the backend only sends data it knows is parsable. See Docs/{endpoint} for version compatibility.