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(in-package #:hunchenhelpers)
(defclass acceptor (hunchentoot:easy-acceptor)
:address ""
:error-template-directory "/var/www/err/"
:message-log-destination nil
:access-log-destination nil)
(:documentation "Because I hate writing code"))
(defmacro hunchenhost (func uri path &optional content-type)
`(push (,func ,uri ,path (or ,content-type ,tbnl:*default-content-type*)) tbnl:*dispatch-table*))
(defun host-file (uri path &optional content-type)
(hunchenhost tbnl:create-static-file-dispatcher-and-handler uri path content-type))
(defun host-dir (uri path &optional content-type)
(hunchenhost tbnl:create-folder-dispatcher-and-handler uri path content-type))
(defmacro config-item (thing &aux (item (gensym)))
"Get `thing' from the alist `config', error if it doesn't exist"
`(let ((,item (assoc ,thing (eval (read-from-string "config")))))
(when (atom ,item)
(error "No such config item"))
(cdr ,item)))
;; Stolen from stackoverflow
(defmacro method-path (methods path)
"Expands to a predicate the returns true of the Hunchtoot request
has a SCRIPT-NAME matching the PATH and METHOD in the list of METHODS.
You may pass a single method as a designator for the list containing
only that method."
(type (or keyword list) methods)
(type string path))
`(lambda (request)
(and (member (hunchentoot:request-method* request)
,(if (keywordp methods)
(string= (hunchentoot:script-name* request)
(defmacro handle (request params &body body)
"Creates an easy handles for a specific HTTP request method. If the
method provided sent from the client isn't correct, return 404 and
stop processing the request.
`request' should have a symbol `name', keyword or list of keywords
`method' and a string `uri'. One may also pass keyword arguments
`content-type', a string of the content type returned and list of
`acceptor', hunchentoot acceptor class that should listen for this
`params' are the request parameters of the client
`body' is what is evaluated and returned to the client"
(destructuring-bind (name method uri &optional content-type)
`(tbnl:define-easy-handler (,name :uri (method-path ,method ,uri))
(when ,content-type
(setf (tbnl:content-type* tbnl:*reply*) ,content-type))
(export '(host-file