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4 years ago
(in-package #:lolicore)
(defmacro str (&rest strs)
"Concatenate a list of strings `strs' to one string."
`(concatenate 'string ,@strs))
(defun add-data (keyword key json)
(cons keyword (jsown:val json key)))
(defmacro add-booru (&rest args)
`(push (make-instance 'booru ,@args) *boorus*))
(defun list-boorus ()
"List all of the exported boorus"
(loop for booru in *boorus* collect (name booru)))
(defun get-booru (name)
"Get a specific `booru' from `*boorus*' by name"
(loop for booru in *boorus*
do (when (eql name (:name booru))
(return booru))
finally (error "No such booru")))