You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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(in-package #:lolicore)
(defparameter *boorus* '())
(defmacro make-ratings ((safe questionable explicit))
`(quote (("s" . ,safe)
("q" . ,questionable)
("e" . ,explicit))))
(defvar ratings-full-words '(("s" . "safe")
("q" . "questionable")
("e" . "explicit")))
(defclass booru ()
:initarg :name
:reader name)
:initarg :url
:reader url)
:initarg :rating-table
:reader rating-table)
:initarg :rating-posts
:reader rating-posts))
:name (error "Need a name")
:url (error "Need a URL")
:rating-table '(("s" . "s")
("q" . "q")
("e" . "e"))
:rating-posts (error "Need number of posts per rating")))
(defmethod get-rating ((obj booru) rating)
"Gets the `rating' from `rating-table' of `booru'"
(cdr (assoc rating (rating-table obj) :test 'string=)))
(defmethod get-posts ((obj booru) rating)
"Gets the max posts for `rating' for `booru'"
(cdr (assoc rating (rating-posts obj) :test 'string=)))
;; Built-in boorus
(add-booru :name 'lolibooru
:url ""
:rating-posts (make-ratings (74000 53000 92000)))
(add-booru :name 'gelbooru
:url ""
:rating-posts (make-ratings (20000 20000 20000))
:rating-table ratings-full-words)