* lolisp Grab a random image from lolibooru, convert it to base64 and display it on a web page. This code is terrible because I am too. ** Setup *** Dependencies I use SBCL. Most systems will be downloaded by quicklisp. You wll need to git clone [[https://github.com/C-xC-c/manx-utils][manx-utils]], hunchenhelpers and [[https://github.com/notflan/cl-rng][cl-rng]] manually and add them to your ~local-projects~. *** Hosting - Clone the repo - Move ~loli.example.service~ to ~/etc/systemd/system/loli.service~ - Change ~workingdirectory~ in ~loli.service~ to wherever your lolisp is - Run ~systemctl daemon-reload~ - Start lolisp with ~service loli start~ - View the page at ~*host*/loli~