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4 years ago
* PlumHTML
org-export backend for sane HTML. Basically some changes and
extensions (currently just tables) to [[][ox-slimhtml]].
Used to publish words I write.
** Installation
You want to clone the repo into somewhere like
=~/.emacs.d/elpa/plumhtml-1.0.0/= then do ~M-x package-install-file
** Functions
- ~ox-plumhtml-export-as-html~
Makes a temporary buffer with the exported HTML.
- ~ox-plumhtml-export-to-html~
Like ~ox-plumhtml-export-as-html~ but dumps the exported HTML to a
file like -> =example.html=
- ~ox-plumhtml-publish-to-html~
Same as ~ox-plumhtml-export-as-html~ but for ~org-publish~
** Tests
I stole them from =ox-slimhtml= lole
emacs -batch \
-l ert \
-l ox-plumhtml-tests.el \
-f ert-run-tests-batch-and-exit