diff --git a/README.org b/README.org index ed3b0e7..1c53934 100644 --- a/README.org +++ b/README.org @@ -8,12 +8,12 @@ You want to clone the repo into somewhere like =~/.emacs.d/elpa/plumhtml-1.0.0/= then do ~M-x package-install-file ox-plumhtml.el~ ** Functions -- ~ox-plumhtml-export-as-html~ +*** ~ox-plumhtml-export-as-html~ Makes a temporary buffer with the exported HTML. -- ~ox-plumhtml-export-to-html~ +*** ~ox-plumhtml-export-to-html~ Like ~ox-plumhtml-export-as-html~ but dumps the exported HTML to a file like =example.org= -> =example.html= -- ~ox-plumhtml-publish-to-html~ +*** ~ox-plumhtml-publish-to-html~ Same as ~ox-plumhtml-export-as-html~ but for ~org-publish~ ** Tests I stole them from =ox-slimhtml= lole