var child_process = require('child_process'), fs = require('fs'), util = require('util'), winston = require('winston'); /* Non-wizard-friendly error message */ function Muggle(message, reason) { if (!(this instanceof Muggle)) return new Muggle(message, reason);, message); Error.captureStackTrace(this, this.constructor); this.message = message; this.reason = reason; } util.inherits(Muggle, Error); exports.Muggle = Muggle; Muggle.prototype.most_precise_error_message = function () { var deepest = this.message; var muggle = this; var sanity = 10; while (muggle.reason && muggle.reason instanceof Muggle) { muggle = muggle.reason; if (muggle.message && typeof muggle.message == 'string') deepest = muggle.message; if (--sanity <= 0) break; } return deepest; }; Muggle.prototype.deepest_reason = function () { if (this.reason && this.reason instanceof Muggle) return this.reason.deepest_reason(); return this; }; exports.move = function (src, dest, callback) { child_process.execFile('/bin/mv', ['--', src, dest], function (err, stdout, stderr) { if (err) callback(Muggle("Couldn't move file into place.", stderr || err)); else callback(null); }); }; exports.movex = function (src, dest, callback) { child_process.execFile('/bin/mv', ['-n', '--', src, dest], function (err, stdout, stderr) { if (err) callback(Muggle("Couldn't move file into place.", stderr || err)); else callback(null); }); }; exports.cpx = function (src, dest, callback) { // try to do a graceful (non-overwriting) copy child_process.execFile('/bin/cp', ['-n', '--', src, dest], function (err, stdout, stderr) { if (err) { winston.warn('overwriting (' + src + ') to (' + dest + ').'); // just overwrite child_process.execFile('/bin/cp', ['--', src, dest], function (err, o, e) { if (err) callback(Muggle("Couldn't copy file into place.", e || err)); else callback(null); }); } else callback(null); }); }; exports.checked_mkdir = function (dir, cb) { fs.mkdir(dir, function (err) { cb(err && err.code == 'EEXIST' ? null : err); }); }; // TEMP duplicated from common.js for imager daemon sanity exports.random_id = function () { return Math.floor(Math.random() * 1e16) + 1; }; exports.json_paranoid = function (obj) { return JSON.stringify(obj).replace(/\//g, '\\x2f'); };