var _ = require('../lib/underscore'), auth = require('./auth'), caps = require('./caps'), config = require('../config'), formidable = require('formidable'), hooks = require('../hooks'), Stream = require('stream'), url_parse = require('url').parse, util = require('util'), winston = require('winston'); var send; if (config.SERVE_STATIC_FILES) send = require('send'); var escape = require('../common').escape_html; var routes = []; var resources = []; var server = require('http').createServer(function (req, resp) { var ip = req.connection.remoteAddress; var country; if (config.TRUST_X_FORWARDED_FOR) ip = parse_forwarded_for(req.headers['x-forwarded-for']) || ip; if (config.CLOUDFLARE) { ip = req.headers['cf-connecting-ip'] || ip; country = req.headers['cf-ipcountry']; } if (!ip) { resp.writeHead(500, {'Content-Type': 'text/plain'}); resp.end("Your IP could not be determined. " + "This server is misconfigured."); return; } req.ident = caps.lookup_ident(ip, country); if (req.ident.timeout) return timeout(resp); if (req.ident.ban) return render_500(resp); if (req.ident.slow) return slow_request(req, resp); handle_request(req, resp); }); exports.server = server; function handle_request(req, resp) { var method = req.method.toLowerCase(); var parsed = url_parse(req.url, true); req.url = parsed.pathname; req.query = parsed.query; req.cookies = parse_cookie(req.headers.cookie); var numRoutes = routes.length; for (var i = 0; i < numRoutes; i++) { var route = routes[i]; if (method != route.method) continue; var m = req.url.match(route.pattern); if (m) { route.handler(req, resp, m); if (config.DEBUG) winston.verbose(route.method.toUpperCase() + ' ' + req.url); return; } } if (method == 'get' || method == 'head') for (var i = 0; i < resources.length; i++) if (handle_resource(req, resp, resources[i])) return; if (config.SERVE_IMAGES) { if (require('../imager').serve_image(req, resp)) return; } if (config.SERVE_STATIC_FILES) { send(req, req.url, {root: 'www/'}).pipe(resp); return; } render_404(resp); if (config.DEBUG) winston.verbose('404 ' + req.url + ' fallthrough'); } function handle_resource(req, resp, resource) { var m = req.url.match(resource.pattern); if (!m) return false; var args = [req]; if (resource.headParams) args.push(m); args.push(resource_second_handler.bind(null, req, resp, resource)); var cookie = auth.extract_login_cookie(req.cookies); if (cookie) { auth.check_cookie(cookie, function (err, ident) { if (err && !resource.authPassthrough) { if (config.DEBUG) winston.verbose('DENY ' + req.url + ' (' + err + ')'); return forbidden(resp, 'No cookie.'); } else if (!err) _.extend(req.ident, ident); resource.head.apply(null, args); }); } else if (!resource.authPassthrough) { if (config.DEBUG) winston.verbose('DENY ' + req.url); render_404(resp); } else resource.head.apply(null, args); return true; } function resource_second_handler(req, resp, resource, err, act, arg) { var method = req.method.toLowerCase(); var log = config.DEBUG; if (err) { if (err == 404) { if (log) winston.verbose('404 ' + req.url); return render_404(resp); } else if (err != 500) winston.error(err); else if (log) winston.verbose('500 ' + req.url); return render_500(resp); } else if (act == 'ok') { if (log) winston.verbose(method.toUpperCase() + ' ' + req.url + ' 200'); if (method == 'head') { var headers = (arg && arg.headers) || noCacheHeaders; resp.writeHead(200, headers); resp.end(); if (resource.tear_down); } else { if (resource.tear_down) { if (!arg) arg = {}; arg.finished = function () {; }; }, req, resp); } } else if (act == 304) { resp.writeHead(304); resp.end(); if (log) winston.verbose('304 ' + req.url); } else if (act == 'redirect' || (act >= 300 && act < 400)) { var headers = {Location: arg}; if (act == 'redirect') act = 303; if (log) winston.verbose(act + ' ' + req.url + ' to ' + arg); if (act == 303.1) { act = 303; headers['X-Robots-Tag'] = 'nofollow'; } resp.writeHead(act, headers); resp.end(); } else if (act == 'redirect_js') { if (log) winston.verbose('303.js ' + req.url + ' to ' + arg); if (method == 'head') { resp.writeHead(303, {Location: arg}); resp.end(); } else redirect_js(resp, arg); } else throw new Error("Unknown resource handler: " + act); } exports.route_get = function (pattern, handler) { routes.push({method: 'get', pattern: pattern, handler: auth_passthrough.bind(null, handler)}); }; exports.resource = function (pattern, head, get, tear_down) { if (head === true) head = function (req, cb) { cb(null, 'ok'); }; var res = {pattern: pattern, head: head, authPassthrough: true}; res.headParams = (head.length == 3); if (get) res.get = get; if (tear_down) res.tear_down = tear_down; resources.push(res); }; exports.resource_auth = function (pattern, head, get, finished) { if (head === true) head = function (req, cb) { cb(null, 'ok'); }; var res = {pattern: pattern, head: head, authPassthrough: false}; res.headParams = (head.length == 3); if (get) res.get = get; if (finished) res.finished = finished; resources.push(res); }; function parse_forwarded_for(ff) { if (!ff) return null; var ips = ff.split(','); if (!ips.length) return null; var last = ips[ips.length - 1].trim(); /* check that it looks like some kind of IPv4/v6 address */ if (!/^[\da-fA-F.:]{3,45}$/.test(last)) return null; return last; } exports.parse_forwarded_for = parse_forwarded_for; function auth_passthrough(handler, req, resp, params) { var cookie = auth.extract_login_cookie(req.cookies); if (!cookie) { handler(req, resp, params); return; } auth.check_cookie(cookie, function (err, ident) { if (!err) _.extend(req.ident, ident); handler(req, resp, params); }); } exports.route_get_auth = function (pattern, handler) { routes.push({method: 'get', pattern: pattern, handler: auth_checker.bind(null, handler, false)}); }; function auth_checker(handler, is_post, req, resp, params) { if (is_post) { var form = new formidable.IncomingForm(); form.maxFieldsSize = 50 * 1024; form.type = 'urlencoded'; try { form.parse(req, function (err, fields) { if (err) { resp.writeHead(500, noCacheHeaders); resp.end(preamble + escape(err)); return; } req.body = fields; check_it(); }); } catch (e) { winston.error('formidable threw: ' + e); return forbidden(resp, 'Bad request.'); } } else check_it(); function check_it() { cookie = auth.extract_login_cookie(req.cookies); if (!cookie) return forbidden(resp, 'No cookie.'); auth.check_cookie(cookie, ack); } function ack(err, session) { if (err) return forbidden(resp, err); if (is_post && session.csrf != req.body.csrf) return forbidden(resp, "Possible CSRF."); _.extend(req.ident, session); handler(req, resp, params); } } function forbidden(resp, err) { resp.writeHead(401, noCacheHeaders); resp.end(preamble + escape(err)); } exports.route_post = function (pattern, handler) { // auth_passthrough conflicts with formidable // (by the time the cookie check comes back, formidable can't // catch the form data) // We don't need the auth here anyway currently thanks to client_id routes.push({method: 'post', pattern: pattern, handler: handler}); }; exports.route_post_auth = function (pattern, handler) { routes.push({method: 'post', pattern: pattern, handler: auth_checker.bind(null, handler, true)}); }; var noCacheHeaders = {'Content-Type': 'text/html; charset=UTF-8', 'Expires': 'Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 GMT', 'Cache-Control': 'no-cache, no-store', 'X-Frame-Options': 'sameorigin', 'X-XSS-Protection': '1', }; var preamble = ''; exports.noCacheHeaders = noCacheHeaders; exports.notFoundHtml = preamble + '404404'; exports.serverErrorHtml = preamble + '500Server error'; hooks.hook('reloadResources', function (res, cb) { exports.notFoundHtml = res.notFoundHtml; exports.serverErrorHtml = res.serverErrorHtml; cb(null); }); function render_404(resp) { resp.writeHead(404, noCacheHeaders); resp.end(exports.notFoundHtml); }; exports.render_404 = render_404; function render_500(resp) { resp.writeHead(500, noCacheHeaders); resp.end(exports.serverErrorHtml); } exports.render_500 = render_500; function slow_request(req, resp) { var n = Math.floor(1000 + Math.random() * 500); if (Math.random() < 0.1) n *= 10; setTimeout(function () { if (resp.finished) return; if (resp.socket && resp.socket.destroyed) return resp.end(); handle_request(req, new Debuff(resp)); }, n); } function timeout(resp) { var n = Math.random(); n = Math.round(9000 + n*n*50000); setTimeout(function () { if (resp.socket && !resp.socket.destroyed) resp.socket.destroy(); resp.end(); }, n); } function redirect(resp, uri, code) { var headers = {Location: uri}; for (var k in noCacheHeaders) headers[k] = noCacheHeaders[k]; resp.writeHead(code || 303, headers); resp.end(preamble + 'Redirect' + 'Proceed.'); } exports.redirect = redirect; var redirectJsTmpl = require('fs').readFileSync('tmpl/redirect.html'); function redirect_js(resp, uri) { resp.writeHead(200, noCacheHeaders); resp.write(preamble + 'Redirecting...'); resp.write(''); resp.end(redirectJsTmpl); } exports.redirect_js = redirect_js; exports.dump_server_error = function (resp, err) { resp.writeHead(500, noCacheHeaders); resp.write(preamble + 'Server error\n
'); }; function parse_cookie(header) { var chunks = {}; (header || '').split(';').forEach(function (part) { var bits = part.match(/^([^=]*)=(.*)$/); if (bits) try { chunks[bits[1].trim()] = decodeURIComponent( bits[2].trim()); } catch (e) {} }); return chunks; } exports.parse_cookie = parse_cookie; exports.prefers_json = function (accept) { /* Not technically correct but whatever */ var mimes = (accept || '').split(','); for (var i = 0; i < mimes.length; i++) { if (/json/i.test(mimes[i])) return true; else if (/(html|xml|plain|image)/i.test(mimes[i])) return false; } return false; }; function Debuff(stream) {; this.out = stream; this.buf = []; this.timer = 0; this.writable = true; this.destroyed = false; this.closing = false; this._flush = this._flush.bind(this); this.on_close = this.destroy.bind(this); this.on_error = this.on_error.bind(this); stream.once('close', this.on_close); stream.on('error', this.on_error); this.timeout = setTimeout(this.destroy.bind(this), 120*1000); } util.inherits(Debuff, Stream); var D = Debuff.prototype; D.writeHead = function () { if (!this._check()) return false; this.buf.push({_head: []}); this._queue(); return true; }; D.write = function (data, encoding) { if (!this._check()) return false; if (encoding) this.buf.push({_enc: encoding, _data: data}); else this.buf.push(data); this._queue(); return true; }; D.end = function (data, encoding) { if (!this._check()) return; if (encoding) this.buf.push({_enc: encoding, _data: data}); else if (data) this.buf.push(data); this._queue(); this.closing = true; this.cleanEnd = true; }; D._check = function () { if (!this.writable) return false; if (!this.out.writable) { this.destroy(); return false; } if (this.out.sock && this.out.sock.destroyed) { this.destroy(); return false; } return true; }; D._queue = function () { if (this.timer) return; if (Math.random() < 0.05) return; var wait = 500 + Math.floor(Math.random() * 5000); if (Math.random() < 0.5) wait *= 2; this.timer = setTimeout(this._flush, wait); }; D._flush = function () { var limit = 500 + Math.floor(Math.random() * 1000); if (Math.random() < 0.05) limit *= 3; var count = 0; while (this.out.writable && this.buf.length && count < limit) { var o = this.buf.shift(); if (o._head) { this.out.writeHead.apply(this.out, o._head); this.statusCode = this.out.statusCode; continue; } var enc; if (o._enc && o._data) { enc = o.enc; o = o._data; } if (!o.length) continue; var n = limit - count; if (typeof o == 'string' && o.length > n) { this.buf.unshift(o.slice(n)); o = o.slice(0, n); } count += o.length; if (!this.out.write(o, enc)) break; } this.timer = 0; if (this.out.writable && this.buf.length) this._queue(); else if (this.closing) { if (this.cleanEnd) { this.out.end(); this._clean_up(); this.emit('close'); } else { this.destroy(); } } else this.emit('drain'); }; D.destroy = function () { if (this.destroyed) return; this._clean_up(); this.cleanEnd = false; this.emit('close'); }; D.destroySoon = function () { if (!this.timer) return this.destroy(); this.writable = false; this.closing = true; }; D.on_error = function (err) { if (!this.destroyed) this._clean_up(); this.cleanEnd = false; this.emit('error', err); }; D._clean_up = function () { this.writable = false; this.destroyed = true; this.closing = false; this.out.removeListener('close', this.on_close); this.out.removeListener('error', this.on_error); if (this.timer) { clearTimeout(this.timer); this.timer = 0; } if (this.timeout) { clearTimeout(this.timeout); this.timeout = 0; } if (!this.out.finished) { this.out.destroy(); } }; D.getHeader = function (name) { return this.out.getHeader(name); }; D.setHeader = function (k, v) { this.out.setHeader(k, v); }; D.removeHeader = function (name) { return this.out.removeHeader(name); }; D.addTrailers = function (headers) { this.out.addTrailers(headers); };