module.exports = { IMAGE_FILESIZE_MAX: 1024 * 1024 * 3, IMAGE_WIDTH_MAX: 6000, IMAGE_HEIGHT_MAX: 6000, IMAGE_PIXELS_MAX: 4500*4500, MEDIA_DIRS: { src: 'www/src', thumb: 'www/thumb', mid: 'www/mid', vint: 'www/vint', dead: 'graveyard', tmp: 'imager/tmp', }, MEDIA_URL: '../', UPLOAD_URL: '../upload/', // this should be the same as location.origin // in your browser's javascript console MAIN_SERVER_ORIGIN: 'http://localhost:8000', // this is the origin of upload_url // (usually this will be the same as the main server origin, // or maybe a different subdomain) UPLOAD_ORIGIN: 'http://localhost:8000', PINKY_QUALITY: 50, PINKY_DIMENSIONS: [125, 125], THUMB_QUALITY: 50, THUMB_DIMENSIONS: [250, 250], EXTRA_MID_THUMBNAILS: true, // PNG thumbnails for PNG images. This enables thumbnail transparency. // Warning: significantly increases page size for large threads. PNG_THUMBS: false, PNG_THUMB_QUALITY: 105, // allow video files (requires ffmpeg) VIDEO: false, VIDEO_EXTS: ['.webm', '.mp4'], // allow audio streams AUDIO: false, // uncomment this to have all audio uploads overlaid with // the corresponding spoiler image /* AUDIO_SPOILER: 20, */ // set to 0 to disable duplicate detector DUPLICATE_COOLDOWN: 3600, SPOILER_DIR: '../assets/kana', // this indicates which spoiler images may be selected by posters. // each number or ID corresponds to a set of images in SPOILER_DIR // (named spoilX.png, spoilerX.png and spoilersX.png) // (e.g. // // the spoilers in the `normal` list are simple images, // while the spoilers in the `trans` list are composited on top // of the original image semi-opaquely (and must be transparent PNGs) SPOILER_IMAGES: { normal: [], trans: [4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11] }, IMAGE_HATS: false, // uncomment DAEMON if you will run `node imager/daemon.js` separately. // if so, either // 1) customize UPLOAD_URL above appropriately, or // 2) configure your reverse proxy so that requests for /upload/ // are forwarded to LISTEN_PORT. /* DAEMON: { LISTEN_PORT: 9000, // this doesn't have to (and shouldn't) be the same redis db // as is used by the main doushio server. REDIS_PORT: 6379, }, */ };