You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

184 lines
4.5 KiB

var caps = require('../server/caps'),
config = require('./config'),
common = require('../common'),
db = require('../db'),
mainConfig = require('../config'),
msgcheck = require('../server/msgcheck'),
nodemailer = require('nodemailer'),
okyaku = require('../server/okyaku'),
Recaptcha2 = require('recaptcha2'),
smtpTransport = require('nodemailer-smtp-transport'),
winston = require('winston');
var SMTP = nodemailer.createTransport(smtpTransport(config.SMTP));
if (!!config.RECAPTCHA_SITE_KEY) {
VALIDATOR = new Recaptcha2({
siteKey: config.RECAPTCHA_SITE_KEY,
secretKey: config.RECAPTCHA_SECRET_KEY,
exports.enabled = true;
var safe =;
function report(reporter_ident, op, num, cb) {
var board = caps.can_access_thread(reporter_ident, op);
if (!board)
return cb("Post does not exist.");
var reporter = maybe_mnemonic(reporter_ident.ip) || '???';
var yaku = new db.Yakusoku(board, {auth: 'Moderator'});
var reader = new db.Reader(yaku);
var kind = op == num ? 'thread' : 'post';
reader.get_posts(kind, [num], {}, function (err, posts) {
if (err || !posts[0]) {
if (err)
send_report(reporter, board, op, num, '', [], cb);
var post = posts[0];
var name = ( || common.ANON)
if (name.length > 23)
name = name.slice(0, 20) + '...';
if (post.trip)
name += ' # ' + post.trip;
if (post.ip)
name += ' # ' + maybe_mnemonic(post.ip);
var body = 'Offender: ' + name;
var html = ['Offender: ', safe('<b>'), name, safe('</b>')];
var img;
if (post.image && !post.hideimg)
img = image_preview(post.image);
if (img) {
body += '\nThumbnail: ' + img.src;
html.push(safe('<br><br><img src="'), img.src,
safe('" width="'), img.width,
safe('" height="'), img.height,
safe('" title="'), img.title, safe('">'));
send_report(reporter, board, op, num, body, html, cb);
function send_report(reporter, board, op, num, body, html, cb) {
var noun;
var url = config.MAIL_THREAD_URL_BASE + board + '/' + op + '?reported';
if (op == num) {
noun = 'Thread';
else {
noun = 'Post';
url += '#' + num;
body = body ? (body + '\n\n' + url) : url;
if (html.length)
html.push(safe('<a href="'), url, safe('">'), '>>'+num, safe('</a>'));
var opts = {
from: config.MAIL_FROM,
to: config.MAIL_TO.join(', '),
subject: noun + ' #' + num + ' reported by ' + reporter,
text: body,
html: common.flatten(html).join(''),
SMTP.sendMail(opts, function (err, resp) {
if (err)
return cb(err);
function image_preview(info) {
if (!info.dims)
var tw = info.dims[2], th = info.dims[3];
if (info.mid) {
tw *= 2;
th *= 2;
if (!tw || !th) {
tw = info.dims[0];
th = info.dims[1];
if (!tw || !th)
var mediaURL = config.MAIL_MEDIA_URL;
if (!mediaURL)
mediaURL = require('../imager/config').MEDIA_URL;
var src;
if (info.mid)
src = mediaURL + '/mid/' + info.mid;
else if (info.realthumb || info.thumb)
src = mediaURL + '/thumb/' + (info.realthumb || info.thumb);
var title = common.readable_filesize(info.size);
return {src: src, width: tw, height: th, title: title};
function maybe_mnemonic(ip) {
if (ip && mainConfig.IP_MNEMONIC) {
var authcommon = require('../admin/common');
ip = authcommon.ip_mnemonic(ip);
return ip;
okyaku.dispatcher[common.REPORT_POST] = function (msg, client) {
if (!msgcheck.check(['id', 'string'], msg))
return false;
var num = msg[0];
var op = db.OPs[num];
if (!op || !caps.can_access_thread(client.ident, op))
return reply_error("Post does not exist.");
const response = msg[1];
if (!response)
return reply_error("Pretty please?");
if (response.length > 10000)
return reply_error("tl;dr");
VALIDATOR.validate(response, client.ident.ip).then(function () {
var op = db.OPs[num];
if (!op)
return reply_error("Post does not exist.");
report(client.ident, op, num, function (err) {
if (err) {
return reply_error("Couldn't send report.");
// success!
client.send([op, common.REPORT_POST, num]);
}, function (err) {
let readable = VALIDATOR.translateErrors(err);
if (Array.isArray(readable))
readable = readable.join('; ');
return true;
function reply_error(err) {
if (!err)
err = 'Unknown reCAPTCHA error.';
var op = db.OPs[num] || 0;
var msg = {status: 'error', error: err};
client.send([op, common.REPORT_POST, num, msg]);
return true;