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require_once "/";
class Encryption
public $publicKey=null;
public $privateKey=null;
private $res=null;
private $dt=null;
private $psk=null;
private $upsk=false;
private static $sklen = 4096;
private static $config = array(
"digest_alg" => "sha512",
"private_key_bits" => 4096,
"private_key_type"=> OPENSSL_KEYTYPE_RSA,
private function generateNewSymmetricKey()
return openssl_random_pseudo_bytes(self::$sklen);
private function _begin($prec)
$this->res = openssl_pkey_new(self::$config);
openssl_pkey_export($this->res, $this->publicKey);
$this->upsk = true;
$this->psk = generateNewSymmetricKey();
public function __construct()
public function __construct1($p)
private function s_decrypt($data, $key)
return s_encrypt($data, $key); //same;
private function s_encrypt($data, $key)
$out = "";
if($j>=strlen($key)) $j=0;
$out .= ($data[$i] ^ $key[$j]);
return $out;
public function encrypt($data)
$skey = ($this->upsk?$this->psk:$this->generateNewSymmetricKey());
$e_skey = null;
openssl_public_encrypt($skey, $e_skey, $this->publicKey);
$e_data = $this->s_encrypt($data, $skey);
return CreateFromEncryption(array("ekey"=>$e_skey, "edata"=>$e_data));
public function decrypt(EncryptedData $ed)
$ekey = $ed->e_symmetricKey();
$edata = $ed->e_data();
$skey = null;
openssl_private_decrypt($ekey, $skey, $this->privateKey);
return $this->s_decrypt($edata, $skey);
public function encdata_create($data)
return EncryptedData::CreateFromData($data);
class EncryptedData
private $ekey=null;
private $edata=null;
private function __construct(Array $data)
$this->ekey = $data["ekey"];
$this->edata = $data["edata"];
public function __construct1($ek, $ed)
$this->ekey = $ek;
$this->edata = $ed;
private function __construct2()
public function binaryData($set=null)
if($set==null) {
return "{".strlen($this->ekey).", ".strlen($this->edata)."}".$this->ekey.$this->edata;
$kvals = explode(", ", substr(substr($set, 0, strpos($set, "}")), 1));
$klen = intval($kvals[0]);
$dlen = intval($kvals[1]);
$this->ekey = substr($set, strpos($set, "}")+1, $klen);
$this->edata = substr($set, strpos($set, "}")+1+$klen, $dlen);
public function e_symmetricKey($val=null)
if($val==null) {
return $this->ekey;
$this->ekey = $val;
public function e_data($val=null)
if($val==null) {
return $this->edata;
$this->edata = $val;
public static function CreateFromData($data)
$val = new EncryptedData();
return $val;
public static function CreateFromEncryption(Array $data)
return new EncryptedData($data);