;;;; webshit.lisp ;;; to be: a personal website fit for illustrators (defpackage :webshit2 (:use :common-lisp :bknr.datastore :woo :spinneret :split-sequence :bordeaux-threads :parenscript)) (in-package :webshit2) ;;; HTTP stuff (defparameter *old-requests* ()) (defun http-status (status) (list status '(:content-type "text/html") (list (with-html-string (:doctype) (:html (:h1 (write-to-string status))))))) (defun mangle-path (path) (reverse (split-sequence #\/ path :remove-empty-subseqs t))) ;;; POST handling (defun read-post-body (env) (let* ((fstream (flex:make-flexi-stream (getf env :raw-body) :external-format :utf-8))) (apply #'concatenate 'string (loop for line = (read-line fstream nil) while line collecting line)))) (defun keyval->plist (string) (let ((sections (split-sequence #\; string :remove-empty-subseqs t)) (list ())) (dolist (s sections) (let ((head (subseq s 0 (position #\= s))) (tail (subseq s (+ 1 (position #\= s))))) (push (split-sequence #\, tail :remove-empty-subseqs t) list) (push (intern (string-upcase head) "KEYWORD") list))) list)) ;;; session (defclass http-session (store-object) ((key :initarg :key :accessor session-key :index-type bknr.indices:unique-index :index-initargs (:test #'equal) :index-reader sessions-with-key :index-values all-sessions) (expiry :initarg :expiry :accessor session-expiry) (buckets :initarg :buckets :accessor session-buckets) (extra-data :initarg :extra :accessor session-extra)) (:metaclass persistent-class)) (defun get-session (env) (let ((client-key (caadr (keyval->plist (gethash "cookie" (getf env :headers)))))) (sessions-with-key client-key))) (defun make-session () (let ((key (format nil "~a" (uuid:make-v4-uuid)))) (make-instance 'http-session :key key :expiry nil :buckets nil :extra nil))) ;;; request handlers (defparameter *handler-map* (make-hash-table :test #'equal)) (defun register-handler (path function) (setf (gethash path *handler-map*) function)) (defun %find-handler (path) (if path (let ((handler (gethash path *handler-map*))) (or handler (%find-handler (cdr path)))) (gethash :default-handler *handler-map*))) (defun find-handler (path) (if (stringp path) (%find-handler (mangle-path path)) (%find-handler path))) (register-handler :default-handler (lambda (&rest args) (declare (ignore args)) (http-status 404))) ;;; buckets (defclass bucket (store-object) ((directory :initarg :directory :accessor bucket-directory :index-type bknr.indices:unique-index :index-initargs (:test #'equal) ; <- change this!! :index-reader bucket-by-path :index-values all-directories) (type :initarg :type :accessor bucket-type ; Independent from auth method and such things, :index-type bknr.indices:hash-index ; because coupling such functionality would probably :index-initargs (:test #'equal) ; cause problems. :index-reader bucket-by-type ; This is just a text field. :index-values all-types :initform "none") (name :initarg :name :accessor bucket-name :index-type bknr.indices:unique-index :index-initargs (:test #'equal) :index-reader bucket-by-name) (updated-time :initform :modified-time :accessor bucket-time) (comment :initarg :comment :accessor bucket-comment)) (:metaclass persistent-class)) (defclass password-bucket (bucket) ((password-hash :initarg :password-hash :accessor bucket-password-hash) (salt :initarg :salt :accessor bucket-salt) (crypt :initarg :crypt :accessor bucket-crypt)) (:metaclass persistent-class)) ;; (defclass public-bucket (bucket) ;; ((preview-files :initarg :preview-files :accessor bucket-preview-files) ;; (public-id :initarg :public-id :accessor public-id ;; :index-type bknr.indices:unique-index ;; :index-initargs))) ;; (defclass monero-bucket (bucket)) (defun bucket-exists-p (name) (probe-file (concatenate 'string "buckets/" name))) (defun open-bucket-to (session bucket) (with-transaction () (setf (session-buckets session) (remove-duplicates (cons bucket (session-buckets session)) :test #'equal)))) (defun render-bucket (env path) (let* ((files (map 'list #'file-namestring (uiop:directory-files path)))) (list (with-html-string (:doctype) (:html (:head (:script ())) (:body (:ol (dolist (i files) (:li (:a :attrs (list :href i) i)))))))))) (defun render-bucket-index (env) (declare (ignore env)) (let ((dirs ())) (list (with-html-string (:doctype) (:html (:head (:script :attrs (list :type "text/javascript") (:raw (ps (defun send () (let ((xhttp (new (-x-m-l-http-request))) (text (chain document (get-element-by-id "keyfield") value))) (setf (getprop xhttp 'onreadystatechange) (lambda () (and (= (getprop this 'ready-state) 4) (= (getprop this 'status) 200) (funcall (getprop console 'log) (getprop xhttp 'response-text))) t) (getprop xhttp 'response-type) "text/plain") (setf text (funcall (getprop text 'replace) (regex "/\\n/g") ",")) (funcall (getprop xhttp 'open) "POST" "/buckets/" t) (funcall (getprop xhttp 'send) (+ "keys=" text ";")) t)))))) (:body (:form (:textarea :attrs (list :type "text" :id "keyfield")) (:input :attrs (list :type "button" :value "send" :onclick "send()"))) (:ol (dolist (i dirs) (:li (:a :attrs (list :href i) i)))))))))) (defun send-bucket-cookie (env) (let* ((session (or (get-session env) (make-session))) (keys (getf (keyval->plist (read-post-body env)) :keys))) (map 'nil (lambda (k) (and (bucket-exists-p k) (open-bucket-to session k))) keys) (list 200 (list :content-type "text/html" :set-cookie (concatenate 'string "sesh=" (session-key session))) (list (with-html-string (dolist (key (session-buckets session)) (print key) (if (bucket-exists-p key) (:li key)))))))) (defun serve-bucket (env) (let ((path (subseq (getf env :request-uri) 1))) (cond ((eq (getf env :request-method) :post) (send-bucket-cookie env)) ((probe-file path) (if (string= path "buckets/") (list 200 '(:content-type "text/html") (render-bucket-index env)) (list 200 '(:content-type "text/html") (render-bucket env path)))) (t (http-status 404))))) (register-handler (mangle-path "/buckets/") 'serve-bucket) ;;; server! (defun app (env) ;;;(print env) (push env *old-requests*) (if (string= (getf env :request-uri) "/favicon.ico") '(200 (:content-type "image/vnd.microsoft.icon") #p"res/favicon.ico") (funcall (find-handler (getf env :request-uri)) env))) (let ((thread nil)) (defun run-server () (if (or (null thread) (not (thread-alive-p thread))) (setf thread (make-thread (lambda () (run #'app)) :name "woo-server-thread")))) (defun stop-server () (progn thread (destroy-thread thread) (setf thread nil))) (defun restart-server () (stop-server) (run-server))) ;;; BKNR (make-instance 'mp-store :directory "bknr/" :subsystems (list (make-instance 'store-object-subsystem)))