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(defpackage :urlshort
(:use :common-lisp :woo :spinneret :bordeaux-threads :parenscript))
(defparameter *hash* (make-hash-table :test #'equal))
(defun read-post-body (env)
(let* ((fstream (flex:make-flexi-stream (getf env :raw-body) :external-format :utf-8)))
(apply #'concatenate 'string (loop for line = (read-line fstream nil)
while line
collecting line))))
(defun serve-index (env)
(cond ((eq (getf env :request-method) :get)
'(:content-type "text/html")
(list (with-html-string
(:script :attrs (list :type "text/javascript")
(defun send ()
(let ((xhttp (new (-x-m-l-http-request)))
(text (chain document (get-element-by-id "urlfield") value)))
(setf (getprop xhttp 'onreadystatechange)
(lambda ()
(if (and (= (getprop this 'ready-state) 4)
(= (getprop this 'status) 200))
(progn (funcall (getprop console 'log)
(getprop xhttp 'response-text))
(let* ((li
(getprop document 'create-element)
(getprop document 'create-element)
(url (+ (chain document -u-r-l)
(getprop xhttp 'response-text)))
(getprop document 'create-text-node)
(setf (getprop link 'href) url)
(chain link (append-child linktext))
(chain li (append-child link))
(chain document (get-element-by-id "urls")
(append-child li)))))
(getprop xhttp 'response-type) "text/plain")
(funcall (getprop xhttp 'open) "POST" "/" t)
(funcall (getprop xhttp 'send) text)
(:form (:input :attrs '(:type "text" :id "urlfield"))
(:input :attrs '(:type "button" :value "send" :onclick "send()")))
(:ol :attrs '(:id "urls"))))))))
((eq (getf env :request-method) :post)
(let ((symbol (symbol-name (gensym))))
(setf (gethash symbol *hash*) (read-post-body env))
(list '200 '(:content-type "text/plain") (list symbol))))))
(defun serve-redirect (env)
(let ((key (gethash (subseq (getf env :request-uri) 1) *hash*)))
(if key
(list '200 (list :content-type "text/html" :location key)
(list (with-html-string
(:html (:head (:meta :attrs (list :http-equiv "refresh"
:content (format nil "5; url = ~a" key))))
(:body (:p "redirecting..."))))))
(list '404 (list :content-type "text/plain") (list "404")))))
(defun shortener (env)
(print env)
(if (string= (getf env :request-uri) "/")
(serve-index env)
(serve-redirect env)))
(let ((thread nil))
(defun run-server () ; localhost:5000
(if (or (null thread) (not (thread-alive-p thread)))
(setf thread (make-thread (lambda () (run #'shortener)) :name "woo-server-thread"))))
(defun stop-server ()
(progn thread (destroy-thread thread) (setf thread nil)))
(defun restart-server ()