css refactor for my good friend's neocities

Updated 3 years ago

Rename files to their hash

Updated 3 years ago

DATa SErver

Updated 3 years ago

Communicative forking for Rust

Updated 3 years ago

Simple regex matcher

Updated 3 years ago

Remote encrypted message/data/command passing (basic shell)

Updated 3 years ago

Rust chacha20_poly1305 stream wrapper library

Updated 3 years ago

find a file within another file

Updated 3 years ago

Binary hex viewer

Updated 3 years ago

output the bits of all bytes from stdin

Updated 3 years ago

Quickly compare files for identity

Updated 3 years ago

convert between common storage formats as a library and CLI

Updated 3 years ago

Minimal Tagged File SErver. (`datse` precursor.)

Updated 3 years ago

Sane HTML exports for org-mode

Updated 3 years ago

Rust RSA/chacha20_poly1305 async stream wrapper

Updated 3 years ago

Contextual state machine/generator implementation in C++ PoC

Updated 3 years ago

Find which files/directories are taking up the most space

Updated 3 years ago

real-time messages~

Updated 4 years ago

Things in dotnet/C# that make you go "what??"

Updated 4 years ago

Ad-hoc exact size owning iterator macro for Rust.

Updated 4 years ago