cl-sipc (common lisp socket inter-process communication) Unix domain socket message passing for Common Lisp. Run `make' in this directory once to build the CFFI library. Run `sudo make install-ffi' to install the ffi library system-wide. (`sudo make uninstall-ffi' to remove) The symlinked will resolve after the ffi library is built and the package will work in this directory (the symlink is to libsipc/ Additionally you can run `sudo make install-ffi' to make it work system-wide (installed to /usr/lib/ (`sudo make uninstall' to remove it) Or you can copy/symlink libsipc/ to wherever you need. Additional tools can be built by running `make all-ffi' in the libsipc/ directory (or `make utils' in this one). Functions: sipc:bind(file) ;; Bind to socket `file'. Returns the socket descriptor on success and nil on fail (the socket must not already exist) sipc:release(socket) ;; Close socket sipc:hook(socket error-callback message-callback) ;; start listening on `socket'. error-callback should be in format (lambda (error) ...). message-callback should be in format (lambda (type message )...). ;; available errors are: ; :accept - There was an error accepting the connection ; :read - There was an error reading the message ; :closed - The connection was closed before a message could be read ; :message - The message was invalid or outside the acceptable size bounds (TODO make this runtime instead of compile-time constant) ;; (see libsipc/include/sipc.h for more details) ;; available types are: ; :string - Normal string ; :binary - CFFI pointer to memory (TODO currently unusable) ; :close - A request to close (the message is always NIL for this type) ;; If an error or message callback returns NIL, the listener is stopped (you still have to call sipc:release()). Otherwise, the return is ignored. (sipc:with-bound-socket (socket-name socket-filename) body) ;; Bind socket from `socket-filename' to new lexical variable `socket-name' and run (progn @body), then relase the socket afterwards. If the socket fails to bind, return nil and do not attempt to execute body. See `cl-sipc.lisp' for more documentation. --- Other installation options Run `sudo make install' to install ffi library system-wide and attempt to symlink to ~/quicklisp/local-projects/cl-sipc (if it exists). Or run `sudo make install-ffi' to just install the library. (note: you can run `make install' without sudo, in which case it will just attempt to symlink and not install the library. the same is true for `make uninstall'.) -> sudo make install ;; install ffi systemwide and symlink -> make install ;; only symlink -> sudo make install-ffi ;; insall only ffi -> sudo make uninstall ;; uninstall ffi systemwide and remove symlink -> make uninstall ;; only remove symlink -> sudo make uninstall-ffi ;; only uninstall ffi --- Example using sipcli (run `make all-ffi' in libsipc/ directory) (see `test-server.lisp' for example server) Terminal 1: [user@host cl-sipc]$ ./test-server -> [+] listening on sipc.socket... Terminal 2: [user@host libsipc]$ ./sipcli -p ../sipc.socket "Hello World" Terminal 1: <- (STRING) Hello World Terminal 2: [user@host libsipc]$ ./sipcli -cf ../sipc.socket Terminal 1: <- (CLOSE) NIL [-] listen rc 1 [user@host cl-sipc]$ --- TODO: Implement message sending wrapper. TODO: Internal error handling. TODO: Have libsipc built on system load TODO: Change :binary message from pointer to vector (or at least pass size to handler so it's usable). TODO: better .so loading