[package] name = "collect" version = "1.0.2" description = "collect all of stdin until it is closed, then output it all to stdout" keywords = ["shell", "pipe", "utility", "unix", "linux"] authors = ["Avril "] homepage = "https://git.flanchan.moe/flanchan/collect/" repository="https://github.com/notflan/collect" edition = "2021" license = "GPL-3.0-or-later" [features] # Endable default mode (`memfile-preallocate`). # (Best output appears to come from `memfile-preallocate`, compared to `memfile` and `buffered`) # # # Alternatives # To use a specific mode: `cargo build --release --no-default-features --features mode-{memfile,buffered}[,logging]` # # # Logging # Tracing can be disabled at compile-time for higher performance by disabling the `logging` feature (see above, but remove `,logging` from the features.) default = ["mode-memfile", "logging"] ## --- Modes --- ## # Mode: default # Use physical-memory backed kernel file-descriptors. (see feature `memfile`.) mode-memfile = ["memfile-preallocate"] #, "tracing/release_max_level_warn"] # Mode: alternative # Use non-physical memory allocated buffers. mode-buffered = ["jemalloc", "bytes"] ## --- Individual features --- ## # Use an in-memory file for storage instead of a byte-buffer. # # This can draastically improve performance as it allows for the use of `splice()` and `send_file()` syscalls instead of many `read()` and `write()` ones. # # # *NOTE*: Requires the Linux `memfd_create()` syscall to be available in libc. # # **WARNING**: Can potentially cause *full system OOM* if the initial size of the input pipe is: # * Statically sized (the program can infer the size of standard input.) # * The standard input file/buffer pipe size is large enough to pre-allocate enough splicing space to use up the rest of your physical RAM. # (This will very likely not happen unless you're specifically trying to make it happen, however.) memfile = ["bitflags", "lazy_static", "stackalloc"] # `memfile`: When unable to determine the size of the input, preallocate the buffer to a multiple of the system page-size before writing to it. This can save extra `ftruncate()` calls, but will also result in the buffer needing to be truncated to the correct size at the end if the sizes as not matched. # # *NOTE*: Requires `getpagesz()` to be available in libc. memfile-preallocate = ["memfile"] # Use jemalloc instead of system malloc. # # Decreases memory-handling function calls, resulting in less "used" memory and faster allocation speeds at the "cost" of mapping a huge amount of virtual memory. jemalloc = ["jemallocator"] # Remove all runtime logging code. # # The capturing of spantraces will still happen if `logging` is enabled. disable-logging = [] #["tracing/max_level_off"] <-- no longer needed, would enable the `tracing` feature which we don't want. # Capture spantraces # # Will cause a slowdown, but provide more information in the event of an error or when debugging. logging = ["tracing", "tracing-subscriber", "tracing-error", "color-eyre/capture-spantrace"] #, "recolored" <- XXX doesn't work in tracing output for some reason...] [profile.release] opt-level = 3 lto = "fat" codegen-units = 1 strip=true [profile.symbols] inherits="release" #incremental=true strip=false [dependencies] bytes = { version = "1.1.0", optional = true } cfg-if = { version = "1.0.0" } jemallocator = { version = "0.3.2", optional = true } libc = "0.2.122" tracing = { version = "0.1.33", features = ["attributes"], optional = true } tracing-error = {version = "0.2.0", optional = true } tracing-subscriber = { version = "0.3.11", features = ["tracing", "env-filter"], optional = true } color-eyre = { version = "0.6.1", default-features=false }#, features = ["capture-spantrace"] } recolored = { version = "1.9.3", optional = true } memchr = "2.4.1" lazy_format = "1.10.0" bitflags = {version = "1.3.2", optional = true } stackalloc = {version = "1.1.2", optional = true } lazy_static = { version = "1.4.0", optional = true }