var authcommon = require('./common'), caps = require('../server/caps'), common= require('../common'), okyaku = require('../server/okyaku'), STATE = require('../server/state'); require('./panel'); function connect() { return global.redis; } function ban(m, mod, ip, key, type) { if (type == 'unban') { // unban from every type of suspension authcommon.suspensionKeys.forEach(function (suffix) { m.srem('hot:' + suffix, key); }); m.hdel('ip:' + key, 'ban'); } else { // need to validate that this is a valid ban type // TODO: elaborate if (type != 'timeout') return false; m.sadd('hot:' + type + 's', key); m.hset('ip:' + key, 'ban', type); } var now =; var info = {ip: key, type: type, time: now}; if (key !== ip) info.realip = ip; if ( =; m.rpush('auditLog', JSON.stringify(info)); // trigger reload m.publish('reloadHot', 'caps'); return true; } okyaku.dispatcher[authcommon.BAN] = function (msg, client) { if (!caps.can_administrate(client.ident)) return false; var ip = msg[0]; var type = msg[1]; if (!authcommon.is_valid_ip(ip)) return false; var key = authcommon.ip_key(ip); var m = connect().multi(); if (!ban(m, client, ip, key, type)) return false; m.exec(function (err) { if (err) return client.kotowaru(err); var wasBanned = type != 'unban'; /* XXX not DRY */ var ADDRS = authcommon.modCache.addresses; if (ADDRS[key]) ADDRS[key].ban = wasBanned; var a = {ban: wasBanned}; client.send([0, common.MODEL_SET, ['addrs', key], a]); }); return true; };