var lockTarget, lockKeyHeight; var $lockTarget, $lockIndicator; var lockedManually; var dropAndLockTimer; var nestLevel = 0; function with_dom(func) { var lockHeight, locked = lockTarget, $post; if (locked == PAGE_BOTTOM) lockHeight = $DOC.height(); else if (locked) { $post = $('#' + locked); var r = $post.length && $post[0].getBoundingClientRect(); if (r && r.bottom > 0 && < window.innerHeight) lockHeight =; else locked = false; } var ret; try { nestLevel++; ret =; } finally { if (!--nestLevel) Backbone.trigger('flushDomUpdates'); } if (locked == PAGE_BOTTOM) { var height = $DOC.height(); if (height > lockHeight - 10) window.scrollBy(0, height - lockHeight + 10); } else if (locked && lockTarget == locked) { var newY = $post[0].getBoundingClientRect().top; window.scrollBy(0, newY - lockHeight); } return ret; } function set_lock_target(num, manually) { lockedManually = manually; if (!num && at_bottom()) num = PAGE_BOTTOM; if (num == lockTarget) return; lockTarget = num; var bottom = lockTarget == PAGE_BOTTOM; if ($lockTarget) $lockTarget.removeClass('scroll-lock'); if (num && !bottom && manually) $lockTarget = $('#' + num).addClass('scroll-lock'); else $lockTarget = null; var $ind = $lockIndicator; if ($ind) { var visible = bottom || manually; $ind.css({visibility: visible ? 'visible' : 'hidden'}); if (bottom) $ind.text('Locked to bottom'); else if (num) { $ind.empty().append($('', { text: '>>' + num, href: '#' + num, })); } } } oneeSama.hook('menuOptions', function (info) { var opts = info.options; if (lockTarget && info.model && lockTarget == opts.splice(opts.indexOf('Focus'), 1, 'Unfocus'); }); Backbone.on('hide', function (model) { if (model && == lockTarget) set_lock_target(null); }); connSM.on('dropped', function () { if (!dropAndLockTimer) dropAndLockTimer = setTimeout(drop_and_lock, 10 * 1000); }); function drop_and_lock() { if (connSM.state == 'synced') return; // On connection drop, focus the last post. // This to prevent jumping to thread bottom on reconnect. if (CurThread && !lockedManually) { var last = CurThread.get('replies').last(); if (last) set_lock_target(, false); } } connSM.on('synced', function () { // If we dropped earlier, stop focusing now. if (!lockedManually) set_lock_target(null); if (dropAndLockTimer) { clearTimeout(dropAndLockTimer); dropAndLockTimer = null; } }); var at_bottom = function() { return window.scrollY + window.innerHeight >= $DOC.height() - 5; } if (window.scrollMaxY !== undefined) at_bottom = function () { return window.scrollMaxY <= window.scrollY; }; (function () { menuHandlers.Focus = function (model) { var num = model &&; set_lock_target(num, true); }; menuHandlers.Unfocus = function () { set_lock_target(null); }; function scroll_shita() { if (!lockTarget || (lockTarget == PAGE_BOTTOM)) set_lock_target(null); } if (THREAD) { $lockIndicator = $('Locked to bottom', { css: {visibility: 'hidden'}, }).appendTo('body'); $DOC.scroll(scroll_shita); scroll_shita(); } })();