function inject(frag) { var dest = this.buffer; for (var i = 0; i < this.state[1]; i++) dest = dest.children('del:last'); if (this.state[0] & S_BIG) dest = dest.children('h4:last'); if (this.state[0] & S_QUOTE) dest = dest.children('em:last'); if (this.strong) dest = dest.children('strong:last'); if (this.sup_level) { for (var i = 0; i < this.sup_level; i++) dest = dest.children('sup:last'); } var out = null; if ( { var m =^<(\w+)>$/); if (m) out = document.createElement(m[1]); else if (/^<\/\w+>$/.test( out = ''; } if (out === null) { if (Array.isArray(frag)) out = $(flatten(frag).join('')); else out = escape_fragment(frag); } if (out) dest.append(out); return out; } // TODO: Unify self-updates with OneeSama; this is redundant oneeSama.hook('insertOwnPost', function (info) { if (!postForm || !info.links) return; postForm.buffer.find('.nope').each(function () { var $a = $(this); var text = $a.text(); var m = text.match(/^>>(\d+)/); if (!m) return; var num = m[1], op = info.links[num]; if (!op) return; var realRef = postForm.imouto.post_ref(num, op, false); var $ref = $(flatten([realRef]).join('')); $a.attr('href', $ref.attr('href')).removeAttr('class'); var refText = $ref.text(); if (refText != text) $a.text(refText); }); }); /* Mobile */ function touchable_spoiler_tag(del) { del.html = ''; } oneeSama.hook('spoilerTag', touchable_spoiler_tag); function get_focus() { var $focus = $(window.getSelection().focusNode); if ($'blockquote')) return $focus.find('textarea'); } function section_abbrev(section) { var stat = section.find('.omit'); var m = stat.text().match(/(\d+)\D+(\d+)?/); if (!m) return false; return {stat: stat, omit: parseInt(m[1], 10), img: parseInt(m[2] || 0, 10)}; } function shift_replies(section) { if (THREAD) return; var shown = section.children('article[id]:not(:has(form))'); var rem = shown.length; if (rem < ABBREVIATED_REPLIES) return; var $stat, omit = 0, img = 0; var info = section_abbrev(section); if (info) { $stat = info.stat; omit = info.omit; img = info.img; } else { $stat = $(''); section.children('blockquote,form').last().after($stat); } var omitsBefore = omit; for (var i = 0; i < shown.length; i++) { var cull = $(shown[i]); if (rem-- < ABBREVIATED_REPLIES) break; if (cull.has('figure').length) img++; omit++; cull.remove(); } $stat.text(abbrev_msg(omit, img)); if (omitsBefore <= THREAD_LAST_N && omit > THREAD_LAST_N) { var $expand = section.find('header .act'); if ($expand.length == 1) { var num = extract_num(section); var $lastN = $(oneeSama.last_n_html(num)); $expand.after(' ', $lastN); } } } function spill_page() { if (THREAD) return; /* Ugh, this could be smarter. */ var ss = $('body > section[id]:visible'); for (var i = THREADS_PER_PAGE; i < ss.length; i++) $(ss[i]).prev('hr').andSelf().hide(); } var dispatcher = {}; dispatcher[PING] = function (msg) {}; dispatcher[INSERT_POST] = function (msg) { var orig_focus = get_focus(); var num = msg[0]; msg = msg[1]; var isThread = !msg.op; if (isThread) syncs[num] = 1; msg.editing = true; msg.num = num; // did I create this post? var el; var nonce = msg.nonce; delete msg.nonce; var myNonce = get_nonces()[nonce]; var bump = BUMP; var myTab = myNonce && == TAB_ID; if (myTab) { // posted in this tab; transform placeholder ownPosts[num] = true; oneeSama.trigger('insertOwnPost', msg); postSM.feed('alloc', msg); bump = false; // delete only after a delay so all tabs notice that it's ours setTimeout(destroy_nonce.bind(null, nonce), 10*1000); // if we've already made a placeholder for this post, use it if (postForm && postForm.el) el = postForm.el; } /* This conflict is really dumb. */ var links = oneeSama.links = msg.links; delete msg.links; // create model or fill existing shallow model var model; if (!isThread) { model = UnknownThread.get('replies').get(num); if (model) { UnknownThread.get('replies').remove(num); model.unset('shallow'); model.set(msg); } else model = new Post(msg); } else { model = new Thread(msg); } if (myNonce) { model.set('mine', true); Mine.write(num,; } // insert it into the DOM var $section, $hr; if (!isThread) { var article = new Article({model: model, id: num, el: el}); if (!el) el = article.render().el; var thread = Threads.lookup(msg.op, msg.op); thread.get('replies').add(model); add_post_links(model, links, msg.op); $section = $('#' + msg.op); shift_replies($section); $section.children('blockquote,.omit,form,article[id]:last' ).last().after(el); if (is_sage( { bump = false; } if (postForm) { // don't bump due to replies while posting (!) bump = false; } if (bump) { $hr = $; $section.detach(); $hr.detach(); } } else { Threads.add(model); } // only add new threads on /live if (isThread && BUMP) { if (!el) { $section = $($.parseHTML(oneeSama.monomono(msg ).join(''))); $section = $section.filter('section'); el = $section[0]; } else { $section = $(el); } var section = new Section({model: model, id: num, el: el}); $hr = $('
'); if (!postForm) $section.append(make_reply_box()); } Backbone.trigger('afterInsert', model, $(el)); if (bump) { var fencepost = $('body > aside'); $section.insertAfter(fencepost.length ? fencepost : $ceiling); if ($hr) $section.after($hr); spill_page(); } if (orig_focus) orig_focus.focus(); }; dispatcher[MOVE_THREAD] = function (msg, op) { msg = msg[0]; msg.num = op; var orig_focus = get_focus(); var model = new Thread(msg); Threads.add(model); oneeSama.links = msg.links; var $el = $($.parseHTML(oneeSama.monomono(msg).join(''))); var el = $el.filter('section')[0]; var section = new Section({model: model, id: op, el: el}); var $hr = $('
'); // No make_reply_box since this is archive-only for now if (!BUMP) { $el.hide(); $hr.hide(); } if (msg.replyctr > 0) { var omitMsg = abbrev_msg(msg.replyctr, msg.imgctr - 1); $('').text(omitMsg).appendTo($el); } Backbone.trigger('afterInsert', model, $el); if (BUMP) { var fencepost = $('body > aside'); $el.insertAfter(fencepost.length ? fencepost : $ceiling ).after($hr); spill_page(); } if (orig_focus) orig_focus.focus(); }; dispatcher[INSERT_IMAGE] = function (msg, op) { var focus = get_focus(); var num = msg[0]; var post = Threads.lookup(num, op); if (saku && saku.get('num') == num) { if (post) post.set('image', msg[1], {silent: true}); // TEMP postForm.insert_uploaded(msg[1]); } else if (post) post.set('image', msg[1]); if (num == MILLION) { var $el = $('#' + num); $el.css('background-image', oneeSama.gravitas_style(msg[1])); var bg = $el.css('background-color'); $el.css('background-color', 'black'); setTimeout(function () { $el.css('background-color', bg); }, 500); } if (focus) focus.focus(); }; dispatcher[UPDATE_POST] = function (msg, op) { var num = msg[0], links = msg[4], extra = msg[5]; var state = [msg[2] || 0, msg[3] || 0]; var post = Threads.lookup(num, op); if (post) { add_post_links(post, links, op); var body = post.get('body') || ''; post.set({body: body + msg[1], state: state}); } if (num in ownPosts) { if (extra) extra.links = links; else extra = {links: links}; oneeSama.trigger('insertOwnPost', extra); return; } var bq = $('#' + num + ' > blockquote'); if (bq.length) { oneeSama.dice = extra && extra.dice; oneeSama.links = links || {}; oneeSama.callback = inject; oneeSama.buffer = bq; oneeSama.state = state; oneeSama.fragment(msg[1]); } }; dispatcher[FINISH_POST] = function (msg, op) { var num = msg[0]; delete ownPosts[num]; var thread = Threads.get(op); var post; if (op == num) { if (!thread) return; post = thread; } else { if (!thread) thread = UnknownThread; post = thread.get('replies').get(num); } if (post) post.set('editing', false); }; dispatcher[DELETE_POSTS] = function (msg, op) { var replies = Threads.lookup(op, op).get('replies'); var $section = $('#' + op); var ownNum = saku && saku.get('num'); msg.forEach(function (num) { var postVisible = $('#' + num).is('article'); delete ownPosts[num]; var post = replies.get(num); clear_post_links(post, replies); if (num === ownNum) return postSM.feed('done'); if (num == lockTarget) set_lock_target(null); if (post) replies.remove(post); if (!THREAD && !postVisible) { /* post not visible; decrease omit count */ var info = section_abbrev($section); if (info && info.omit > 0) { /* No way to know if there was an image. Doh */ var omit = info.omit - 1; if (omit > 0) info.stat.text(abbrev_msg(omit, info.img)); else info.stat.remove(); } } }); }; dispatcher[DELETE_THREAD] = function (msg, op) { delete syncs[op]; delete ownPosts[op]; if (saku) { var num = saku.get('num'); if ((saku.get('op') || num) == op) postSM.feed('done'); if (num == op) return; } var thread = Threads.get(op); if (thread) thread.trigger('destroy', thread, thread.collection); }; dispatcher[LOCK_THREAD] = function (msg, op) { var thread = Threads.get(op); if (thread) thread.set('locked', true); }; dispatcher[UNLOCK_THREAD] = function (msg, op) { var thread = Threads.get(op); if (thread) thread.set('locked', false); }; dispatcher[DELETE_IMAGES] = function (msg, op) { var replies = Threads.lookup(op, op).get('replies'); msg.forEach(function (num) { var post = replies.get(num); if (post) post.unset('image'); }); }; dispatcher[SPOILER_IMAGES] = function (msg, op) { var thread = Threads.get(op); var replies = thread.get('replies'); msg.forEach(function (info) { var num = info[0]; var post = (num == op) ? thread : replies.get(num); if (post) post.set('spoiler', info[1]); }); }; function insert_image(info, header, toppu) { var html = flatten(oneeSama.gazou(info, toppu)).join(''); // HACK ought to add `class="new"` in common? html = html.replace(/ 0) { var stat = s.find('.omit'); var o = stat.text().match(/(\d*)/)[0]; stat.text(abbrev_msg(parseInt(o), img)); } } }); $('del').attr('onclick', 'void(0)'); // Android browsers have no easy way to return to the top, so link it var android = /Android/.test(navigator.userAgent); if (android) { var t = $.parseHTML(action_link_html('#', 'Top'))[0]; $('#bottom').css('min-width', 'inherit').after(' ', t); } })();