package main import ( "./semaphore" "io/ioutil" "" "os" "flag" "fmt" "sync" "sync/atomic" "path" "path/filepath" "regexp" ) const VERSION string = "0.1.1" func walk(rpath string, lock *semaphore.Semaphore, output chan string, wait *sync.WaitGroup) error { defer wait.Done() lock.Lock() defer lock.Unlock() if files, err := ioutil.ReadDir(rpath); err == nil { for _, file := range files { if file.IsDir() { wait.Add(1) go walk(path.Join(rpath, file.Name()), lock, output, wait) } else { output <- path.Join(rpath, file.Name()) } } } else { return errors.Wrap(err, "failed to read dir") } return nil } var work_re *regexp.Regexp = regexp.MustCompile(`~$`) var as_re *regexp.Regexp = regexp.MustCompile(`(^|/)\.#(.*)$`) var as_re2 *regexp.Regexp = regexp.MustCompile(`(^|/)#(.*)#$`) func file_exists(file string) bool { if s, err:= os.Stat(file); err == nil { return !s.IsDir() } return false } func autosave_del(file string, check_extra bool) bool { if as_re.MatchString(file) { if check_extra { group := as_re.FindStringSubmatch(file) if len(group[1]) > 0 { b := file_exists(path.Join(filepath.Dir(file), group[1])) if !b { fmt.Printf("[i] ignoring %s", file) } return b } } return true } else if as_re2.MatchString(file) { if check_extra { group := as_re2.FindStringSubmatch(file) if len(group[1]) > 0 { b := file_exists(path.Join(filepath.Dir(file), group[1])) if !b { fmt.Printf("[i] ignoring %s", file) } return b } } return true } return false } func main() { dry := flag.Bool("dry", false, "Dry run") threads := flag.Int("threads", 10, "Number of threads to use") autosave := flag.Bool("keep-autosave", false, "Keep autosave ('.#*' & '#*#').") forceful := flag.Bool("force", false, "Remove autosave even with no owner file found.") help := flag.Bool("help", false, "Print this message") flag.Parse() dirs := flag.Args() if *help || len(dirs)<1 { fmt.Printf("Emacs Cleaner version %v\nDelete emacs filesystem clutter\n\n", VERSION) fmt.Println("$ emacs-cleaner [--threads ] [--dry] ") fmt.Println("$ emacs-cleaner [--help]\n") flag.PrintDefaults() return } work_on := func(file string) bool { return work_re.MatchString(file) || (!*autosave && autosave_del(file, !*forceful)) } if *threads<1 { fmt.Printf("[e] cannot use %v threads\n", threads) return } if *dry { fmt.Printf("[i] dry run, will not modify\n") } lock := semaphore.New(*threads) operate := make(chan string, 0) var wait sync.WaitGroup var used uint64 = 0 ok := make(chan bool, 1) go func() { for file := range operate { if stat, err := os.Stat(file); err == nil { if !stat.IsDir() && work_on(file) { fmt.Printf(" -> %v\n", file) if !*dry { os.Remove(file) } atomic.AddUint64(&used, 1) } } } ok <- true }() for _, dir := range dirs { if d, err:= os.Stat(dir); err == nil && d.IsDir() { wait.Add(1) go walk(dir, lock, operate, &wait) } else if err != nil { fmt.Printf("[w] cannot stat %v: %v\n", dir, err) } else { fmt.Printf("[w] %v is not a directory\n", dir) } } wait.Wait() close(operate) <- ok fmt.Printf("deleted %v emacs temporary files\n", used) lock.Close() }