#!/bin/bash sudo echo ">>> Initialising" METADIR=/tmp/.$USER-etemp MOUNTPOINT=~/etemp VOLNAME=etemp if [[ ! -d "$METADIR" ]]; then mkdir "$METADIR" fi if stat /dev/mapper/$VOLNAME &> /dev/null; then echo "ERROR: /dev/mapper/$VOLNAME already exists. Please close the volume first." exit 1 fi if [[ `id -u` == 0 ]]; then echo "WARNING: Running as root? This might not be what you want." fi if [[ -d "$MOUNTPOINT" ]]; then rmdir "$MOUNTPOINT" || { echo "ERROR: Mount point $MOUNTPOINT is not empty"; exit 1; } fi mkdir "$MOUNTPOINT" || { echo "ERROR: Could not create mountpoint at $MOUNTPOINT"; exit 1; } if [[ -f "$METADIR/image" ]]; then echo "WARNING: Image already exists" read -p "Create anyway (y/N)? " -n 1 -r echo if [[ $REPLY =~ ^[Yy]$ ]]; then rm "$METADIR/image" || exit 1 else echo "Doing nothing." exit 0 fi fi SIZE=$1 if [[ ! "$SIZE" =~ ^[0-9]+[KkMmGg]?$ ]]; then SIZE=1G echo "WARNING: Size not provided, going with default ($SIZE)" fi echo ">>> Generating key" KEY=$(dd if=/dev/urandom bs=3 status=none count=256 | base64) echo "Will create container $METADIR/image and mount /dev/mapper/$VOLNAME at $MOUNTPOINT" read -p "Is this okay (y/N)? " -n 1 -r echo [[ $REPLY =~ ^[Yy]$ ]] || exit 1 echo ">>> Creating container" fallocate -l $SIZE "$METADIR/image" echo ">>> Formatting container" echo $KEY | sudo cryptsetup luksFormat "$METADIR/image" -d - echo $KEY | sudo cryptsetup luksOpen "$METADIR/image" $VOLNAME -d - echo ">>> Creating filesystem" sudo mkfs.ext4 /dev/mapper/$VOLNAME echo ">>> Mounting volume to $MOUNTPOINT" sudo mount /dev/mapper/$VOLNAME "$MOUNTPOINT" sudo chown `whoami` "$MOUNTPOINT" echo "Done."