use super::*; use pin_project::pin_project; use std::{ iter::FromIterator as _, borrow::{ Cow, }, marker::{ Send, }, task::{ Context, Poll, }, pin::Pin, iter::{ self, Once, }, }; use tokio::{ sync::{ oneshot, watch, mpsc, }, task::{ self, JoinHandle, }, stream::StreamExt as _, }; use futures::{ future::{ Future, }, }; use termprogress::{ WithTitle, ProgressBar, }; #[derive(Debug)] pub struct Task { name: String, idx: oneshot::Sender, } #[derive(Debug)] pub enum CommandKind { BumpHigh(usize), BumpLow(usize), PrintLine(String), PrintLineErr(String), AddTask(Task), RemoveTask(usize), Complete, Many(Vec), } #[derive(Debug)] struct Command { comm: CommandKind, comp: oneshot::Sender<()>, } /// The type used to communicate with the progress worker #[derive(Debug, Clone)] pub struct ProgressSender { shutdown: watch::Receiver>>, command: mpsc::Sender, stat: watch::Receiver, } fn create_command(kind: CommandKind) -> (Command, oneshot::Receiver<()>) { let (tx, rx) = oneshot::channel(); (Command{comm: kind, comp: tx}, rx) } /// A future that completes when the worker has processed the command. /// /// Completes to `Err(Error::WorkerDropped)` if worker dropped before reading the command, OR the command has not been sent. /// /// # Panics /// Awaiting on this multiple times will cause it to panic #[pin_project] #[derive(Debug)] pub struct CommandWaiter(#[pin] Option>); impl Future for CommandWaiter { type Output = Result<(), Error>; fn poll(self: Pin<&mut Self>, cx: &mut Context) -> Poll { match self.project().0.as_pin_mut() { Some(x) => x.poll(cx).map_err(|_| Error::WorkerDropped), None => Poll::Ready(Err(Error::WorkerDropped)), } } } /// A future that completes when the worker has processed the task adding command, and returned a value. /// /// Completes to `Err(Error::WorkerDropped)` the same way `CommandWaiter` will, and additionally, if the task index is not returned. /// /// # Panics /// Awaiting on this multiple times will cause it to panic #[pin_project] #[derive(Debug)] pub struct TaskWaiter(#[pin] Option>,CommandWaiter); impl Future for TaskWaiter { type Output = Result; fn poll(self: Pin<&mut Self>, cx: &mut Context) -> Poll { match self.project().0.as_pin_mut() { Some(x) => x.poll(cx).map_err(|_| Error::WorkerDropped), None => Poll::Ready(Err(Error::WorkerDropped)), } } } pub struct CommandBuilder<'a> { sender: &'a mut ProgressSender, commands: Option>, } impl<'a> CommandBuilder<'a> { fn send_command(&mut self, comm: CommandKind) { if let Some(ref mut commands) = self.commands { commands.push(comm); } else { self.commands = Some(maybe_single::MaybeSingle::single(comm)); } } /// Add another Builder to this one #[inline] pub fn chain>(&mut self, other: I) -> &mut Self { self.extend(other); self } // Commands /// Print line on the worker's progress bar pub fn println(&mut self, line: impl Into) -> &mut Self { self.send_command(CommandKind::PrintLine(line.into())); self } /// Print error line on the worker's progress bar pub fn eprintln(&mut self, line: impl Into) -> &mut Self { self.send_command(CommandKind::PrintLineErr(line.into())); self } /// Increase the worker's max number pub fn bump_max(&mut self, by: usize) -> &mut Self { self.send_command(CommandKind::BumpHigh(by)); self } /// Increase the worker's min number pub fn bump_min(&mut self, by: usize) -> &mut Self { self.send_command(CommandKind::BumpLow(by)); self } /// Remove a task by ID. pub fn remove_task(&mut self, task_idx: usize) -> &mut Self { self.send_command(CommandKind::RemoveTask(task_idx)); self } /// Signal a shutdown to the worker pub fn shutdown(&mut self) -> &mut Self { self.send_command(CommandKind::Complete); self } /// Send this as an atom, pub async fn send(self) -> Result { self.sender.send_command(match self.commands { Some(maybe_single::MaybeSingle::Single(Some(single))) => { single }, Some(maybe_single::MaybeSingle::Many(many)) => { CommandKind::Many(many) }, _ => return Err(Error::NoCommands), }).await } } impl<'a> Extend for CommandBuilder<'a> { fn extend>(&mut self, other: I) { match self.commands { Some(ref mut commands) => commands.extend(other), _ => self.commands = Some(other.into_iter().collect()), }; } } impl<'a> IntoIterator for CommandBuilder<'a> { type Item= CommandKind; type IntoIter = maybe_single::IntoIter; fn into_iter(self) -> Self::IntoIter { match self.commands { Some(value) => value.into_iter(), None => maybe_single::MaybeSingle::from(vec![]).into_iter(), } } } impl ProgressSender { /// Get the status of this progress pub fn status(&self) -> Stat { self.stat.borrow().clone() } /// Wait for shutdown without signalling it /// /// # Notes /// Will return `Err(Error::WorkerDropped)` if this is called after the worker has already been dropped. pub async fn wait(&mut self) -> Result<(), Error> { loop { match self.shutdown.recv().await { Some(Some(res)) => return res, None => return Err(Error::WorkerDropped), _ => {}, } } } async fn send_command(&mut self, comm: CommandKind) -> Result { let (comm, rx) = create_command(comm); self.command.send(comm).await.map_err(|_| Error::WorkerDropped)?; Ok(CommandWaiter(Some(rx))) } // Commands /// Print line on the worker's progress bar pub async fn println(&mut self, line: impl Into) -> Result { self.send_command(CommandKind::PrintLine(line.into())).await } /// Print error line on the worker's progress bar pub async fn eprintln(&mut self, line: impl Into) -> Result { self.send_command(CommandKind::PrintLineErr(line.into())).await } /// Increase the worker's max number pub async fn bump_max(&mut self, by: usize) -> Result { self.send_command(CommandKind::BumpHigh(by)).await } /// Increase the worker's min number pub async fn bump_min(&mut self, by: usize) -> Result { self.send_command(CommandKind::BumpLow(by)).await } /// Add a task to the worker's progress bar title line /// /// This function returns a [TaskWaiter]`TaskWaiter` future, upon successful `await`ing will yield the task's ID. pub async fn add_task(&mut self, name: impl Into) -> Result { let (tx, rx) = oneshot::channel(); let com = self.send_command(CommandKind::AddTask(Task{name: name.into(), idx: tx})).await?; Ok(TaskWaiter(Some(rx), com)) } /// Remove a task by ID. pub async fn remove_task(&mut self, task_idx: usize) -> Result { self.send_command(CommandKind::RemoveTask(task_idx)).await } /// Signal a shutdown to the worker pub async fn shutdown(&mut self) -> Result { self.send_command(CommandKind::Complete).await } /// Create a new command builder pub fn builder<'a>(&'a mut self) -> CommandBuilder<'a> { CommandBuilder{ commands: None, sender: self, } } } /// Status of the worker #[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)] pub struct Stat { pub high: usize, pub low: usize, } impl Stat { #[inline] fn get_pct(&self) -> f64 { self.low as f64 / (self.high as f64) } } /// Create the async progress counter and return a sender object and a handle to join the worker task. pub fn create_progress>(high: usize, tasks: I) -> (ProgressSender, JoinHandle>) { let mut list = task_list::TaskList::from_iter(tasks); let mut progress = P::with_title(50, format!("(0/0) {}",list.as_str())); let (shutdown_tx, shutdown_rx) = watch::channel(None); let (tx, mut rx) = mpsc::channel::(16); let stat = Stat { high: high, low: 0, }; let (stat_tx, stat_rx) = watch::channel(stat.clone()); let handle = { let handle = task::spawn(async move { // To handle worker panics, spawn a seperate task let res = task::spawn(async move { //Actual worker let mut last_stat = stat; while let Some(command) = rx.recv().await { let mut stat= Cow::Borrowed(&last_stat); let (command, _defer) = { let Command{comm, comp} = command; let d = defer::Defer::new(|| { let _ = comp.send(()); }); (comm, d) }; enum MaybeSingle where T: IntoIterator { Single(Once), Many(::IntoIter), } impl ExactSizeIterator for MaybeSingle where T: IntoIterator, ::IntoIter: ExactSizeIterator{} impl Iterator for MaybeSingle where T: IntoIterator, ::IntoIter: ExactSizeIterator { type Item = ::Item; fn next(&mut self) -> Option { match self { Self::Many(ref mut many) =>, Self::Single(ref mut single) =>, } } fn size_hint(&self) -> (usize, Option) { match &self { Self::Many(many) => (many.len(), Some(many.len())), Self::Single(_) => (1, Some(1)), } } } let mut commands: stage::Stage = { let command: MaybeSingle> = match command { CommandKind::Many(many) => MaybeSingle::Many(many.into_iter()), other => MaybeSingle::Single(iter::once(other)), }; stage::Stage::from_iter(command) }; let mut has_blanked = false; while let Some(command) = { match command { CommandKind::BumpHigh(high) => { let stat = stat.to_mut(); stat.high+=high; progress.set_progress(stat.get_pct()); progress.set_title(format!("({}/{}) {}",stat.low, stat.high, list.as_ref()).as_str()); }, CommandKind::BumpLow(low) => { let stat = stat.to_mut(); stat.low+=low; progress.set_progress(stat.get_pct()); progress.set_title(format!("({}/{}) {}",stat.low, stat.high, list.as_ref()).as_str()); }, CommandKind::PrintLine(line) => { progress.blank(); has_blanked = true; println!("{}", &line[..]); }, CommandKind::PrintLineErr(line) => { progress.blank(); has_blanked = true; eprintln!("{}", &line[..]); }, CommandKind::AddTask(task) => { let idx = list.push(; if let Err(_) = task.idx.send(idx) { list.pop(idx); } else { progress.set_title(format!("({}/{}) {}",stat.low, stat.high, list.as_ref()).as_str()); } }, CommandKind::RemoveTask(task) => { if list.pop(task) { progress.set_title(format!("({}/{}) {}", stat.low, stat.high, list.as_ref()).as_str()); } }, CommandKind::Complete => { if has_blanked { progress.refresh(); } rx.close(); }, CommandKind::Many(many) => { let _ = commands.sender().send_many(many).await; }, } } if has_blanked { progress.refresh(); } if let Cow::Owned(stat) = std::mem::replace(&mut stat, Cow::Borrowed(&last_stat /* wtf? how is this legal? idk*/)) { //It's been written to let _ = stat_tx.broadcast(stat.clone()); last_stat = stat; } } progress.complete(); }).await.map_err(|_| Error::WorkerPanic); shutdown_tx.broadcast(Some(res.clone())).expect("Failed to communicate worker shutdown with waiters"); res }); handle }; let prog = ProgressSender { shutdown: shutdown_rx, command: tx, stat: stat_rx, }; (prog, handle) } #[derive(Debug,Clone)] pub enum Error { NoCommands, WorkerPanic, WorkerDropped, Unknown, } impl std::error::Error for Error{} impl std::fmt::Display for Error { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result { match self { Error::NoCommands => write!(f, "an attempt was made to send 0 commands"), Error::WorkerPanic => write!(f, "worker panicked"), Error::WorkerDropped => write!(f, "tried to communicate with dropped worker"), _ => write!(f, "unknown error"), } } }