use crate::*; /// A streaming kana hash digest. /// /// This type can be used to generate kana mnemonics from any data. /// It wraps a type implementing `std::io::Read` and produces a kana mnemonic reading from the stream until its end. /// ``` /// # use khash::Digest; /// let input = "Hello world!"; /// let mnemonic: String = Digest::new(&mut input.as_bytes()).collect(); // Read the bytes from the `input` string and collect the kana mnemonic into a `String` /// ``` pub struct Digest<'a, T> where T: Read { input: &'a mut T, } impl<'a, T: Read> Digest<'a, T> { /// Create a new stream digest iterator from the input stream. pub fn new(input: &'a mut T) -> Self { Self{input} } } impl<'a, T: Read> Iterator for Digest<'a, T> { type Item = String; //TODO: Change this to `char` and keep an internal buffer that we `fmt::write!` the mnemonic digest to instead of `format!`ing it. fn next(&mut self) -> Option { let mut buffer = [0u8; 2]; let mut rd =0; while rd < 2 { match buffer[rd..]) { Ok(2) => break, Err(_) | Ok(0) => return None, Ok(v) => rd+=v, } } Some(format!("{}",mnemonic::Digest::new(&buffer[..]))) } }