//! FFI exported functions use super::*; /// Calculate the length in bytes of a kana hash output. /// /// # Note /// Does not consume `salt` #[no_mangle] pub unsafe extern "C" fn khash_length(context: *const c_void, bin: *const c_void, sz: size_t, out_len: *mut size_t) -> i32 { let context = context as *const ctx::CContext; no_unwind!{ try error::Error::Unknown; let context = ctx::Context::clone_from_raw(context); let bin = HeapArray::::from_raw_copied(bin as *const u8, usize::from(sz)); let string = c_try!(generate(&context, &bin)); *out_len = string.bytes().len().into(); GENERIC_SUCCESS } } /// Compute and write a kana hash output to a string. /// /// # Note /// Consumes `salt` #[no_mangle] pub unsafe extern "C" fn khash_do(context: *mut c_void, bin: *const c_void, sz: size_t, out_str: *mut c_char, str_len: size_t) -> i32 { let context = context as *mut ctx::CContext; no_unwind!{ try error::Error::Unknown; let context = ctx::Context::from_raw(context); let bin = HeapArray::::from_raw_copied(bin as *const u8, usize::from(sz)); let string: Vec = c_try!(generate(&context, &bin)).bytes().collect(); libc::memcpy(out_str as *mut c_void, &string[0] as *const u8 as *const c_void, std::cmp::min(str_len, string.len())); GENERIC_SUCCESS } } /// Free a context #[no_mangle] pub unsafe extern "C" fn khash_free_context(context: *mut c_void) -> i32 { let context = context as *mut ctx::CContext; no_unwind!{ drop(ctx::Context::from_raw(context)); GENERIC_SUCCESS } } /// Create a new context #[no_mangle] pub unsafe extern "C" fn khash_new_context(algo: u8, salt_type: u8, bin: *const c_void, sz: size_t, nptr: *mut c_void) -> i32 { let nptr = nptr as *mut ctx::CContext; no_unwind!{ try error::Error::Unknown; let salt = match salt_type { salt::SALT_TYPE_SPECIFIC => { let bin = HeapArray::::from_raw_copied(bin as *const u8, usize::from(sz)); salt::Salt::unfixed(&bin[..]) }, salt::SALT_TYPE_DEFAULT => { salt::Salt::default() }, salt::SALT_TYPE_RANDOM => { match salt::Salt::random() { Ok(v) => v, Err(e) => return i32::from(error::Error::RNG(e)), } }, _ => { salt::Salt::None }, }; let context = ctx::Context::new(algo.into(), salt); *nptr = context.into_raw(); GENERIC_SUCCESS } } /// Clone a context #[no_mangle] pub unsafe extern "C" fn khash_clone_context(raw: *const c_void, out: *mut c_void) -> i32 { let raw = raw as *const ctx::CContext; let out = out as *mut ctx::CContext; no_unwind!{ *out = ctx::Context::clone_from_raw(raw).into_raw(); GENERIC_SUCCESS } } /// Free a salt allocated with `khash_new_salt` #[no_mangle] pub unsafe extern "C" fn khash_free_salt(salt: *mut c_void) -> i32 { let salt = salt as *mut salt::FFI; no_unwind!{ drop(salt::from_raw(salt)); GENERIC_SUCCESS } } /// Create a new salt #[no_mangle] pub unsafe extern "C" fn khash_new_salt(salt_type: u8, bin: *const c_void, sz: size_t, nptr: *mut c_void) -> i32 { let nptr = nptr as *mut salt::FFI; no_unwind!{ try error::Error::Unknown; match salt_type { salt::SALT_TYPE_SPECIFIC => { let bin = HeapArray::::from_raw_copied(bin as *const u8, usize::from(sz)); *nptr = salt::into_raw(salt::Salt::unfixed(&bin[..])); }, salt::SALT_TYPE_DEFAULT => { *nptr = salt::into_raw(salt::Salt::default()); }, salt::SALT_TYPE_RANDOM => { *nptr = salt::into_raw(match salt::Salt::random() { Ok(v) => v, Err(e) => return i32::from(error::Error::RNG(e)), }) }, _ => { *nptr = salt::into_raw(salt::Salt::None); }, } GENERIC_SUCCESS } } /// Clone a salt #[no_mangle] pub unsafe extern "C" fn khash_clone_salt(salt: *const c_void, out: *mut c_void) -> i32 { let salt = salt as *const salt::FFI; let out = out as *mut salt::FFI; no_unwind!{ *out = salt::into_raw(salt::clone_from_raw(salt)); GENERIC_SUCCESS } } /// Find the maximum length possible for a given algorithm's output. #[no_mangle] pub unsafe extern "C" fn khash_max_length(algo: u8, _input_sz: libc::size_t, max_len: *mut libc::size_t) -> i32 { no_unwind!{ let hash_sz = match ctx::Algorithm::from(algo) { ctx::Algorithm::Crc32 => std::mem::size_of::(), ctx::Algorithm::Crc64 => std::mem::size_of::(), ctx::Algorithm::Sha256 => std::mem::size_of::(), ctx::Algorithm::Sha256Truncated => std::mem::size_of::(), }; *max_len = std::mem::size_of::() * hash_sz; GENERIC_SUCCESS } }