const ffi = require('ffi-napi'); const struct = require('ref-struct-napi'); const ref = require('ref-napi'); const Salt = struct({ 'type': 'char', 'size': 'int', 'body': 'pointer', }); const PSalt = ref.refType(Salt); const Context = struct({ 'algo': 'char', 'flags': 'long', 'salt': Salt, }); const PContext = ref.refType(Context); const PLong = ref.refType(ref.types.long); const lib = ffi.Library('libkhash', { 'khash_new_context': ['int', ['char', 'char', 'string', 'long', PContext]], 'khash_free_context': ['int', [PContext]], 'khash_clone_context': ['int', [PContext, PContext]], 'khash_length': ['int', [PContext, 'string', 'long', PLong]], 'khash_do': ['int', [PContext, 'string', 'long', 'string', 'long']], 'khash_max_length': ['int', ['char', 'long', PLong]], }); const ctx_create = (algo, salt, salt_ref, salt_sz) => { let ctx_ptr = ref.alloc(Context); lib.khash_new_context(algo, salt, salt_ref, salt_sz, ctx_ptr); return ctx_ptr; }; const ctx_free = (ptr) => { lib.khash_free_context(ptr); return ptr.deref(); }; const ctx_clone = (src) => { let dst = ref.alloc(Context); lib.khash_clone_context(src,dst); return dst; }; const khash_length = (ctx, jsstring) => { let string = ref.allocCString(jsstring); let len = ref.alloc('long'); lib.khash_length(ctx, string, string.length, len); return len.deref(); }; const khash_do = (ctx, jsstring, len) => { let string = ref.allocCString(jsstring); let buffer = Buffer.alloc(len+1); lib.khash_do(ctx,string,string.length,buffer,len); return ref.readCString(buffer,0); }; const khash_max_length = (algo, input) => { let len = ref.alloc('long'); lib.khash_max_length(algo, input, len); return len.deref(); }; const get_salt_type = (salt) => { if (salt && salt.tag) { switch(salt.tag) { case '__NONE': return Kana.SALT_NONE; case '__RANDOM': return Kana.SALT_RANDOM; case '__SPECIFIC': return Kana.SALT_SPECIFIC; default: return Kana.SALT_DEFAULT; } } else return Kana.SALT_DEFAULT; }; /// Create a new kana-hash context. /// This context must be disposed of correctly either by calling `finish()` or `once()`. /// `algo` is expected to be one of the `Kana.ALGO_*` constants, or `undefined`. /// `salt` is expected to be either an object of `Salt` or `undefined`. function Kana(algo, salt) { if(algo && algo.ctx) { this.ctx = algo.ctx; } else { const stype = get_salt_type(salt); const fbuffer = salt ? salt.buffer || null : null; this.ctx = ctx_create(algo || 0, stype, fbuffer, fbuffer ? fbuffer.length : 0); } } Kana.single = function(algo, salt, input) { const mlen = khash_max_length(algo || 0, input.length); const stype = get_salt_type(salt); const fbuffer = salt ? salt.buffer || null : null; const ctx = ctx_create(algo || 0, stype, fbuffer, fbuffer ? fbuffer.length : 0); return khash_do(ctx, input, mlen); }; const K = Kana.prototype; /// Free the associated context. /// The object is no longer valid after this call. K.finish = function() { ctx_free(this.ctx); this.ctx = null; }; /// Compute the kana-hash for `string` and then free the associated context. K.once = function(string) { let len = khash_length(this.ctx, string); return khash_do(this.ctx, string, len); }; /// Compute the kana-hash for `string`. K.hash = function(string) { const ctx = ctx_clone(this.ctx); let len = khash_length(ctx, string); return khash_do(ctx, string, len); }; /// Clone this kana-hash context. K.clone = function() { const ctx = ctx_clone(this.ctx); return new Kana({ctx: ctx}); }; /// The default algorithm used. (sha256 truncated.) Kana.ALGO_DEFAULT = 0; /// CRC32 algorithm. Kana.ALGO_CRC32 = 1; /// CRC64 algorithm. Kana.ALGO_CRC64 = 2; /// SHA256 algorithm. Kana.ALGO_SHA256 = 3; /// SHA256 truncated to 64-bits. Kana.ALGO_SHA256_TRUNCATED = 4; // You don't need to reference these directly, use the `Salt` module instead. Kana.SALT_NONE = 0; Kana.SALT_DEFAULT = 1; Kana.SALT_SPECIFIC = 2; Kana.SALT_RANDOM = 3; module.exports = Kana;