#![cfg_attr(nightly, feature(int_error_matching))] #![cfg_attr(nightly, feature(const_fn))] #![cfg_attr(nightly, feature(maybe_uninit_ref))] #![allow(dead_code)] use tokio::{ select, time::{ self, Duration, }, sync::{ mpsc, }, task, }; use lazy_static::lazy_static; mod util; use util::*; mod log; mod sys; mod interval; mod config; mod hot; mod context; mod job; //This is a test function, when we have a real job server, remove it. async fn do_thing_every() -> Result<(mpsc::Sender<()>, task::JoinHandle<()>), Box> { let mut interval = time::interval(Duration::from_secs(10)); let (tx, mut rx) = mpsc::channel(16); let handle = tokio::spawn(async move { println!("starting?"); loop { let tick = interval.tick(); tokio::pin!(tick); loop { select!{ _ = &mut tick => { // Do the things println!("yes"); break; } _command = rx.recv() => { // We got interrupt, interpret `command` here. // `continue` to continue waiting on this interval, break to go to next, return to stop println!("no"); continue; } } } } }); Ok((tx, handle)) } fn print_stats() { use recolored::Colorize; lazy_static! { static ref AUTHORS: String = env!("CARGO_PKG_AUTHORS").replace( ":", ", "); }; #[cfg(debug_assertions)] lazy_static!{ static ref BUILD_IDENT: recolored::ColoredString = "debug".bright_blue(); } #[cfg(not(debug_assertions))] lazy_static!{ static ref BUILD_IDENT: recolored::ColoredString = "release".bright_red(); } #[allow(unused_imports)] use std::ops::Deref; status!("This is the lolicron daemon version {} by {} ({} build)", env!("CARGO_PKG_VERSION"), &AUTHORS[..], BUILD_IDENT.deref()); status!("---"); status!("Compiled with ({}, {}, {}, {}):", "on".bright_red(), "default on".red(), "off".bright_blue(), "default off".blue()); #[cfg(nightly)] status!(" +nightly".bright_red()); #[cfg(debug_assertions)] status!(" +debug_assertions".red()); status!("features:"); #[cfg(feature="threaded")] status!(" +threaded".red()); #[cfg(not(feature="threaded"))] status!(" -threaded".bright_blue()); #[cfg(feature="watcher")] status!(" +watcher".red()); #[cfg(not(feature="watcher"))] status!(" -watcher".bright_blue()); #[cfg(feature="debug_logger")] status!(" +debug_logger".red()); #[cfg(not(feature="debug_logger"))] status!(" -debug_logger".bright_blue()); #[cfg(feature="watcher_unlimited")] status!(" +watcher_unlimited".bright_red()); #[cfg(not(feature="watcher_unlimited"))] status!(" -watcher_unlimited".blue()); #[cfg(feature="watcher_timeout")] status!(" +watcher_timeout".red()); #[cfg(not(feature="watcher_timeout"))] status!(" -watcher_timeout".bright_blue()); status!(""); config::build::stat(); status!("GPl'd with <3"); status!("Please enjoy"); status!("---"); } #[tokio::main] async fn main() -> Result<(), Box> { log::init(log::Level::Debug); debug!("Logger initialised"); //TODO: Parse config first print_stats(); #[cfg(feature="watcher")] { let oneesan = hot::watch("."); { let mut recv = oneesan.hook("src/main.rs", hot::filter::ALL).await; while let Some(event) = recv.recv().await { important!("Got ev {:?}", event); break; } } oneesan.shutdown().await.expect("oneesan panic"); } println!("{:?}", config::parse_global_single("example.rori").await.expect("Waaaaaah")); //let (mut tx, h) = do_thing_every().await?; // loop { // time::delay_for(Duration::from_secs(6)).await; // tx.send(()).await?; // } // h.await?; Ok(()) }