#[macro_use] extern crate lazy_static; use libc::{ mmap, MAP_FAILED, }; use std::{ os::unix::prelude::*, ops, mem, ptr::{ self, NonNull, }, io, fmt, error, borrow::{ Borrow, BorrowMut, } }; mod ffi; use ffi::c_try; pub mod hugetlb; //#[cfg(feature="file")] pub mod file; pub mod ring; //TODO use ring::buffer; mod ext; use ext::*; use hugetlb::{ HugePage, MapHugeFlag, }; mod uniq; use uniq::UniqueSlice; mod flags; pub use flags::*; pub mod err; use err::{ os_error, opaque, }; #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash)] #[repr(transparent)] struct MappedSlice(UniqueSlice); unsafe impl Send for MappedSlice{} unsafe impl Sync for MappedSlice{} impl ops::Drop for MappedSlice { #[inline] fn drop(&mut self) { unsafe { libc::munmap(self.0.as_mut_ptr() as *mut _, self.0.len()); } } } /// A memory mapping over file `T`. #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)] pub struct MappedFile { file: T, map: MappedSlice, } #[inline(never)] #[cold] fn _panic_invalid_address() -> ! { panic!("Invalid/unsupported address returned from mmap()") } /// Get the current system page size pub fn get_page_size() -> usize { use libc::c_int; extern "C" { fn getpagesize() -> c_int; } lazy_static! { static ref PAGESZ: c_int = unsafe { getpagesize() }; } let v: c_int = *PAGESZ; v as usize } impl MappedFile { /// A reference to the mapped backing file #[inline] pub fn inner(&self) -> &T { &self.file } /// A mutable reference to the mapped backing file /// /// # Note /// Behaviour of faulted or unfaulted pages is not specified if the backing file is modified another way. Likewise, if the backing file is read from another way, the data mapped is not guaranteed to have been synced unless a `flush()` has completed. Be careful with this. #[inline] pub fn inner_mut(&mut self) -> &mut T { &mut self.file } /// Unmap the memory contained in `T` and return it. /// /// # Warning /// If the map is shared, or refers to a persistent file on disk, you should call `flush()` /// first or use `into_inner_synced()` #[inline] pub fn into_inner(self) -> T { drop(self.map); self.file } } impl MappedFile { /// Map the file `file` to `len` bytes with memory protection as provided by `perm`, and mapping flags provided by `flags`. /// # Mapping flags /// The trait `MapFlags` is used to allow user-defined configurations of `mmap()`, but the `Flags` enum should usually be used for this, or `()`, which behaves the same as `Flags::default()`. /// /// # Returns /// If `mmap()` fails, then the current `errno` is returned alongside the `file` that was passed in, otherwise, a new mapping is /// constructed over `file`, and that is returned. /// /// # Panics /// If `mmap()` succeeds, but returns an invalid address (e.g. 0) pub fn try_new(file: T, len: usize, perm: Perm, flags: impl flags::MapFlags) -> Result> { const NULL: *mut libc::c_void = ptr::null_mut(); let fd = file.as_raw_fd(); let slice = match unsafe { mmap(ptr::null_mut(), len, perm.get_prot(), flags.get_mmap_flags(), fd, 0) } { MAP_FAILED => return Err(TryNewError::wrap_last_error(file)), NULL => _panic_invalid_address(), ptr => unsafe { UniqueSlice { mem: NonNull::new_unchecked(ptr as *mut u8), end: match NonNull::new((ptr as *mut u8).add(len)) { Some(n) => n, _ => _panic_invalid_address(), }, } }, }; Ok(Self { file, map: MappedSlice(slice) }) } /// Returns a dual mapping `(tx, rx)`, into the same file. /// /// This essentially creates s "sender" `tx`, and "receiver" `rx` mapping over the same data. /// The sender is *write only*, and the receiver is *read only*. /// /// When **both** of the mappings have been uunmapped (when each `MappedFile` has been dropped,) the inner value `file` is then dropped. /// /// # Sharing modes /// `B` is used for the counter over the file handle `T`. Currently it can be /// * `buffer::Shared` - A `Send`able mapping, use this for concurrent processing. /// * `buffer::Private` - A `!Send` mapping, use this for when both returned maps are only used on the same thread that this function was called from. /// /// # Note /// `len` **must** be a multiple of the used page size (see `get_page_size()`) (or hugepage size, if `flags` is set to use one) for this to work. /// /// # Panics /// If the initial mapping fails, the file descriptor cannot be mapped, `len` was not a multiple of the correct page size, or if the fixed mappings fail. (see `try_shared()`.) pub fn shared>(file: T, len: usize, flags: impl flags::MapFlags) -> (MappedFile, MappedFile) { #[cold] #[inline(never)] fn _panic_failed_with(error: Box) -> ! { Err(error).expect("Failed to create shared mapping") } Self::try_shared(file, len, flags).unwrap_or_else(|e| { _panic_failed_with(e.error) }) } /// Returns a dual mapping `(tx, rx)`, into the same file. /// /// This essentially creates s "sender" `tx`, and "receiver" `rx` mapping over the same data. /// The sender is *write only*, and the receiver is *read only*. /// /// When **both** of the mappings have been uunmapped (when each `MappedFile` has been dropped,) the inner value `file` is then dropped. /// /// # Sharing modes /// `B` is used for the counter over the file handle `T`. Currently it can be /// * `buffer::Shared` - A `Send`able mapping, use this for concurrent processing. /// * `buffer::Private` - A `!Send` mapping, use this for when both returned maps are only used on the same thread that this function was called from. /// /// # Note /// `len` **must** be a multiple of the used page size (see `get_page_size()`) (or hugepage size, if `flags` is set to use one) for this to work. pub fn try_shared>(file: T, len: usize, flags: impl flags::MapFlags) -> Result<(MappedFile, MappedFile), TryNewError> { Self::try_new_buffer_raw::(file, len, None, false, flags) } //TODO: XXX: Test this when we have implemented memfd. #[inline] pub(crate) fn try_new_buffer_raw>(file: T, len: usize, rings: impl Into>, allow_unsafe_writes: bool, flags: impl flags::MapFlags) -> Result<(MappedFile, MappedFile), TryNewError> { const NULL: *mut libc::c_void = ptr::null_mut(); macro_rules! try_map_or { ($($tt:tt)*) => { match unsafe { mmap($($tt)*) } { MAP_FAILED => Err(io::Error::last_os_error()), NULL => _panic_invalid_address(), ptr => Ok(unsafe { UniqueSlice { mem: NonNull::new_unchecked(ptr as *mut u8), end: match NonNull::new((ptr as *mut u8).add(len)) { Some(n) => n, _ => _panic_invalid_address(), } } }) }.map(MappedSlice) }; } macro_rules! try_map { ($($tt:tt)*) => { MappedSlice(match unsafe { mmap($($tt)*) } { MAP_FAILED => return Err(TryNewError::wrap_last_error(file)), NULL => _panic_invalid_address(), ptr => unsafe { UniqueSlice { mem: NonNull::new_unchecked(ptr as *mut u8), end: match NonNull::new((ptr as *mut u8).add(len)) { Some(n) => n, _ => _panic_invalid_address(), } } } }) }; } macro_rules! unwrap { ($err:expr) => { match $err { Ok(v) => v, Err(e) => return Err(TryNewError::wrap((e, file))), } }; } let (prot_w, prot_r) = if allow_unsafe_writes { let p = Perm::ReadWrite.get_prot(); (p, p) } else { (Perm::Writeonly.get_prot(), Perm::Readonly.get_prot()) }; // Move into dual buffer let (tx, rx) = match rings.into() { None => { // No rings, just create two mappings at same addr. let flags = flags.get_mmap_flags(); let mut root = try_map!(NULL, len * 2, libc::PROT_NONE, (flags & !libc::MAP_SHARED) | libc::MAP_PRIVATE | libc::MAP_ANONYMOUS, -1, 0); let rawfd = file.as_raw_fd(); let rm = try_map!(root.0.as_mut_ptr().add(len) as *mut _, len, prot_r, flags | libc::MAP_FIXED, rawfd, 0); // Map reader at offset `len` from `root`. let tm = try_map!(root.0.as_mut_ptr() as *mut _, len, prot_w, flags | libc::MAP_FIXED, rawfd, 0); // Map writer at `root`, unmapping the anonymous map used to reserve the pages. let tf = B::from_value(file); let rf = B::from_wrapper(tf.as_wrapper()); (MappedFile { file: tf, map: tm }, MappedFile { file: rf, map: rm, }) }, Some(pages) => { // Create anon mapping at full length let full_len = unwrap!((len * 2) .checked_mul(pages.get()) .ok_or_else(|| io::Error::new(io::ErrorKind::OutOfMemory, format!("Could not map {} pages of size {len}. Value would overflow", pages.get())))); let flags = flags.get_mmap_flags(); let mut root = try_map!(NULL, full_len, libc::PROT_NONE, libc::MAP_PRIVATE | libc::MAP_ANONYMOUS, -1, 0); let pivots = { let rawfd = file.as_raw_fd(); let pivots: io::Result> = std::iter::successors(unsafe { Some(root.0.as_mut_ptr().add(full_len - (len * 2))) }, |&x| unsafe { Some(x.sub(len * 2)) }) // Map in reverse, from end of `root`, and overwrite the `root` mapping last. .take(pages.get()) .map(|base| { let rm = try_map_or!(base.add(len) as *mut _, len, prot_r, flags | libc::MAP_FIXED,rawfd, 0 )?; let tm = try_map_or!(base as *mut _, len, prot_w, flags | libc::MAP_FIXED, rawfd, 0)?; Ok((tm, rm)) }) .collect(); unwrap!(pivots) }; todo!("We can't carry `pivots` over to return from this function; the data is needed for unmapping the ring..."); todo!("The mapping we'd be using is `root`. But we need to unmap `pivots` in reverse order when the returned `MappedFile` is dropped...") } }; Ok((tx, rx)) } /// Map the file `file` to `len` bytes with memory protection as provided by `perm`, and /// mapping flags provided by `flags`. /// /// # Returns /// If `mmap()` fails, then the current `errno` set by `mmap()` is returned, otherwise, a new mapping is /// constructed over `file`, and that is returned. /// If `mmap()` fails, `file` is dropped. To retain `file`, use `try_new()`. /// /// # Panics /// If `mmap()` succeeds, but returns an invalid address (e.g. 0) #[inline] pub fn new(file: T, len: usize, perm: Perm, flags: impl MapFlags) -> io::Result { Self::try_new(file, len, perm, flags).map_err(Into::into) } /// Sync the mapped memory to the backing file store via `msync()`. /// /// If this is a private mapping, or is mapped over a private file descriptor that does not refer to on-disk persistent storage, syncing the data is usually pointless. /// /// # Returns /// If `msync()` fails. pub fn flush(&mut self, flush: Flush) -> io::Result<()> { use libc::msync; match unsafe { msync(self.map.0.as_mut_ptr() as *mut _, self.map.0.len(), flush.get_ms()) } { 0 => Ok(()), _ => Err(io::Error::last_os_error()) } } /// Replace the mapped file object with another that aliases the same file descriptor. /// /// # Warning /// * The old file object is *not* dropped to prevent the file descriptor being closed. (see `replace_inner_unchecked()`). /// If `T` contains other resources, this can cause a memory leak. /// /// # Panics /// If `other`'s `AsRawFd` impl *does not* alias the already contained `T`'s. pub fn replace_inner(self, other: U) -> MappedFile { assert_eq!(self.file.as_raw_fd(), other.as_raw_fd(), "File descriptors must alias"); unsafe { let (this, file) = self.replace_inner_unchecked(other); mem::forget(file); this } } /// Unmap the memory contained in `T` and return it. /// Before the memory is unmapped, it is `msync()`'d according to `flush`. /// /// # Panics /// If `msync()` fails. #[inline] pub fn into_inner_synced(mut self, flush: Flush) -> T { self.flush(flush).expect("Failed to sync data"); drop(self.map); self.file } } impl MappedFile { #[inline(always)] fn raw_parts(&self) -> (*mut u8, usize) { (self.map.0.mem.as_ptr(), self.map.0.len()) } /// Set advise according to `adv`, and optionally advise the kernel on if the memory will be needed or not. pub fn advise(&mut self, adv: Advice, needed: Option) -> io::Result<()> { use libc::{ madvise, MADV_WILLNEED, MADV_DONTNEED }; let (addr, len) = self.raw_parts(); match unsafe { madvise(addr as *mut _, len, adv.get_madv() | needed.map(|n| n.then(|| MADV_WILLNEED).unwrap_or(MADV_DONTNEED)).unwrap_or(0)) } { 0 => Ok(()), _ => Err(io::Error::last_os_error()) } } /// With advice, used as a builder-pattern alternative for `advise()`. /// /// # Returns /// If `madvise()` fails, then the `io::Error` along with the previous instance is returned. #[inline(always)] pub fn try_with_advice(mut self, adv: Advice, needed: Option) -> Result> { match self.advise(adv, needed) { Ok(_) => Ok(self), Err(error) => Err(TryNewError { error: Box::new(error), value: self, }) } } /// With advice, used as a builder-pattern alternative for `advise()`. /// /// # Returns /// If `madvise()` fails, then the mapping is dropped and the error is returned. To keep the previous instance if the call failes, use `try_with_advice()`. #[inline] pub fn with_advice(self, adv: Advice, needed: Option) -> io::Result { self.try_with_advice(adv, needed).map_err(Into::into) } /// Replace the inner file with another without checking static or dynamic bounding. /// This function is extremely unsafe if the following conditions are not met in entirity. /// /// # Safety /// * `U` and `T` **must** have an `AsRawFd::as_raw_fd()` impl that returns the same `RawFd` value unconditionally. /// * The returned `T` in the tuple **must not** attempt close the file descriptor while the returned `MappedFile` in the tuple is alive. /// * The returned values **should not** *both* attempt to close the file descriptor when dropped. To prevent the `MappedFile` from attempting to close the file descriptor, use `MappedFile::into_inner()` and ensure `U` does not close the file descriptor while `T` is alive. Alternatively, use a mechanism of `T` to prevent it from closing the file descriptor while `U` is alive. #[inline(always)] pub unsafe fn replace_inner_unchecked(self, other: U) -> (MappedFile, T) { let MappedFile{ file, map } = self; (MappedFile { file: other, map }, file) } /// The size of the mapped memory #[inline] pub fn len(&self) -> usize { self.map.0.len() } /// Get a slice of the mapped memory #[inline] pub fn as_slice(&self) -> &[u8] { &self.map.0[..] } /// Get a mutable slice of the mapped memory #[inline] pub fn as_slice_mut(&mut self) -> &mut [u8] { &mut self.map.0[..] } /// Get a raw slice of the mapped memory #[inline] pub fn as_raw_slice(&self) -> *const [u8] { self.map.0.as_raw_slice() } /// Get a raw mutable slice of the mapped memory #[inline] pub fn as_raw_slice_mut(&mut self) -> *mut [u8] { self.map.0.as_raw_slice_mut() } /// Checks if the mapping dangles (i.e. `len() == 0`.) #[inline] pub fn is_empty(&self) -> bool { self.map.0.is_empty() } } /// Error returned when mapping operation fails. /// /// Also returns the value passed in. pub struct TryNewError { error: Box, value: T } impl error::Error for TryNewError { #[inline] fn source(&self) -> Option<&(dyn error::Error + 'static)> { Some(self.error.as_ref()) } } impl fmt::Display for TryNewError { #[inline] fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result { write!(f, "error in mapping of type {}", std::any::type_name::()) } } impl fmt::Debug for TryNewError { #[inline] fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result { f.debug_struct("TryNewError") .field("error", &self.error) .finish_non_exhaustive() } } impl TryNewError { /// A reference to the value #[inline] pub fn value(&self) -> &T { &self.value } /// A mutable reference to the value #[inline] pub fn value_mut(&mut self) -> &mut T { &mut self.value } /// A reference to the IO error #[inline] pub fn error(&self) -> &io::Error { &self.error } /// Consume a boxed instance and return the boxed IO error. #[inline] pub fn into_error_box(self: Box) -> Box { self.error } } impl TryNewError { #[inline] fn wrap_last_error(value: T) -> Self { Self { error: Box::new(io::Error::last_os_error()), value, } } #[inline] fn wrap((error, value): (impl Into, T)) -> Self { Self { error: Box::new(error.into()), value } } /// Consume into the contained value #[inline] pub fn into_inner(self) -> T { self.value } /// Consume into the IO error #[inline] pub fn into_error(self) -> io::Error { *self.error } /// Consume into the value and the error. #[inline] pub fn into_parts(self) -> (T, io::Error) { (self.value, *self.error) } } impl From>> for io::Error { #[inline] fn from(from: Box>) -> Self { *from.error } } impl From> for io::Error { #[inline] fn from(from: TryNewError) -> Self { from.into_error() } } impl Borrow for MappedFile { #[inline] fn borrow(&self) -> &T { &self.file } } impl Borrow<[u8]> for MappedFile { #[inline] fn borrow(&self) -> &[u8] { self.as_slice() } } impl BorrowMut<[u8]> for MappedFile { #[inline] fn borrow_mut(&mut self) -> &mut [u8] { self.as_slice_mut() } } impl AsRef<[u8]> for MappedFile { #[inline] fn as_ref(&self) -> &[u8] { self.as_slice() } } impl AsMut<[u8]> for MappedFile { #[inline] fn as_mut(&mut self) -> &mut [u8] { self.as_slice_mut() } } impl ops::Deref for MappedFile { type Target= [u8]; #[inline] fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target { self.as_slice() } } impl ops::DerefMut for MappedFile { #[inline] fn deref_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Self::Target { self.as_slice_mut() } } /// Used for anonymous mappings with `MappedFile`. /// /// # Safety /// The `AsRawFd` impl of this structure always returns `-1`. It should only be used with `MappedFile`, as this is an invlalid file descriptor in all other contexts. #[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash, Copy)] pub struct Anonymous; impl AsRawFd for Anonymous { #[inline(always)] fn as_raw_fd(&self) -> RawFd { -1 } } //TODO: Continue copying from `utf8encode` at the //TODO (cont.) line