//#[inline] fn reverse(slice: &mut [T]) { match slice { [ref mut a, ref mut rest @ .., ref mut b] => { std::mem::swap(a, b); reverse(rest) }, [] | [_] => (), } } /// This actually works! And is so easily parallelisable with something like rayon, or asyncing by spawning/creating the tail-call into a new task, then either waiting them concurrently or in parallen (spawn or created future from just calling the function without awaiting it) #[allow(dead_code)] fn binsearch<'a, V: ?Sized, T: PartialEq + 'a>(slice: &'a [T], find: &V) -> Option<&'a T> { match slice { [ref a, pivot @ .., ref b] => { match (a==find, b==find) { (true, _) => Some(a), (_, true) => Some(b), _ => binsearch(pivot, find), } }, [ref a] if a == find => Some(a), _ => None, } } fn collect_input() -> Box + 'static> { if std::env::args_os().len() <= 1 { use std::io::{ self, BufRead, }; // No args, collect stdin lines Box::new(io::BufReader::new(io::stdin() .lock()) .lines() .filter_map(Result::ok)) } else { // Has arguments, return them Box::new(std::env::args().skip(1)) } } #[inline(always)] fn handle_fmt_err(res: std::io::Result) { #[cfg(not(feature="ignore-output-errors"))] res.expect("[!] failed to write"); let _ = res; } fn main() { let mut args: Vec = collect_input().collect(); reverse(&mut args[..]); //eprintln!("{:?}", binsearch(&args[..], "1")); // It works! #[cfg(feature="output-lines")] { #[allow(unused_imports)] use std::io::{ Write, BufWriter, }; #[cfg(feature="buffer-output")] let mut out = BufWriter::new(std::io::stdout().lock()); #[cfg(not(feature="buffer-output"))] let mut out = std::io::stdout().lock(); for x in args.iter() { handle_fmt_err({ if cfg!(feature="output-quoted") { writeln!(&mut out, "{:?}", x) } else { //writeln!(&mut out, "{}", x) out.write(x.as_bytes()) .and_then(|_| out.write(b"\n")) .map(|_| {}) } }); } //#[cfg(feature="buffer-output")] handle_fmt_err(out.flush()); } #[cfg(not(feature="output-lines"))] println!("{:?}", args); }