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use std::{
fmt, error,
pub struct ReadBytesError(String);
impl error::Error for ReadBytesError{}
impl fmt::Display for ReadBytesError
#[inline] fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result
write!(f, "{:?} is not a valid integer of bytes", self.0)
/// Parse bytes from a string
pub fn bytes(string: impl AsRef<str>) -> Result<u64, ReadBytesError>
let string = string.as_ref();
let string = string.trim();
let last = string.chars().last().ok_or_else(move || ReadBytesError(string.to_owned()))?;
let (sl, mul) = match last {
'k' | 'K' => (1, 1024),
'm' | 'M' => (1, 1024 * 1024),
'g' | 'G' => (1, 1024 * 1024 * 1024),
_ if last.is_numeric() => (0, 1),
_ => return Err(ReadBytesError(string.to_owned())),
.map(|x: u64| x * mul)
.map_err(move |_| ReadBytesError(string.to_owned()))