use super::*; use std::{ fmt::Write, }; #[derive(Debug)] pub struct Bar { width: usize, max_width: usize, progress: f64, buffer: String, title: String, } /* #[cfg(test)] mod tests { #[test] fn display() { let mut bar = Bar::new(50); bar.set_title("hello world"); bar.progress = 0.455456749849; bar.update(); bar.refresh(); bar.progress = 0.8; bar.update(); bar.refresh(); bar.progress = 0.88; bar.update(); bar.refresh(); bar.set_title("almost AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"); bar.progress = 0.99554; bar.update(); bar.refresh(); println!("\nuhh"); panic!("h"); } }*/ impl Bar { /// Create a new bar `width` long with a title. pub fn with_title(width: usize, title: impl AsRef) -> Self { let mut this = Self::new(width); this.set_title(title.as_ref()); this } /// Create a new bar with max display width of our terminal pub fn new(width: usize) -> Self { if let Some((terminal_size::Width(tw), _)) = terminal_size::terminal_size() { let tw = usize::from(tw); Self::with_max(if width < tw {width} else {tw}, tw) } else { Self::with_max(width, width +20) } } /// Create a bar with a max display width /// /// # Panics /// If `width` is larger than or equal to `max_width`. pub fn with_max(width: usize, max_width: usize) -> Self { Self { width, max_width, progress: 0.0, buffer: String::with_capacity(width), title: String::with_capacity(max_width - width), } } /// Fit to terminal's width if possible. pub fn fit(&mut self) -> bool { if let Some((terminal_size::Width(tw), _)) = terminal_size::terminal_size() { let tw = usize::from(tw); self.width = if self.width < tw {self.width} else {tw}; self.update_dimensions(tw); return true; } false } /// Update the buffer. pub fn update(&mut self) { self.buffer.clear(); let pct = (self.progress * (self.width as f64)) as usize; for i in 0..self.width { if i >= pct { write!(self.buffer, " ").unwrap(); } else { write!(self.buffer, "=").unwrap(); } } } /// Consume the bar and complete it, regardless of progress. pub fn complete(self) { println!(""); } } fn ensure_eq(input: String, to: usize) -> String { let chars = input.chars(); if chars.count() != to { let mut chars = input.chars(); let mut output = String::with_capacity(to); for _ in { if let Some(c) = { write!(output, "{}", c).unwrap(); } else { write!(output, " ").unwrap(); } } output } else { input } } fn ensure_lower(input: String, to: usize) -> String { let chars = input.chars(); if chars.count() > to { let chars = input.chars(); let mut output = String::with_capacity(to); for (i,c) in (0..).zip(chars) { write!(output, "{}", c).unwrap(); if to>3 && i == to-3 { write!(output, "...").unwrap(); break; } else if i==to { break; } } output } else { input } } impl Display for Bar { fn refresh(&self) { let temp = format!("[{}]: {:.2}%", self.buffer, self.progress * 100.00); let title = ensure_lower(format!(" {}", self.title), self.max_width - temp.chars().count()); let temp = ensure_eq(format!("{}{}", temp, title), self.max_width); print!("\x1B[0m\x1B[K{}", temp); print!("\n\x1B[1A"); } fn blank(&self) { print!("\r{}\r", " ".repeat(self.max_width)); } fn get_title(&self) -> &str { &self.title } fn set_title(&mut self, from: &str) { self.title = from.to_string(); } fn update_dimensions(&mut self, to: usize) { self.max_width = to; self.refresh(); } } impl ProgressBar for Bar { fn get_progress(&self) -> f64 { self.progress } fn set_progress(&mut self, value: f64) { if self.progress != value { self.progress = value; self.update(); } self.refresh(); } }