use super::*; pub struct Spin { title: String, current: char, chars: wheel::WheelIntoIter, } impl Spin { /// Create a new spinner with title pub fn with_title(title: &str, whl: wheel::Wheel) -> Self { let mut chars = whl.into_iter(); let current =; Self { title: title.to_string(), current, chars, } } /// Create a new blank spinner pub fn new(whl: wheel::Wheel) -> Self { let mut chars = whl.into_iter(); let current =; Self { title: String::new(), current, chars, } } /// Consume the spinner and complete it pub fn complete(self) { println!("{} ", (8u8 as char)); } /// Consume the spinner and complete it with a message pub fn complete_with(self, msg: &str) { println!("{}{}", (8u8 as char), msg); } } impl Default for Spin { fn default() -> Self { Self { title: String::new(), chars: wheel::Wheel::default().into_iter(), current: '|', } } } /* #[cfg(test)] mod tests { #[test] fn test() { const MAX: usize = 1000000; let mut spin = Spin::with_title("Working maybe...", Default::default()); for i in 0..=MAX { spin.bump(); if i == MAX / 2 { spin.set_title("Working more..."); } } spin.complete_with("OK"); println!("Oke"); } }*/ impl Display for Spin { fn refresh(&self) { print!("\r{} {}", self.title, self.current); } fn blank(&self) { print!("\r{} \r", " ".repeat(self.title.chars().count())); } fn get_title(&self) -> &str { &self.title[..] } fn set_title(&mut self, from: &str) { self.blank(); self.title = from.to_string(); self.refresh(); } fn update_dimensions(&mut self, _to:usize){} } impl Spinner for Spin { fn bump(&mut self) { self.current =; self.refresh(); } }