Rework everything

not manx 4 years ago
parent f0bfb5af2e
commit 77acae992e
Signed by: C-xC-c
GPG Key ID: F52ED472284EF2F4

@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
(asdf:defsystem #:hunchenhelpers (asdf:defsystem #:hunchenhelpers
:description "A helper library to simplify hunchentoot" :description "A helper library for hunchentoot"
:author "Manx (" :author "Manx ("
:license "X11/MIT" :license "X11/MIT"
:version "0.1.0" :version "1.0.0"
:serial t :serial t
:depends-on (:hunchentoot) :depends-on (:hunchentoot)
:Components ((:file "package") :Components ((:file "package")

@ -1,26 +1,63 @@
(in-package :hunchenhelpers) (in-package #:hunchenhelpers)
(defun hunchenhost (func uri path &optional content-type) (defclass acceptor (hunchentoot:easy-acceptor)
(let ((thing (if (null content-type) ()
(funcall func uri path) (:default-initargs
(funcall func uri path content-type)))) :address ""
(push thing tbnl:*dispatch-table*))) :error-template-directory "/var/www/err/"
:message-log-destination nil
:access-log-destination nil)
(:documentation "Because I hate writing code"))
(defmacro hunchenhost (func uri path &optional content-type)
`(push (,func ,uri ,path (or ,content-type ,tbnl:*default-content-type*)) tbnl:*dispatch-table*))
(defun host-file (uri path &optional content-type) (defun host-file (uri path &optional content-type)
(hunchenhost 'tbnl:create-static-file-dispatcher-and-handler uri path content-type)) (hunchenhost tbnl:create-static-file-dispatcher-and-handler uri path content-type))
(defun host-dir (uri path &optional content-type) (defun host-dir (uri path &optional content-type)
(hunchenhost 'tbnl:create-folder-dispatcher-and-handler uri path content-type)) (hunchenhost tbnl:create-folder-dispatcher-and-handler uri path content-type))
;; Stolen from stackoverflow
(defmacro method-path (methods path)
"Expands to a predicate the returns true of the Hunchtoot request
has a SCRIPT-NAME matching the PATH and METHOD in the list of METHODS.
You may pass a single method as a designator for the list containing
only that method."
(type (or keyword list) methods)
(type string path))
`(lambda (request)
(and (member (hunchentoot:request-method* request)
,(if (keywordp methods)
(string= (hunchentoot:script-name* request)
(defmacro handle (method uri content-type params &body body) (defmacro handle (request params &body body)
"Creates an easy handles for a specific HTTP request method. If the "Creates an easy handles for a specific HTTP request method. If the
method provided sent from the client isn't correct, return 404 and method provided sent from the client isn't correct, return 404 and
stop processing the request. stop processing the request.
(handle :get (uri-fun :uri \"/path/to/page\"/) @content-type (args) (body))" `request' should have a symbol `name', keyword or list of keywords
`(tbnl:define-easy-handler ,uri ,params `method' and a string `uri'. One may also pass keyword arguments
(unless (eq ,method (tbnl:request-method*)) `content-type', a string of the content type returned and list of
(setf (tbnl:return-code*) tbnl:+http-method-not-allowed+) `acceptor', hunchentoot acceptor class that should listen for this
(tbnl:abort-request-handler)) handler.
(setf (tbnl:content-type* tbnl:*reply*) ,content-type)
,@body)) `params' are the request parameters of the client
`body' is what is evaluated and returned to the client"
(destructuring-bind (name method uri &optional content-type)
`(tbnl:define-easy-handler (,name :uri (method-path ,method ,uri))
(when ,content-type
(setf (tbnl:content-type* tbnl:*reply*) ,content-type))
(export '(host-file

@ -1,6 +1,3 @@
(defpackage #:hunchenhelpers (defpackage #:hunchenhelpers
(:nicknames :henh) (:nicknames :henh)
(:use :cl :hunchentoot) (:use #:cl))
:host-file :host-dir
