
Updated 2 years ago

Order files by their timestamps

Updated 2 years ago

Creating and managing memory mappings over an arbitrary file-descriptor holding object in Rust.

Updated 2 months ago

pipes stdin to stdout with a throttle (slowdown) rate specified by user. rate may be static or jitter to emulate a network connection or similar non-constant rate pipe.

Updated 2 years ago

statically sized, stack allocated `String` for Rust.

Updated 2 years ago

Parallel hashing of data.

Updated 2 years ago

collect all of standard input until its end, then output it all of it at once to standard output.

Updated 1 year ago

reverses all collected input from arguments or stdin lines, then outputs it (configurably) line by line to stdout

Updated 4 months ago

creates configurable and usable in-memory `/proc//fds/`s to pass as files to program arguments for reading and/or writing from other spawned process' pipes.

Updated 2 years ago

Parallel population of an array safely shared across threads.

Updated 2 years ago

simple network file transfer

Updated 3 years ago

Communicative forking for Rust

Updated 3 years ago

Remote encrypted message/data/command passing (basic shell)

Updated 3 years ago

convert between common storage formats as a library and CLI

Updated 3 years ago

Rust RSA/chacha20_poly1305 async stream wrapper

Updated 3 years ago

A safe library for allocating arbitrarily sized data on the stack at runtime in Rust.

Updated 3 months ago

Rust chacha20_poly1305 stream wrapper library

Updated 3 years ago

chacha20_poly1305 encryption CLI tool

Updated 4 months ago

Collection of small utilities for Rust

Updated 2 years ago

Find which files/directories are taking up the most space

Updated 3 years ago