You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

198 lines
3.7 KiB

#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include "map.h"
typedef uint64_t u64;
#ifdef TEST
#define PREAMBLE 5
#define PREAMBLE 25
#define input_sz (sizeof(input) / sizeof(u64))
const u64 input[] = {
#ifdef TEST
#include "input-test.h"
#include "input.h"
struct pair {
bool valid;
u64 num;
u64 sum[2];
inline static void insert_page(map_t* restrict where, u64 key, size_t i)
//if(key > PAGE_SIZE) panic("Data too large, increase page size to fit %lu in a single page", key);
map_insert(where, key, i);
static void calculate_deficits(const u64 pre[static PREAMBLE], map_t * restrict output, u64 target)
for(size_t i=0;i<PREAMBLE;i++)
if(target > pre[i])
insert_page(output, target - pre[i], i);
#ifdef PART2
static u64 csum(size_t i, size_t j)
register u64 sum=0;
sum += input[i];
return sum;
static int _comp_u64(const void* _i, const void* _j)
const u64* i = _i;
const u64* j = _j;
return *i < *j ? -1
: *i > *j ? 1
: 0;
inline static u64 ud_sort(size_t i, size_t j)
u64 slice[input_sz];
size_t len = j-i;
memcpy(slice, input+i, sizeof(u64)* len);
qsort(slice, len, sizeof(u64), &_comp_u64);
return slice[0] + slice[len-1];
static u64 find_set(u64 target)
for(register size_t i =0;i<input_sz;i++)
for(register size_t j=i;j<input_sz;j++)
u64 sum = csum(i, j);
if(sum == target) {
printf("%lu\n", ud_sort(i, j));
return 0;
} else if (sum > target) break;
fprintf(stderr, "No set found\n");
return 1;
static int cp_outer_bounds(size_t low, size_t high, u64* restrict low0, u64* restrict high0)
int mask = 0;
if(low) {
*low0 = input[low-1];
if(high<input_sz-1) {
*high0 = input[high+1];
return mask;
static u64 find_set_caterpillar(u64 target)
u64 value;
size_t low, high;
low = high = 0;
while(1) {
if( (value = csum(low, high)) == target ) {
printf("%lu\n", ud_sort(low, high));
return 0;
else {
u64 blow, bhigh;
blow = bhigh=0;
if(value < target) {
// Add largest outer bound
switch(cp_outer_bounds(low, high, &blow, &bhigh))
case 0: goto fuck;
case 1: /* Lower bound is the only possible one to add */
low -= 1;
case 2: /* Higher bound is the only possible one to add */
high += 1;
case 3:
if(blow <= bhigh) high+=1;
else low -=1;
} else if (value > target) {
// Remove smallest inner bount
blow = input[low];
bhigh =input[high];
if(blow <= bhigh) low += 1;
else high -=1;
fprintf(stderr, "No set found\n");
return 1;
int main()
map_t def = map_new();
struct pair result[input_sz] = {0};
for(register size_t i= PREAMBLE;i<input_sz;i++)
calculate_deficits(&input[i-PREAMBLE], &def, input[i]);
for(register size_t j=0;j<PREAMBLE;j++)
result[i].num = input[i];
size_t idx;
u64 us = input[(i-PREAMBLE)+j];
if(!map_get(&def, us, &idx)) continue;
u64 other = input[(i-PREAMBLE)+idx];
// Found pair!
result[i] = (struct pair){.valid = other!=us, .num=input[i], .sum = { us, other }};
for(register size_t i=PREAMBLE;i<input_sz;i++)
if(!result[i].valid && !(result[i].sum[0] | result[i].sum[1])) {
#ifdef PART2
printf("%lu\n", result[i].num);
return 0;
fprintf(stderr, "Not found\n");
return 1;