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use std::collections::HashMap;
mod input;
use input::INPUT_BIG as INPUT;
use input::INPUT;
#[cfg(not(feature="big"))] const TARGET: u64 = 2020;
#[cfg(feature="big")] const TARGET: u64 = 99920044;
// O(2n) ?
fn part1()
// u64 doesn't work on big input?
let input: Box<[_]> = INPUT[..].iter().map(|&x| x as u128).collect();
let target = TARGET as u128;
let input = &INPUT[..];
let target = TARGET;
let deficits: HashMap<_, usize> = (0..)
.filter_map(|(i, x)| target.checked_sub(x).map(|x| (x, i)))
for ix in input.iter().copied()
if let Some(&idx) = deficits.get(&ix)
if let Some(x) = input[idx].checked_mul(ix) {
println!("{}", x);
panic!("no solution");
// O(n + n^2) ?
fn part2()
// u64 doesn't work on big input?
let input: Box<[_]> = INPUT[..].iter().map(|&x| x as u128).collect();
let target = TARGET as u128;
let input = &INPUT[..];
let target = TARGET;
let deficits: HashMap<_, usize> = (0..)
.filter_map(|(i, x)| target.checked_sub(x).map(|x| (x, i)))
eprintln!("calculated deficits: {}", deficits.len());
for (i, ix) in (0..).zip(input.iter().copied())
for jx in input[i..].iter().copied().skip(1)
if let Some(sum) = ix.checked_add(jx) {
if let Some(&idx) = deficits.get(&sum)
eprintln!("solution found?");
println!("{}", if let Some(x) = input[idx].checked_mul(ix).map(|x| x.checked_mul(jx)).flatten()
{ x } else { continue; });
panic!("no solution");
fn main() {
#[cfg(feature="part1")] part1();
#[cfg(feature="part2")] part2();