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/// An async wrapper around `setTimeout()` and `setInterval()`.
/// # `setTimeout()`
/// `await (new AsyncTimeout(() => "value", 100)).timeout() /* === "value" */` is `setTimeout(()=> "value", 100)` promisified.
/// # `setInterval()`
/// `for await (const value of new AsyncTimeout(() => "value", 100)).interval()) { /* value === "value" */ }` is `setInterval(()=> "value", 100)` promisified.
/// This is an infinite iterator. To cancel the interval, simply break out of the `for await` loop.
/// # Parameters
/// * `thing` - The function to call after the timeout/interval. The result of the promise (or the yield for `interval()`) is the result of this function call. If the funtion throws, then the rejection of the promise will be that error thrown.
/// * `interval` - The time to wait for the timeout or interval
/// # Examples
/// See `examples` below.
function AsyncTimeout(thing, interval)
function isPromise(obj) {
return !!obj && (typeof obj === 'object' || typeof obj === 'function') && typeof obj.then === 'function';
async function _call(t)
if(isPromise(t)) return await t(arguments);
else await (async () => {});
return t(arguments);
this.timeout = () => new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
setTimeout(() => {
try {
_call(thing).then(resolve); //XXX: This design doesn't work, we'll need to go back to the drawing board with this function for this to work... The exception won't propagate here, so...
} catch(e) { reject(e); }
}, interval);
this.interval = async function*() {
while(true) {
yield await new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
setTimeout(() => {
try { _call(thing).then(resolve); } catch(e) { reject(e); }
}, interval);
const example = async (_timeout) => {
_timeout = _timeout || 100;
// Wait 100 then alert "hi"
alert(await (new AsyncTimeout(() => "hi", _timeout)).timeout());
// Continuously wait 100 then alert "hi"
for await (const value of new AsyncTimeout(() => "hi forever", _timeout).interval()) { alert(value); }