start usage message

Avril 3 years ago
parent b816c79128
commit 4a1a6171a1
Signed by: flanchan
GPG Key ID: 284488987C31F630

@ -2,6 +2,8 @@
use super::*;
use std::fmt;
mod usage;
/// The name of the process that was invoked
#[inline] pub fn prog_name() -> &'static str
@ -11,127 +13,9 @@ use std::fmt;
#[inline] fn options() -> impl Iterator<Item = impl fmt::Display>
struct Opt(&'static [&'static str], Option<&'static str>, &'static str, usize, Option<&'static str>, Option<&'static [&'static str]>);
impl Opt
const fn with_def(self, vl: &'static str) -> Self
Self(self.0, self.1, self.2, self.3, Some(vl), self.5)
const fn with_slice(self, vl: &'static [&'static str]) -> Self
Self(self.0, self.1, self.2, self.3, self.4, Some(vl))
/// Macro for printing the options
/// # Usage
/// Any combination of the following:
/// ```
/// opt!("--long", "--other"; "Description"); // --long, --other: Description
/// opt!("--long", "--other"; * 2 "Description"); // --long, --other: Description
/// opt!("--long", "--other" => "value name"; "Description"); // --long, --other <value name>: Description
/// opt!("--long"; "Description", ""); // --long, --other: Description (default)
/// opt!("--long"; "Description", "Value"); // --long, --other: Description (default: `Value`)
/// opt!("--long"; "Description", ["OTHER", "OTHER 2"], "value"); // --long, --other: Description (see `OTHER`, `OTHER 2`) (default: `value`)
/// ```
macro_rules! opt {
($($name:literal),* => $num:literal; $desc:literal $(, [$($see:literal),*])? $(, $def:literal)?) => {
let o = Opt(&[$($name),*], Some($num), $desc, 1, None, None);
$(let o = o.with_def($def);)?
$(let o = o.with_slice(&[$($see),*]);)?
($($name:literal),* => $num:literal; * $tabs:literal $desc:literal $(, [$($see:literal),*])? $(, $def:literal)?) => {
let o = Opt(&[$($name),*], Some($num), $desc, $tabs, None, None);
$(let o = o.with_def($def);)?
$(let o = o.with_slice(&[$($see),*]);)?
($($name:literal),*; $desc:literal $(, [$($see:literal),*])? $(, $def:literal)?) => {
let o = Opt(&[$($name),*], None, $desc, 1, None, None);
$(let o = o.with_def($def);)?
$(let o = o.with_slice(&[$($see),*]);)?
($($name:literal),*; * $tabs:literal $desc:literal $(, [$($see:literal),*])? $(, $def:literal)?) => {
let o = Opt(&[$($name),*], None, $desc, $tabs, None, None);
$(let o = o.with_def($def);)?
$(let o = o.with_slice(&[$($see),*]);)?
impl fmt::Display for Opt
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result
write!(f, " {}", self.0.iter().join(", "))?;
if let Some(mx) = self.1 {
use recolored::Colorize;
write!(f, " <{}>", mx.italic())?;
write!(f, ":")?;
for ch in std::iter::repeat('\t').take(self.3)
use std::fmt::Write;
write!(f,"{}", self.2)?;
use recolored::Colorize;
match self.5 {
Some(&[]) => (),
Some(strings) => {
write!(f, " (see {})", strings.iter().map(|x| iter!["`".clear(), x.underline(), "`".clear()]).flat_join(", "))?;
_ => (),
match self.4 {
Some("") => {
write!(f, " ({})", "default".bold().bright_red())?;
Some(string) => {
write!(f, " ({}: `{}`)", "default".bold().bright_red(), string.bright_blue())?;
None => (),
opt!("--limit", "-l" => "max children"; "Limit the number of child processes running at once."),
opt!("--auto-limit", "-m"; * 2 "Limit to max number of CPUs + 1", ""),
opt!("--unlimit", "-U"; * 3 "No limit to number of processes spawned at once"),
opt!("--completion", "-c" => "action"; "Set the default action on completion", ["ACTIONS", "COMPLETION"], "ignore"),
opt!("--silent", "-s"; * 3 "Output no messages other than that of child processes"),
opt!("--stdout" => "where"; * 2 "Set default redirect option for childrens' `stdout`", ["ACTIONS"] ,"inherit"),
opt!("--stderr" => "where"; * 2 "Set default redirect option for childrens' `stderr`", ["ACTIONS"], "inherit"),
opt!("--stdin" => "where"; * 2 "Set default redirect option for childrens' `stdin`", ["ACTIONS"], "close")
/// Print usage
pub fn print_usage()
use recolored::Colorize;
println!(r#"batchtask v{version} - advanced process batching
by {author} with <3 (licensed GPL3+)"#,
version = env!("CARGO_PKG_VERSION"),
@ -140,12 +24,11 @@ pub fn print_usage()
Usage: {prog} [OPTIONS]...
Usage: {prog} --help
prog = prog_name(),
OPTIONS = "OPTIONS".bright_blue().bold(),
opts = options().map(|x| lazy_format!("{}", x)).join("\n"));
//OPTIONS = "OPTIONS".bright_blue().bold(),
opts = usage::sections().map(|x| lazy_format!("{}", x)).join("\n").trim());
/// Print usage then exit

@ -0,0 +1,202 @@
use super::*;
struct Opt(&'static [&'static str], Option<&'static str>, &'static str, usize, Option<&'static str>, Option<&'static [&'static str]>);
impl Opt
const fn with_def(self, vl: &'static str) -> Self
Self(self.0, self.1, self.2, self.3, Some(vl), self.5)
const fn with_slice(self, vl: &'static [&'static str]) -> Self
Self(self.0, self.1, self.2, self.3, self.4, Some(vl))
/// Macro for printing the options
/// # Usage
/// Any combination of the following:
/// ```
/// opt!("--long", "--other"; "Description"); // --long, --other: Description
/// opt!("--long", "--other"; * 2 "Description"); // --long, --other: Description
/// opt!("--long", "--other" => "value name"; "Description"); // --long, --other <value name>: Description
/// opt!("--long"; "Description", ""); // --long, --other: Description (default)
/// opt!("--long"; "Description", "Value"); // --long, --other: Description (default: `Value`)
/// opt!("--long"; "Description", ["OTHER", "OTHER 2"], "value"); // --long, --other: Description (see `OTHER`, `OTHER 2`) (default: `value`)
/// ```
#[macro_export] macro_rules! opt {
(where $desc:literal) => {
Opt(&[], None, $desc, 2, None, None)
(in $supersection:literal) => {
Opt(&[], None, $supersection, 1, None, None)
($section:literal) => {
Opt(&[], None, $section, 0, None, None)
() => {
Opt(&[], None, "", 0, None, None)
($($name:literal),* => $num:literal; $desc:literal $(, [$($see:literal),*])? $(, $def:literal)?) => {
let o = Opt(&[$($name),*], Some($num), $desc, 1, None, None);
$(let o = o.with_def($def);)?
$(let o = o.with_slice(&[$($see),*]);)?
($($name:literal),* => $num:literal; * $tabs:literal $desc:literal $(, [$($see:literal),*])? $(, $def:literal)?) => {
let o = Opt(&[$($name),*], Some($num), $desc, $tabs, None, None);
$(let o = o.with_def($def);)?
$(let o = o.with_slice(&[$($see),*]);)?
($($name:literal),*; $desc:literal $(, [$($see:literal),*])? $(, $def:literal)?) => {
let o = Opt(&[$($name),*], None, $desc, 1, None, None);
$(let o = o.with_def($def);)?
$(let o = o.with_slice(&[$($see),*]);)?
($($name:literal),*; * $tabs:literal $desc:literal $(, [$($see:literal),*])? $(, $def:literal)?) => {
let o = Opt(&[$($name),*], None, $desc, $tabs, None, None);
$(let o = o.with_def($def);)?
$(let o = o.with_slice(&[$($see),*]);)?
impl fmt::Display for Opt
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result
use recolored::Colorize;
match (self.0, self.2, self.3) {
(&[], "", _) => return Ok(()),
(&[], desc, 2) => {
for line in desc.split('\n') {
writeln!(f, "> {}", line)?;
return Ok(());
(&[], desc, 1) => return write!(f, "[{}]:", desc.bold().bright_blue()),
(&[], desc, _) if desc.starts_with("\n") => return write!(f, "\n>>> {}:", &desc[1..].bright_cyan()),
(&[], desc, _) => return write!(f, ">>> {}:", desc.bright_cyan()),
_ => (),
let wt = self.0.iter().join(", ");
if wt.starts_with("-") {
write!(f, " {}", wt)?;
} else {
write!(f, " {}", wt.bright_blue())?;
if let Some(mx) = self.1 {
use recolored::Colorize;
write!(f, " <{}>", mx.italic())?;
write!(f, ":")?;
for ch in std::iter::repeat('\t').take(self.3)
use std::fmt::Write;
write!(f,"{}", self.2)?;
use recolored::Colorize;
match self.5 {
Some(&[]) => (),
Some(strings) => {
write!(f, " (see {})", strings.iter().map(|x| iter!["`".clear(), x.underline(), "`".clear()]).flat_join(", "))?;
_ => (),
match self.4 {
Some("") => {
write!(f, " ({})", "default".bold().bright_red())?;
Some(string) => {
write!(f, " ({}: `{}`)", "default".bold().bright_red(), string.bright_blue())?;
None => (),
/// The `options` section
#[inline] fn options() -> impl Iterator<Item = Opt>
opt!(in "OPTIONS"),
opt!("--limit", "-l" => "max children"; "Limit the number of child processes running at once."),
opt!("--auto-limit", "-m"; * 2 "Limit to max number of CPUs + 1", ""),
opt!("--unlimit", "-U"; * 3 "No limit to number of processes spawned at once"),
opt!("--completion", "-c" => "action"; "Set the default action on completion", ["ACTIONS", "COMPLETION"], "ignore"),
opt!("--silent", "-s"; * 3 "Output no messages other than that of child processes"),
opt!("\nChild I/O"),
opt!(where "Defaults for I/O redirections of children\nThese can be overwritten individually with explicit inputs."),
opt!("--stdout" => "where"; * 2 "Set default redirect option for childrens' `stdout`", ["ACTIONS"] ,"inherit"),
opt!("--stderr" => "where"; * 2 "Set default redirect option for childrens' `stderr`", ["ACTIONS"], "inherit"),
opt!("--stdin" => "where"; * 2 "Set default redirect option for childrens' `stdin`", ["ACTIONS"], "close"),
/// The `actions` sections
#[inline] fn actions() -> impl Iterator<Item = Opt>
opt!(in "ACTIONS"),
opt!(where "Certain options have specific actions"),
opt!(where "Child I/O related operations"),
opt!("inherit"; * 3 "Inherit the i/o from parent (this) process"),
opt!("close"; * 4 "Close the I/O"),
opt!("ignore"; * 3 "Don't close the stream, but don't do anything with it"),
opt!("file" => "filename"; * 2 "Use this file as input / output.\n\t\t\t\tFor input, if the file is not readable or nonexistant, it causes a panic.\n\t\t\t\tFor output, it appends to the file or uses a new one for output.\n\t\t\t\tIf this is not possible, it causes a panic.\n\t\t\t\tTo overwrite the files instead of appending, use file:clobber"),
opt!("file:clobber" => "filename"; "Only valid for outputs, overwrite the file and write to it, instead of appending"),
opt!("stderr"; * 3 "Redirect stdout to the same location as stderr.\n\t\t\t\tIf there is a cycle detected here, or it is used for anything other that stdout, there is a panic"),
opt!("stdout"; * 3 "Redirect stderr to the same location as stdout.\n\t\t\t\tIf there is a cycle detected here, or it is used for anything other that stdout, there is a panic"),
#[inline] fn completion() -> impl Iterator<Item = Opt>
opt!(in "COMPLETION"),
opt!(where "Directives for how to handle process completion"),
/// Get the sections as display iterators
pub fn sections() -> impl Iterator<Item = impl fmt::Display>