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/* bits - pipe the bits of each byte from stdin to stdout
* usage: bits [<mask>]
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#define noreturn __attribute__((noreturn))
#define noinline __attribute__((noinline))
#define BUFFER_SIZE 4096
#define IGNORE(param) do { (void)(param); } while(0)
#define LIKELY(ex) __builtin_expect((ex), 1)
#define UNLIKELY(ex) __builtin_expect((ex), 0)
#define LIF(ex) if(LIKELY(!!(ex)))
#define UIF(ex) if(UNLIKELY(!!(ex)))
//TODO: For explicitly threaded version: Make a lazy thread spawner, spawning up to 8 threads which will each work on a byte and atomically write back to a central array of `uint64_t [num_of_bytes / num_of_threads]`.
//TODO: But how to sync the fwrites of this buffer? An atomic counter of which threads have completed their operations, and a condvar that allows the controlling thread to check if the counter is full before `fwrite_all()`ing the array, resetting the counter, and carrying on
static inline int sfread(void* out, size_t *restrict size, FILE* f)
register ssize_t r = fread(out, 1, *size, f);
return r < 0 ? (perror("failed to read from stdin"), 0) : !!(*size = (size_t)r);
static int fwrite_all(const void* _buf, size_t sz, size_t num, FILE* out)
register size_t w, done=0;
register const unsigned char* buf = _buf;
while( (w = fwrite(buf+(sz*done), sz, num-done, out)) > 0 && done < num) done+=w;
if (done!=num) return 0;
else return 1;
static void pbits(char out[restrict 8], unsigned char byte, const char bit[static 2])
for(register int i=8; i --> 0; byte >>= 1) *out++=bit[byte & 1];
//TODO: In explicitly threaded version, we can use an atomic (atomic.h) 64-bit integer `store()` to output those 8 bytes in `out`, which will be re-cast as `uint64_t out[restrict 1]`
static noinline noreturn void die(const char* msg)
fprintf(stderr, "error: %s\n", msg);
// Light assertion (likely to succeed)
//TODO: Where do we have the __builtin_expect here? On the inside or the outside of the expression? Or both? For now, both.
#define Lcheck(value, message) (LIKELY(LIKELY(!!(value)) ? 1 : (die(message), 0)))
int main(int argc, char **argv)
const char* mask = argv[1] &&
Lcheck( argv[1][0] && // We only care about the first 2 chars, so check them both. If neither are the null terminator, then the mask is valid.
argv[1][1], "expected 2 character mask") ?
argv[1] :
unsigned char buf[BUFFER_SIZE];
char tbuf[BUFFER_SIZE * 8];
size_t bsz = BUFFER_SIZE;
while(sfread(buf, &bsz, stdin))
register size_t size = bsz;
while(size --> 0) pbits(tbuf+(8*size), buf[size], mask);
if(!fwrite_all(tbuf, 8, bsz, stdout)) { perror("Failed to write"); return 1; }
return 0;