@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ use std::{
} ,
borrow ::{ BorrowMut , Cow } ,
convert ::{ TryFrom , TryInto , } ,
fmt , error ,
} ;
use libc ::{
mmap , munmap , madvise , MAP_FAILED ,
@ -62,7 +63,7 @@ pub fn raw_file_size(fd: &(impl AsRawFd + ?Sized)) -> io::Result<u64>
#[ inline ]
fn try_truncate ( fd : & ( impl AsRawFd + ? Sized ) , to : u64 ) -> io ::Result < ( ) >
//use libc::ftruncate;
use libc ::ftruncate ;
let to = to . try_into ( ) . map_err ( | e | io ::Error ::new ( io ::ErrorKind ::InvalidInput , e ) ) ? ;
match unsafe { ftruncate ( fd . as_raw_fd ( ) , to ) } {
0 = > Ok ( ( ) ) ,
@ -152,7 +153,7 @@ fn try_map_to<T: AsRawFd + ?Sized>(file: &T, file_size: usize) -> bool
// Grow file
unsafe {
libc ::ftruncate ( file . as_raw_fd ( ) , file_size ) = = 0
libc ::ftruncate ( file . as_raw_fd ( ) , if file_size > i64 ::MAX as u64 { i64 ::MAX } else { file_size as i64 } ) = = 0
@ -169,30 +170,53 @@ fn translate_hugetlb_size(size: usize) -> mapped_file::hugetlb::HugePage
const MB : usize = 1024 * 1024 ;
const GB : usize = 1024 * MB ;
match size {
0 .. MB = > mapped_file ::hugetlb ::HugePage ::Smallest ,
MB .. GB = > mapped_file ::hugetlb ::HugePage ::Selected ( check_func ) ,
0 .. = MB = > mapped_file ::hugetlb ::HugePage ::Smallest ,
MB .. = GB = > mapped_file ::hugetlb ::HugePage ::Selected ( check_func ) ,
very_high = > mapped_file ::hugetlb ::HugePage ::Largest ,
/// Create and map a temporary memory file of this size.
/// This function may optionally choose to huge hugepages if `size` is large enough
/// # Hugetlb
/// This function may optionally choose to huge hugepages if `size` is large enough and `HUGE` is set to true.
/// If you want to read/write from this file too, call `create_sized_temp_mapping_at::<false>()` instead, or `create_sized_basic_mapping()`.
#[ inline ]
fn create_sized_temp_mapping ( size : usize ) -> io ::Result < ( MappedFile < MemoryFile > , bool ) >
create_sized_temp_mapping_at ::< true > ( size )
/// Create and map a temporary memory file of this size.
/// # Hugetlb
/// This function may optionally choose to huge hugepages if `size` is large enough and `HUGE` is set to true.
/// If you want to read/write from this file too, call with `HUGE = false`.
fn create_sized_temp_mapping_at < const HUGE : bool > ( size : usize ) -> io ::Result < ( MappedFile < MemoryFile > , bool ) >
const HUGETLB_THRESH : usize = 1024 * 1024 ; // 1MB
let file = match size {
0 = > MemoryFile ::new ( ) ,
0 .. HUGETLB_THRESH = > MemoryFile ::with_size ( size ) ,
size = > {
0 ..= HUGETLB_THRESH = > MemoryFile ::with_size ( size ) ,
size if HUGE = > {
let hugetlb = translate_hugetlb_size ( size ) ;
let file = MemoryFile ::with_size_hugetlb ( size , hugetlb ) ? ;
let file = if let Some ( flag ) = hugetlb . compute_huge ( ) {
MemoryFile ::with_size_hugetlb ( size , flag ) ?
} else {
MemoryFile ::with_size ( size ) ?
} ;
return MappedFile ::new ( file , size , Perm ::ReadWrite , Flags ::Shared . with_hugetlb ( hugetlb ) ) . map ( | x | ( x , true ) ) ;
} ,
} ,
0 |
_ = > MemoryFile ::new ( ) ,
} ? ;
MappedFile ::new ( file , size , Perm ::ReadWrite , Flags ::Shared ) . map ( | x | ( x , false ) )
#[ inline(always) ]
fn create_sized_basic_mapping ( size : usize ) -> io ::Result < MappedFile < MemoryFile > >
create_sized_temp_mapping ( size ) . map ( | ( x , _ ) | x )
type MappedMemoryFile = MappedFile < mapped_file ::file ::memory ::MemoryFile > ;
/// How a mapped operation should optimally take place
@ -232,7 +256,7 @@ impl<T: io::Read+AsRawFd, U: io::Write+AsRawFd> OpTable<T, U>
let _ = input . advise ( mapped_file ::Advice ::Sequential , Some ( true ) ) ;
let _ = output . advise ( mapped_file ::Advice ::Sequential , None ) ;
} ,
Self ::Input ( input , mem )
Self ::Input ( input , mem , _ )
= > {
let _ = input . advise ( mapped_file ::Advice ::Sequential , Some ( true ) ) ;
let _ = mem . advise ( mapped_file ::Advice ::Sequential , None ) ;
@ -240,7 +264,7 @@ impl<T: io::Read+AsRawFd, U: io::Write+AsRawFd> OpTable<T, U>
Self ::Output ( input , mem , _ )
= > {
let _ = mem . advise ( mapped_file ::Advice ::Sequential , Some ( true ) ) ;
std ::io ::copy ( & mut input , & mut mem )? ;
std ::io ::copy ( & mut input , & mut & mut mem [.. ] )? ; //TODO: When mapped_file is updated to add `inner_mut()`, use that instead of the mapped array as destination (gives access to splice et all.)
} ,
_ = > ( ) ,
@ -250,7 +274,7 @@ impl<T: io::Read+AsRawFd, U: io::Write+AsRawFd> OpTable<T, U>
match self {
Self ::Both ( _ , output ) = > drop ( output . flush ( mapped_file ::Flush ::Wait ) ? ) ,
Self ::Input ( _ , mut mem , mut output ) = > drop ( std ::io ::copy ( & mut mem , & mut output ) ? ) ,
Self ::Input ( _ , mut mem , mut output ) = > drop ( std ::io ::copy ( & mut & mem [ .. ] , & mut output ) ? ) , //TODO: When mapped_file is updated to add `inner_mut()`, use that instead of the mapped array as source (gives access to splice et all.)
Self ::Output ( _ , _ , mut output ) = > drop ( output . flush ( mapped_file ::Flush ::Wait ) ? ) ,
Self ::Neither ( _ , stream ) = > stream . flush ( ) ? ,
_ = > ( ) ,
@ -298,7 +322,7 @@ impl<T: io::Read+AsRawFd, U: io::Write+AsRawFd> OpTable<T, U>
} ;
( $mem :expr , $size :expr ) = > {
$mem . map ( | x | Cow ::Borrowed ( & mut x [ .. ] ) ) . unwrap_or_else ( | | Cow ::Owned ( vec! [ 0 u8 ; $size ] ) ) ;
$mem . map ( | x | Cow ::Borrowed ( & mut x [ .. ] ) ) . unwrap_or_else ( | | Cow ::Owned ( vec! [ 0 u8 ; $size ] ) )
let mut _mem = try_allocmem ! ( BUFFER_SIZE ) ;
@ -324,8 +348,8 @@ impl<T: io::Read+AsRawFd, U: io::Write+AsRawFd> OpTable<T, U>
fn sized_then_or < T : AsRawFd , U , F > ( stream : T , trans : F ) -> Result < U , T >
where F : FnOnce ( T , usize ) -> U
let Some ( size ) : usize = raw_file_size ( & stream ) . and_then( u64 :: into ). ok ( ) else { return Err ( stream ) ; } ;
Some ( trans ( stream , tran s) )
let Some ( size ) = raw_file_size ( & stream ) . ok( ) . and_then( | x | u64 ::try_ into(x ). ok ( ) ) else { return Err ( stream ) ; } ;
Ok ( trans ( stream , size ) )
#[ inline ]
@ -344,8 +368,69 @@ fn map_size_or<T: AsRawFd, U, F>(stream: T, size: usize, trans: F) -> Result<U,
#[ derive(Debug) ]
#[ non_exhaustive ]
pub enum ProcessErrorKind
Unknown ,
IO ( io ::Error ) ,
impl fmt ::Display for ProcessErrorKind
#[ inline(always) ]
fn fmt ( & self , f : & mut fmt ::Formatter < ' _ > ) -> fmt ::Result
match self {
Self ::IO ( io ) = > write! ( f , "io error: {}" , io ) ,
_ = > f . write_str ( "unknown" ) ,
pub struct ProcessError {
kind : ProcessErrorKind ,
context : Option < Box < Dynamic > > ,
impl fmt ::Debug for ProcessError
#[ inline ]
fn fmt ( & self , f : & mut fmt ::Formatter < ' _ > ) -> fmt ::Result
f . debug_struct ( "ProcessError" )
. field ( "kind" , & self . kind )
. finish_non_exhaustive ( )
impl error ::Error for ProcessError { }
impl fmt ::Display for ProcessError
#[ inline ]
fn fmt ( & self , f : & mut fmt ::Formatter < ' _ > ) -> fmt ::Result
f . write_str ( "fatal processing error: " ) ? ;
self . kind . fmt ( f )
impl From < io ::Error > for ProcessError
#[ inline ]
fn from ( from : io ::Error ) -> Self
Self {
kind : ProcessErrorKind ::IO ( from ) ,
context : None ,
/// Create an optimised call table for the cryptographic transformation from `from` to `to`.
pub fn create_process < T : AsRawFd , U : AsRawFd > ( from : T , to : U ) -> OpTable < T , U >
pub fn try_ create_process< T : AsRawFd , U : AsRawFd > ( from : T , to : U ) -> Result < OpTable< T , U > , ProcessError >
let ( input , buffsz ) = match sized_then_or ( from , | input , input_size | {
( match MappedFile ::try_new ( input , input_size , Perm ::Readonly , Flags ::Private ) {
@ -358,7 +443,7 @@ pub fn create_process<T: AsRawFd, U: AsRawFd>(from: T, to: U) -> OpTable<T, U>
} ;
let ( output , outsz ) = {
if let Some ( buffsz ) = buffsz . or_else ( | | raw_file_size ( & to ) . ok ( ) ) {
if let Some ( buffsz ) = buffsz . or_else ( | | raw_file_size ( & to ) . ok ( ) .and_then ( | x | usize ::try_from ( x ) . ok ( ) ) ) {
match map_size_or ( to , buffsz , | mmap , size | {
( mmap , size )
} ) {
@ -366,17 +451,22 @@ pub fn create_process<T: AsRawFd, U: AsRawFd>(from: T, to: U) -> OpTable<T, U>
Err ( e ) = > ( Err ( e ) , if buffsz = = 0 { None } else { Some ( buffsz ) } ) ,
} else {
Err ( ( to , None ) )
( Err ( to ) , None )
} ;
match ( ( input , buffsz ) , ( output , outsz ) ) {
Ok ( match ( ( input , buffsz ) , ( output , outsz ) ) {
// Check for all combinations of mapping successes or failures
( ( Ok ( min ) , isz ) , ( Ok ( mout ) , osz ) ) = > OpTable ::Both ( min , mout ) ,
( ( Ok ( min ) , isz ) , ( Err ( sout ) , osz ) ) = > OpTable ::Input ( min , create_sized_temp_mapping ( isz . or ( osz ) ) , sout ) ,
( ( Err ( sin ) , isz ) , ( Ok ( mout ) , osz ) ) = > OpTable ::Output ( sin , create_sized_temp_mapping ( osz . or ( isz ) ) , mout ) ,
( ( Err ( sin , isz ) , ( Err ( sout ) , osz ) ) ) = > OpTable ::Neither ( sin , sout ) ,
( ( Ok ( min ) , isz ) , ( Err ( sout ) , osz ) ) = > OpTable ::Input ( min , create_sized_temp_mapping ( isz . or ( osz ) . unwrap_or ( 0 ) ) ? . 0 , sout ) ,
( ( Err ( sin ) , isz ) , ( Ok ( mout ) , osz ) ) = > OpTable ::Output ( sin , create_sized_basic_mapping ( osz . or ( isz ) . unwrap_or ( 0 ) ) ? , mout ) ,
( ( Err ( sin ) , isz ) , ( Err ( sout ) , osz ) ) = > OpTable ::Neither ( sin , sout ) ,
} )
pub fn try_process ( _mode : impl BorrowMut < Crypter > ) -> io ::Result < io ::Result < ( ) > >
todo! ( "use `try_create_process()`" )
#[ cfg(feature= " try_process-old " ) ]