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//! Use memory mapping to process the entire stream at once
use super::*;
use std::os::unix::prelude::*;
use std::{
convert::{TryFrom, TryInto,},
use libc::{
mmap, munmap, madvise, MAP_FAILED,
use mapped_file::{
use openssl::symm::Crypter;
struct MapInner
mem: ptr::NonNull<u8>,
size: usize
impl ops::Drop for MapInner
fn drop(&mut self)
unsafe {
munmap(self.mem.as_ptr() as *mut _, self.size);
pub fn raw_file_size(fd: &(impl AsRawFd + ?Sized)) -> io::Result<u64>
use libc::fstat;
let mut stat = MaybeUninit::uninit();
match unsafe { fstat(fd.as_raw_fd(), stat.as_mut_ptr()) } {
0 => match unsafe {stat.assume_init()}.st_size {
x if x < 0 => Err(io::Error::new(io::ErrorKind::InvalidInput, format!("File from {} is too large", fd.as_raw_fd()))),
x => Ok(x as u64),
_ => Err(io::Error::last_os_error()),
fn try_truncate(fd: &(impl AsRawFd + ?Sized), to: u64) -> io::Result<()>
//use libc::ftruncate;
let to = to.try_into().map_err(|e| io::Error::new(io::ErrorKind::InvalidInput, e))?;
match unsafe { ftruncate(fd.as_raw_fd(), to) } {
0 => Ok(()),
_ => Err(io::Error::last_os_error()),
pub struct Mapped<T: ?Sized>
mem: MapInner,
file: T
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Hash, Copy, PartialOrd, Ord)]
pub enum MapMode
//TODO: impl MapMode -> fn as_prot() -> c_int, fn as_flags() -> c_int
impl<T: AsRawFd> Mapped<T>
pub fn try_new_sized(file: T, size: u64, rw: MapMode) -> io::Result<Self>
todo!("mem: mmap(0, size, rw.prot(), MAP_SHARED (For rw: *Write*), MAP_PRIVATE [TODO: add support for| MAP_HUGE_] (For rw: ReadOnly), file.as_raw_fd(), 0) != MAP_FAILED (TODO: maybe madvise?)")
pub fn try_new(file: T, rw: MapMode) -> io::Result<Self>
let size = raw_file_size(&file)?;
Self::try_new_sized(file, size, rw)
impl<T: AsRawFd> TryFrom<T> for Mapped<T>
type Error = io::Error;
fn try_from(from: T) -> Result<Self, Self::Error>
Self::try_new(from, raw_file_size(&from)?)
fn process_mapped_files<T, U>(mode: &mut Crypter, input: &mut MappedFile<T>, output: &mut MappedFile<U>) -> io::Result<()>
where T: AsRawFd,
U: AsRawFd,
mode.update(&input[..], &mut output[..])?;
fn try_map_sized<T: AsRawFd>(file: T, perm: mapped_file::Perm, flags: impl mapped_file::MapFlags) -> Result<MappedFile<T>, T>
macro_rules! unwrap {
($res:expr) => {
match $res {
Ok(v) => v,
_ => return Err(file)
if let Ok(sz) = raw_file_size(&file) {
let sz = unwrap!(sz.try_into());
MappedFile::try_new(file, sz, perm, flags).map_err(|err| err.into_inner())
} else {
fn try_map_to<T: AsRawFd + ?Sized>(file: &T, file_size: usize) -> bool
let file_size = match file_size.try_into() {
Ok(v) => v,
_ => return false
if let Ok(stdout_size) = raw_file_size(file) {
if stdout_size >= file_size {
// Size already ok
return true;
// Grow file
unsafe {
libc::ftruncate(file.as_raw_fd(), file_size) == 0
fn translate_hugetlb_size(size: usize) -> mapped_file::hugetlb::HugePage
fn check_func(sizes_kb: &[usize]) -> Option<&usize>
sizes_kb.iter().skip_while(|&&kb| kb < 1024 * 1024).next()
.or_else(|| sizes_kb.iter().nth(1)
.or_else(|| sizes_kb.first()))
match size {
0..(1024*1024) => mapped_file::hugetlb::HugePage::Smallest,
(1024*1024)..(1024*1024*1024) => mapped_file::hugetlb::HugePage::Selected(check_func),
very_high => mapped_file::hugetlb::HugePage::Largest,
/// Create and map a temporary memory file of this size.
/// This function may optionally choose to huge hugepages if `size` is large enough
fn create_sized_temp_mapping(size: usize) -> io::Result<(MappedFile<MemoryFile>, bool)>
const HUGETLB_THRESH: usize = 1024 * 1024; // 1MB
let file = match size {
0 => MemoryFile::new(),
0..HUGETLB_THRESH => MemoryFile::with_size(size),
size => {
let hugetlb = translate_hugetlb_size(size);
let file = MemoryFile::with_size_hugetlb(size, hugetlb)?;
return MappedFile::new(file, size, Perm::ReadWrite, Flags::Shared.with_hugetlb(hugetlb)).map(|x| (x, true));
MappedFile::new(file, size, Perm::ReadWrite, Flags::Shared).map(|x| (x, false))
pub fn try_process(mut mode: impl BorrowMut<Crypter>) -> io::Result<io::Result<()>>
let mode = mode.borrow_mut();
let stdin = io::stdin().lock();
let stdout = io::stdout().lock();
let file_size = raw_file_size(&stdin)?;
macro_rules! attempt_mapping {
($file:expr, $perm:expr, $flags:expr) => {
let file = $file;
if try_map_to(&file, file_size) {
MappedFile::try_new(file, file_size, $perm, $flags).map_err(|e| e.into_inner())
} else {
return Err(io::Error::new(io::ErrorKind::InvalidData, concat!("Failed to truncate ", stringify!($file), " to size")));
($file:expr, $perm:expr) => {
attempt_mapping($file, $perm, Flags::default())
// Try map stdout
Ok(match attempt_mapping!(stdout, Perm::ReadWrite, Flags::Shared) {
Ok(mut mstdout) => {
let res = match try_map_sized(stdin, mapped_file::Perm::Readonly, mapped_file::Flags::Private)
Ok(mut mstdin) => {
// Stdin and stdout are mapped. (3)
process_mapped_files(&mut mode, &mut mstdin, &mut mstdout)
Err(_) => {
// Only stdout is mapped. (1)
let size = file_size as usize;
let is_huge = size >= 1024*1024;
if is_huge {
let (mapped_memfd, _) = create_sized_temp_mapping(size)?;
io::copy(&mut stdin, &mut &mapped_memfd[..]).and_then(move |_| mapped_memfd)
} else {
MemoryFile::with_size(size).or_else(|_| MemoryFile::new()).and_then(|mut memfd| {
let size = io::copy(&mut stdin, &mut memfd)?;
MappedFile::new(memfd, size as usize, Perm::ReadWrite, Flags::Shared)
}.and_then(move |mut mapped_memfd| {
process_mapped_files(mode, &mut mapped_memfd, &mut mstdout)
//todo!("Copy stdin into a memory-file, and then map that and process it to stdout (XXX: What if the file is too large, but we cannot tell the size of stdin?)")
if res.is_ok() {
} else {
Err(mut stdout) => {
match try_map_sized(stdin, mapped_file::Perm::Readonly, mapped_file::Flags::Private)
Ok(mut mstdin) => {
// Only stdin is mapped. (2)
if cfg!(feature="sodiumoxide") {
todo!("XXX: When we switch to `sodiumoxide`, we won't *need* this, we can mutate the *private* stdin mapping directly.")
} else {
//TODO: XXX: When we switch to `sodiumoxide`, we won't *need* this, we can mutate the *private* stdin mapping directly.
//todo!("Create a memory file (possibly with hugetlb, depending on `file_size`), map that, process_mapped_files(...) into that memory file, then `io::copy(&mut &memfile[..], &stdout)`")
let (mapped_memfd, is_huge) = create_sized_temp_mapping(file_size as usize)?;
process_mapped_files(&mut mode, &mut mstdin, &mut mapped_memfd).and_then(move |_| {
if is_huge {
// Cannot use fd syscalls on `MFD_HUGELB`, copy into stdout from the mapped buffer itself.
io::copy(&mut &mapped_file[..], &mut stdout)
} else {
// Sync the contents into the memory file then use fd syscalls to copy into stdout.
mapped_memfd.flush(mapped_file::Flush::Wait).and_then(move |_| {
let mut memfd = mapped_memfd.into_inner();
io::copy(&mut memfd, &mut stdout)
}).map(|_| ())
Err(_) => {
// Neither are mapped. (0)
return Err(io::Error::new(io::ErrorKind::InvalidInput, "cannot map stdin or stdout"));
/*let mstdin = Mapped::try_new(input)?;
let mstdout = Mapped::try_new(output)?;*/ //TODO: if failed to map output, but input is successful (TODO: XXX: implement other way around), we can fall back to wrapping output in `Sink`.
//todo!("Try to map the stdin and stdout streams, if that fails, return Err(last_os_err).");
//todo!("return Ok(process_mapped_files(mode, mstdin, mstdout, key, iv))")