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69 lines
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#[macro_use] extern crate hex_literal;
mod ext; #[macro_use] use ext::*;
mod key;
mod cha;
mod stream;
use key::{Key, IV};
fn encrypt((key, iv): &(Key, IV), input: impl AsRef<[u8]>) -> Result<String, openssl::error::ErrorStack>
let input = input.as_ref();
let mut output = vec![0u8; input.len()];
eprintln!("(enc) Key: {}, IV: {}, Input: ({}, {})", key, iv, input.len(), input.hex());
let mut enc = cha::encrypter(key, iv)?;
let n = enc.update(&input[..], &mut output[..])?;
eprintln!("(enc) Written {} bytes", n);
println!(">> {}", (&output[..n]).hex());
assert!(enc.finalize(&mut output[..n])? == 0);
println!(">> {}", (&output[..n]).hex());
fn decrypt((key, iv): &(Key, IV), input: impl AsRef<str>) -> Result<Vec<u8>, openssl::error::ErrorStack>
let input = base64::decode(input.as_ref()).expect("invalid base64");
let mut output = vec![0u8; input.len()];
eprintln!("(dec) Key: {}, IV: {}, Input: ({}, {})", key, iv, input.len(), input.hex());
let mut dec = cha::decrypter(key, iv)?;
let n = dec.update(&input[..], &mut output[..])?;
eprintln!("(dec) Written {} bytes", n);
println!(">> {}", (&output[..n]).hex());
assert!(dec.finalize(&mut output[..n])? == 0);
// assert!(dec.finalize(&mut output[..n])? == 0);
println!(">> {}", (&output[..n]).hex());
fn main() {
let input = std::env::args().nth(1).unwrap_or({
let mut input = [0u8; 16];
getrandom::getrandom(&mut input[..]).expect("rng fatal");
khash::generate(&Default::default(), input).expect("kana-hash fatal")
let key = cha::keygen();
let enc = encrypt(&key, &input).expect("encrypt");
println!("{}", enc);
let dec = decrypt(&key, enc).expect("decrypt");
let output = std::str::from_utf8(&dec[..]).unwrap();
println!("{:?}", output);
assert_eq!(output, &input[..]);