You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

148 lines
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#ifndef _CC20_H
#define _CC20_H
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
#define restrict __restrict__
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stddef.h>
/// CC20 C interface versioning macro.
/// Most significant 8 bits is major, then next 8 is minor, then bugfix, then revision.
/// The componants should never exceed 255, or that is undefined behaviour. They should also be unsigned int (uint32_t), or that is undefined behaviour.
/// This macro is not intended to be used.
#define _CC20_VERSION(ma,mi,bu,r) (((ma) << 24) | ((mi) << 16) | ((bu) << 8) | (r))
/// C interface API version
#define CC20_C_API_VERSION 0
/// The last library version as unsigned int.
#define CC20_MIN_LIBRARY_VERSION _CC20_VERSION(1u, 2u, 0, 0)
#define CC20_KEY_SIZE 32
#define CC20_IV_SIZE 12
enum cc20_mode {
/// Encrypt the data written to this stream
/// Decrypt the data written to this stream
/// Result from a `cc20_` internal operation.
typedef enum cc20_error {
/// An internal fatal error
CC20_ERR_PANIC = -1,
/// Operation succeeded
CC20_ERR_NONE = 0,
/// If a `FILE*` stream is used that is invalid or `NULL`.
/// If a pointer is `NULL` that should not be
/// An underlying `libssl` call fails
/// There is a generic I/O failure
} cc20_result_t;
#define CC20_OK(v) ((v)==CC20_ERR_NONE)
#define CC20_ERR(v) ((v)!=CC20_ERR_NONE)
/// A chacha20_poly1305 key
typedef uint8_t cc20_key_t[CC20_KEY_SIZE];
/// A chacha20_poly1305 IV
typedef uint8_t cc20_iv_t[CC20_IV_SIZE];
/// Metadata used to construct an instance of `cc20_sink_t`.
typedef struct cc20_metadata {
/// A valid, non-NULL, stream that the sink will write the transformed data to.
FILE* backing;
/// The key used for the cipher
cc20_key_t key;
/// The iv used to initialise the cipher.
cc20_iv_t iv;
/// The transformation mode
/// *MUST* be a valid `enum cc20_mode` disctiminant or UB.
enum cc20_mode mode;
} cc20_meta_t;
/// Configuration for a wrapper `FILE*` stream over a `cc20_sink_t`.
struct cc20_wrap_cfg {
/// Keep the backing (`cc20_meta_t.backing`) stream alive (do not `fclose()` it) when the wrapper is closed.
/// # Default
/// * false (0)
int keep_alive;
/// An opaque type containing the cipher transform and the backing stream.
typedef struct cc20_sink cc20_sink_t;
// Functions //
/// Parameters tagged with this must be valid, non-NULL and non-aliased; but can point to uninitialised memory for this type.
/// They are guaranteed to be written to with a valid value if the function succeeds. If it fails, it is unspecified whether it will be written to.
//TODO: Attribute non-NULL how?
#define _cc20_OUT *restrict
/// Generate a new securely random key and/or iv.
/// # Possible errors
/// * `CC20_ERR_PANIC` - If the RNG fails.
cc20_result_t cc20_keygen(cc20_key_t* restrict key,
cc20_iv_t* restrict iv);
/// Write these parameters to `output` metadata.
/// * `key` and `iv` can be NULL, if one or both are, the field(s) will be initialised to secure random data in the `output` metadata (same as `cc20_keygen`.
/// * `file` must be non-NULL and valid.
/// # Possible errors
/// * `CC20_ERR_INVALID_FILE` - if `file` is NULL.
/// * `CC20_ERR_NULL_PTR` - if `output` is NULL. (see `_cc20_OUT`.)
/// ## Undefined behaviour
/// If `mode` is not a valid distriminant of `enum cc20_mdoe`.
cc20_result_t cc20_gen_meta(FILE* file,
const cc20_key_t* key,
const cc20_iv_t* iv,
enum cc20_mode mode,
struct cc20_metadata _cc20_OUT output);
/// Create a sink from the specified metadata and write it to `output`.
/// # Possible errors
/// * `CC20_ERR_NULL_PTR` - If `meta` or `output` is NULL.
cc20_result_t cc20_gen_sink(const struct cc20_metadata* meta,
cc20_sink_t* _cc20_OUT output);
//TODO: Rework this entire API interface. Its clunky.
//TODO: Document the rest
cc20_result_t cc20_gen_sink_full(FILE* file,
const cc20_key_t* key,
const cc20_iv_t* iv,
enum cc20_mode mode,
cc20_sink_t* _cc20_OUT output);
cc20_result_t cc20_wrap_full(FILE* file,
const cc20_key_t* key,
const cc20_iv_t* iv,
enum cc20_mode mode,
FILE* _cc20_OUT output);
cc20_result_t cc20_gen(const struct cc20_metadata* meta,
FILE* _cc20_OUT output);
cc20_result_t cc20_close_sink(cc20_sink_t* sink,
struct cc20_metadata* restrict meta);
cc20_result_t cc20_write(const void* ptr, size_t * restrict bytes, cc20_sink_t* restrict sink);
FILE* cc20_wrap_sink(cc20_sink_t* sink, const struct cc20_wrap_cfg* cfg);
#ifdef __cplusplus
#undef restrict
#endif /* _CC20_H */