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//! Syncronous stream `Read` componant.
use super::*;
/// Max number of bytes to stackalloc
/// Only used with `UseBufferExternal`.
pub const STACK_MAX_BYTES: usize = 4096;
/// How buffers are used.
pub trait BufferKind : private::Sealed
type InternalBuffer;
fn create_buffer(cap: usize) -> Self::InternalBuffer;
fn buffer_len<R: ?Sized>(source: &Source<R, Self>) -> usize;
fn buffer_cap<R: ?Sized>(source: &Source<R, Self>) -> usize;
fn buffer_bytes_mut(source: &mut Self::InternalBuffer) -> &'_ mut [u8];
fn buffer_bytes(source: &Self::InternalBuffer) -> &'_ [u8];
fn buffer_resize<R: ?Sized>(source: &mut Source<R, Self>, to: usize);
/// Use struct-internal buffer for `Read`s
pub struct UseBufferInternal;
/// Reuse the output buffer for `Read`s
pub struct UseBufferExternal;
impl private::Sealed for UseBufferInternal{}
impl BufferKind for UseBufferInternal
type InternalBuffer = BufferVec;
#[inline] fn create_buffer(cap: usize) -> Self::InternalBuffer {
if cap == 0 {
} else {
#[inline(always)] fn buffer_cap<R: ?Sized>(source: &Source<R, Self>) -> usize {
#[inline(always)] fn buffer_len<R: ?Sized>(source: &Source<R, Self>) -> usize {
#[inline(always)] fn buffer_bytes_mut(source: &mut Self::InternalBuffer) -> &'_ mut [u8]
&mut source[..]
#[inline(always)] fn buffer_bytes(source: &Self::InternalBuffer) -> &'_ [u8]
#[inline(always)] fn buffer_resize<R: ?Sized>(source: &mut Source<R, Self>, to: usize)
source.buffer.resize(to, 0);
impl private::Sealed for UseBufferExternal{}
impl BufferKind for UseBufferExternal
type InternalBuffer = ();
// -- always used --
#[inline(always)] fn create_buffer(_: usize) -> Self::InternalBuffer {
#[inline(always)] fn buffer_cap<R: ?Sized>(_: &Source<R, Self>) -> usize {
// -- conditional --
#[inline(never)] fn buffer_len<R: ?Sized>(_: &Source<R, Self>) -> usize {
panic!("Phantom buffer length cannot be checked")
#[inline(never)] fn buffer_bytes_mut(_: &mut Self::InternalBuffer) -> &'_ mut [u8]
panic!("Cannot mutref non-existent ibuf.")
#[inline(never)] fn buffer_bytes(_: &Self::InternalBuffer) -> &'_ [u8]
panic!("Cannot ref non-existent ibuf.")
#[inline(never)] fn buffer_resize<R: ?Sized>(_: &mut Source<R, Self>, _: usize)
panic!("Cannot resize non-existent ibuf.")
pub type DefaultBuffer = UseBufferInternal;
pub type DefaultBuffer = UseBufferExternal;
/// ChaCha source.
/// En/decrypts information from the source reader.
/// This is the `Read` implementing counterpart to `Sink`.
pub struct Source<R: ?Sized, Buffer: ?Sized + BufferKind = DefaultBuffer>
crypter: Crypter,
pub(super) buffer: Buffer::InternalBuffer, // When `ad-hoc-buffer` is enabled, this isn't needed. We re-use the output buffer for the initial read of untransformed data from `stream` and the actual transformation of the read bytes.
stream: R
impl<R: ?Sized+ fmt::Debug, K: ?Sized + BufferKind> fmt::Debug for Source<R, K>
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result
use std::any::type_name;
write!(f, "Source<Wraps: {}, BufferKind: {}>", type_name::<R>(), type_name::<K>())?;
match K::buffer_cap(self) {
0 => write!(f, "({:?}, (unbounded buffer cap))", &,
cap => write!(f, "({:?}, ({} buffer cap))", &, cap),
impl<R: ?Sized, K: ?Sized + BufferKind> Source<R, K>
where R: Read
/// The crypter of this instance
#[inline] pub fn crypter(&self) -> &Crypter
/// The crypter of this instance
#[inline] pub fn crypter_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Crypter
&mut self.crypter
/// The inner stream
#[inline] pub fn inner(&self) -> &R
/// The inner stream
#[inline] pub fn inner_mut(&mut self) -> &mut R
/// Grow the inner buffer to fix this size, if needed.
fn grow_to_fit(&mut self, sz: usize)
if sz > K::buffer_len(self) {
K::buffer_resize(self, sz);
/// Perform the cipher transform on this `buffer` to the output buffer, returning the number of bytes updated.
fn transform_into(&mut self, buffer: &[u8], output: &mut [u8]) -> Result<usize, ErrorStack>
let n = self.crypter.update(buffer, &mut output[..])?;
let _f = self.crypter.finalize(&mut output[..n])?;
debug_assert_eq!(_f, 0);
/// Perform the cipher transform on the inner buffer bytes to the `output` buffer, returning the number of bytes updated.
/// # Panics
/// If the inner buffer is phantom
fn transform(&mut self, bufsz: usize, output: &mut [u8]) -> Result<usize, ErrorStack>
let n = self.crypter.update(& K::buffer_bytes(&self.buffer)[..bufsz], &mut output[..])?;
let _f = self.crypter.finalize(&mut output[..n])?;
debug_assert_eq!(_f, 0);
/// Clear the internal buffer while keeping it allocated for further use.
/// This does not affect operations at all, all it does is 0 out the left-over temporary buffer from the last operation(s).
pub fn prune(&mut self)
bytes::explicit_prune(K::buffer_bytes_mut(&mut self.buffer));
unsafe {
std::ptr::write_bytes(K::buffer_bytes_mut(&mut self.buffer).as_mut_ptr(), 0, K::buffer_len(self));
impl<R, K: ?Sized + BufferKind> Source<R, K>
where R: Read
/// Create a new Chacha Source stream wrapper from a reader
#[inline] fn new(stream: R, crypter: Crypter) -> Self
Self{stream, crypter, buffer: K::create_buffer(0)}
/// Create an encrypting Chacha Source stream wrapper
pub fn encrypt(stream: R, key: Key, iv: IV) -> Result<Self, Error>
Ok(Self::new(stream, cha::encrypter(key, iv)?))
/// Create a decrypting Chacha Source stream wrapper
pub fn decrypt(stream: R, key: Key, iv: IV) -> Result<Self, Error>
Ok(Self::new(stream, cha::decrypter(key, iv)?))
/// Consume into the inner stream
#[inline] pub fn into_inner(self) -> R
/// Consume into the inner stream and crypter
#[inline] pub fn into_parts(self) -> (R, Crypter)
(, self.crypter)
impl<R> Source<R, UseBufferExternal>
/// Convert this instance to use internal buffer (instead of external.)
pub fn with_internal_buffer(self) -> Source<R, UseBufferInternal>
Source {
buffer: UseBufferInternal::create_buffer(UseBufferExternal::buffer_cap(&self)),
crypter: self.crypter,
impl<R> Source<R, UseBufferInternal>
/// Convert this instance to use external buffer (instead of internal.)
pub fn with_reused_buffer(self) -> Source<R, UseBufferExternal>
Source {
buffer: UseBufferExternal::create_buffer(UseBufferInternal::buffer_cap(&self)),
crypter: self.crypter,
fn try_alloca<T>(sz: usize, cb: impl for<'a> FnOnce(&'a mut [u8]) -> T) -> T
let mut bytes = vec![0u8; sz];
cb(&mut bytes[..])
} else {
stackalloc::alloca_zeroed(sz, cb)
impl<R: ?Sized, K: ?Sized + BufferKind> Read for Source<R, K>
where R: Read
fn read(&mut self, buf: &mut [u8]) -> io::Result<usize> {
if cfg!(feature="ad-hoc-buffer") {
//XXX: FUck, we can't `crypter.update()` in place....
try_alloca(buf.len(), move |temp| -> io::Result<usize> {
let read =;
let b = self.transform_into(&temp[], &mut buf[])?;
#[cfg(feature="explicit_clear")] bytes::explicit_prune(&mut temp[..b]);
else {
let read = K::buffer_bytes_mut(&mut self.buffer)[..buf.len()])?;
let b = self.transform(read, &mut buf[])?;
#[cfg(feature="explicit_clear")] bytes::explicit_prune(&mut K::buffer_bytes_mut(&mut self.buffer)[..b]);