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(let ((*standard-output* (make-broadcast-stream)))
(ql:quickload :cl-sipc))
(defparameter *socket-file* "sipc.socket")
(defun help (&optional (st t))
(format t "Available commands:~% (send hello-world)~% (send-binary hello-world)~% (close)~% (rebind \"socket-file.socket\")~% help~% quit~%")
(when st
(format t "(bound to \"~a\")~%" *socket-file*))
(format t "Working with socket \"~a\"~%" *socket-file*)
(help nil)
(loop while t do
(let ((rd (progn
(format t "> ")
(and (atom rd)
(eql rd 'quit)
5 years ago
(print (and (not (atom rd))
(cond ((eql (car rd) 'send) (sipc:send-quick *socket-file* (if (stringp (cadr rd))
(cadr rd)
(write-to-string (cadr rd))) :string))
((eql (car rd) 'send-binary) (sipc:send-quick *socket-file* (if (stringp (cadr rd))
(cadr rd)
(write-to-string (cadr rd))) :binary))
((eql (car rd) 'close) (sipc:send-quick *socket-file* nil :close))
((eql (car rd) 'rebind) (setf *socket-file* (cadr rd)))
(t (help)))))
(format t "~%")
(and (atom rd)