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5 years ago
;; cl-sipc
(in-package :cl-sipc)
(defparameter *on-error* #'(lambda (err) nil))
(defparameter *on-message* #'(lambda (msg)
(not (eql :close (car msg)))))
;; wrappers
(defun bind (file)
"bind to the AF_UNIX socket `file'
returns the sd on success, nil on failure
(remember it has to be deleted first!)
5 years ago
(let ((rc (si-bind file)))
(if (< rc 0) ;error
(defun hook (sd on-err on-msg)
"listen on socket `sd'
on error call the callback `on-err' with args (error)
on message call the callback `on-msg' with args (type message)
type can be:
5 years ago
:string - a string
:binary - (TODO) a foreign pointer
:close - a close request
returns rc on success (1), and nil on failure
(note: this function blocks until the connection closes)
5 years ago
(let ((*on-message* on-msg)
(*on-err* on-err))
(let ((rc (si-listen sd (callback si-error-callback) (callback si-callback))))
(if (< rc 0)
(defun release (sd)
"close a socket `sd'"
(si-close sd)
(defun connect (file)
"connect to socket `file'"
(let ((rc (si-connect file)))
(if (< rc 0) ;error
(defmacro with-bound-socket (desc &body body)
"bind socket, run `body', then close the socket.
if :connect is in desc, connect instead of binding.
example: (with-bound-socket (socket \"file.socket\") (hook socket ...))
example: (with-bound-socket (socket \"file.socket\" :connect) (send socket ...))
returns the last value from body on success, returns NIL without running body if the socket failed to bind
`(let* ((,(first desc) (if (member :connect ',(cddr desc))
(connect ,(second desc))
(bind ,(second desc))))
(if (null ,(first desc)) ;;bind failed
(progn ,@body))))
(when (not (null ,(first desc)))
(release ,(first desc)))
(defun %siqs-binary (sd value)
(cond ((pointer-p value) (siqs-binary sd (pointer-memory value) (pointer-size value)))
(t (with-pointer (ptr) value (%siqs-binary sd ptr)))))
(defun send (sd value &optional (type :string))
"send to sever on socket sd.
example: (with-bound-socket (socket \"file.socket\") (hook socket ...))
returns (values t nil) on success. (values nil <error>) on failure.
error can be:
:partial - Could not write whole message
:error - send() error
:failure - send failed
:unknown - unknown error code
:unknown-type - key argument :type is unknown
:type can be:
:string (default) - assumes `value' is string, send that as string type
:binary - assumes `value' is either string or vector of bytes, send that as binary type
:close - ignore value, send close signal
(let ((rc (cond ((eql type :string) (siqs-string sd value))
((eql type :binary) (%siqs-binary sd value))
((eql type :close) (siqs-close sd))
(t :unknown-type))))
(if (numberp rc)
(if (= rc #.+si-send-okay+)
(values t nil)
(values nil
(cond ((= rc #.+si-send-partial+) :partial)
((= rc #.+si-send-error+) :error)
((= rc #.+si-send-failure+) :failure)
(t :unknown))))
(defun send-quick (sock value &optional (type :string))
"Quickly send value to socket file `sock'"
(with-bound-socket (sd sock :connect)
(send sd value type)))
(mapc #'export '(connect send send-quick bind hook release with-bound-socket))