You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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#ifndef _LIBSIPC_H
#define _LIBSIPC_H
#include <stddef.h>
#define SI_MAX_MESSAGE_SIZE 1024
#define SI_SEND_OKAY 0
#define SI_SEND_ERROR -1
#define SI_SEND_FAILURE -2
typedef enum {
} si_type;
#define SI_NORESP (1<<0)
#define SI_DISCARD (1<<1)
typedef struct {
si_type type;
unsigned int flags;
unsigned int data_len;
unsigned char data[];
} si_message;
typedef enum {
SIE_ACCEPT= 0, //Sock accept failure
SIE_READ, //Sock read failure
SIE_PCONCLS, //Sock closed before read complete
SIE_INVALID, //Invalid message
SIE_R_INVALID, //This message cannot be responded to like that
SIE_R_MULTI, //A response has already been sent
SIE_R_DISABLE, //The client asked to not be responded to
} si_error;
typedef int (*si_callback)(const si_message *msg);
typedef int (*si_error_callback)(si_error err);
int si_bind(const char* file); //Returns sd, or -1 on failure.
int si_listen(int sd, si_error_callback on_error, si_callback on_message); //Returns non-zero on clean exit, -1 on error.
void si_close(int sd); //Close sock (must be called after si_listen()
char* si_error_string(si_error err);
char* si_type_string(si_type ty);
int si_connect(const char* file); //Returns sd, or -1 on failure.
int si_sendmsg_r(int sd, const si_message* msg, si_message** response); //si_sendmmsg but optionally receive response (make sure to free() *response after you're done, NULL to discard response, if there is no response *response is not modified)
int si_sendmsg(int sd, const si_message *msg); //Returns 0 on okay, 1 if whole message could not be sent, -1 on send error, -2 on weird send error. (see SI_SEND_*)
//Quick funcs
int siqs_string_r(int sd, const char* string, unsigned int flags, si_message** resp); //quick send string
int siqs_string(int sd, const char* string); //quick send string (discard response)
int siqs_close_r(int sd, unsigned int flags, si_message** resp); //quick send close
int siqs_close(int sd); //quick send close (discard response)
int siqs_binary_r(int sd, const unsigned char* buffer, size_t size, unsigned int flags, si_message** resp); //quick send binary
int siqs_binary(int sd, const unsigned char* buffer, size_t size); //quick send binary (discard response)
int siqs_printf_r(int sd, unsigned int flags, si_message** resp, const char* format, ...); //quick send string (printf format)
#define siqs_printf(sd, ...) siqs_printf_r(sd, 0, NULL, __VA_ARGS__) //quick send string (printf format, discard response)
int siqr_string(const si_message* sd, const char* string); //quick send response string
int siqr_binary(const si_message* sd, const unsigned char* bin, size_t size); //quick send response binary
int siqr_close (const si_message* sd); //quick send response close (kinda useless)
int siqr_printf(const si_message* sd, const char* fmt, ...); //quick send response string (printf format)
#endif /* _LIBSIPC_H */